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Freddy Le Cragg

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Everything posted by Freddy Le Cragg

  1. The bloke from Family. ...
  2. I like the close up of your watch... (I assume you are the double bassist?) Seriously, great sound and you can actually hear the bass...ON A BBC PROGRAM!
  3. Sziget in Budapest is the best festival I have been to. 8 days, cheap beer, great acts and hot showers. Including flights it was cheaper than Glastonbury by clear £50
  4. I have used TAD studios in Bicester near Oxford for about 5 years. Clean, decent kit and Tom the owner is a top bloke who fixes stuff at a moments notice. We pay £20 for 2 hours.
  5. Supported Morass of Molasses (again!) at Scruffy Murphys in Brum last night. Cracking little venue and fabulous sound. If they are coming your way on their tour, check em out. Only issue was trying to get back to Banbury as every single road to the M6 was shut.....
  6. Leper King - click me sig
  7. Support slot for Tragedy, a metal tribute to the Bee Gees and other naffness. I don't know who was responsible for arrangements but us and 2 other support acts were contacted a mere 12 hours before. A massive effort on the part of all bands to sort kitshare/stage times etc ensued. The headliners were adamant that NO-ONE was to touch their gear. Despite all this, we struggled through and put on a kick ass show. See us here if you want. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-MBjpN15L0"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-MBjpN15L0[/url]
  8. get a tinypic account, upload then use the image tags in the toolbar up there ^
  9. This thread has offishially jumped the shark...
  10. [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/860949127268800/"]https://www.facebook.com/events/860949127268800/[/url] 4 band extravaganza at the Bullingdon, Cowley Road Basically arranged with 24 hours notice...
  11. Our first PROPER debut gig at The Jericho in Oxford last night. I had to go through another bassists rig due to a technical issue (ie a big bang) but the out front sound was apparently OK. Made a few new fans as well.
  12. Feelin' it, man...
  13. Yeah, the PA is a bit lacking when it comes to vocal power. None of the instruments were mic'ed up so they struggle to cut through.
  14. [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPO9Qzc4DGI[/media] A rough rehearsal recording. A few mistakes but just a preview of our brand of racket. This is veering to the more mainsteam edge of our sound but, hey ho.
  15. I recorded bass with a 50watt Laney valve head. Sounded like thunder! I doubt whether it would cut it live in a decent sized venue, mind.
  16. 2 Guitar, Bass and Vox in a band, Bassist leaves. We think" sh*t...we need a bassist.But gig in a fortnight.." I had an old Aria Pro bass kicking about. Guitard/Singer says "You are bassist" and have been ever since.
  17. I have a November1977 issue of Guitar International with a spiffing interview with Rory Gallagher in it. Bit out of place as its predominantly classic stuff...
  18. I use completed/sold listing results on eBay, take a median average from the previous 10 to 20 sales, then knock 10% off that.
  19. Aria Pro II. Lovely bass that cost me £90 from Cash Converters in Plymouth. I do kinda miss it but the lektrix were on the frizz and I couldnae be arsed to mend it when i got my Jazz.
  20. I do one in Banbury once a month. We have a featured guest for half hour, a few open mic slots then jam to when ever we get to pissed/tired to play anymore. Last one went on till 2am!
  21. RAWK or How to make a full scale Jazz Bass look like a Fender Mustang
  22. Moulin Rouge A fantastic soundtrack, especially the Bolero
  23. Crossroads (not the Brittany one or the motel telly show) High Fidelity Searching For The Sugarman
  24. I had a set of acoustic strings on my old guitar. They were lovely to play really made the pluggged in sound sparkle
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