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Everything posted by harrybgoode

  1. Thank you guys, you're all very knowledgeable and helpful. I'll try looking for a 212 neox... since nottswarwick has almost sold his!!!
  2. I'd really love the nv412 by the way, but isn't that huge and heavy and costs a lot to be shipped to Italy ?
  3. Yes, I've played it a lot live when going to big gigs with services... So I actually bought one for myself! There's a genz 610 in Italy for sale for about 400€ (320£?) which is very very cheap. But a 610... how would that fit in my car? And my mom (since I'm italian, you know, italians live with their moms for life) would beat the hell outta me no kidding, I'm really looking forward some kind of do-it-all solution to match the head. I would really love something like the El Whappo Jr.
  4. Let's go crazy and buy a 610t... saw one at 350£ posted just today here
  5. Wouldn't my head be overkilling that cab? Thank you
  6. Hello there, I already read a lot over here regarding the GBE1200, mostly used with El Whappo cabinets, and I haven't had any luck getting one of those. What would you consider a good cabinet choice to match the power and tonal character of the head? I am building a pro pop-rock kinda rig with this head, which I love.p Thanks anyone!
  7. have my bump... you've been pmd
  8. bump! is it still available???
  9. very nice JV4 a bump from a serious JV nerd... us italians appreciate these instruments very much
  10. and that ain't alder anyway... squier silver series are ALL in basswood.
  11. A bump from a japanese instruments nerd... Squier Silver Series... P serial... these should be effectively made in japan, as from 92 to 94 the squier silver series was still produced in Japan while other series were in Korea. As said on a blog dedicated to squier jvs: "[i]When Fender Japan was established in 1982, the very first Fender to be made was the Squier, [b]first with the big Fender logo with small Squier logo then with the big Squier logo that is seen these days[/b]. These are known as the JV and SQ series from 1982-1984 then the E series from 1984-1987. In the late '80s, the manufacture of Squier was transferred to Korea while Fender Japan continued to produce Fender. Then [b]in 1992, Squier again was manufactured in Japan until 1994. Therefore, 1994 was the last year of the great Japanese Squier saga.[/b]"[/i] P + 6 digits 1993-1994 as said here: http://www.fender.com/it-IT/support/articles/japanese-instruments-product-dating/
  12. no need to apologizy... Italian is such a hard language...!
  13. Ciao discreet! BenvenutA with the "a" at the end is for a female person BenvenutO with "o" stands for a male... I think I am on that side of the river . Thanks for the warm welcome, as for the gender misinterpretation... I take that as a compliment! p.s. posted pictures of my jvs in the jv porn thread and a very interesting video of my master playin' one of those check that out!
  14. by the way Luke your p is outstanding. Best P ever seen.
  15. Having been invited to post some pictures of my JV1 Jazz Bass by LukeFRC, here are some cool pictures made by my personal tech to my JV and to the '83 JV Jazz Bass of a beloved student of mine... In those "double" pictures you can see both my bass (without scratchplate, naked look ... I've taken the lingo "porn" to the letter) and my student's. Amazing instruments. Looking forward to buy gareth's fiesta red one and defret mine. Talkin' about fiesta red squier jv's jazz basses... here's a clip of my teacher, the great Gianluigi Goglia, one of Italy's finest jazz bassists, tearin' donna lee apart on a fiesta red squier jv jazz bass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YSSsgbNzoo
  16. oh man, I'm going crazy in the bass market! I'm finding dream basses at amazing prices!!! Would love to buy something here from you basschatters I'm always looking for squier jvs and japanese instruments! GAS!
  17. Thanks a lot for the warm welcome
  18. Kudos from Italy, Geoff you're a most gifted instructor, and I really enjoyed the lesson on right hand technique! Thanks a lot!!!
  19. I'm interested but I live in Italy... can we work it out ?
  20. Hello everyone I'm Enrico Buono (my surname means "Good" in italian so I've been nicknamed by fellow musicians Goodman and, since Enrico stands for Henry, Harry B. Goode), electric and upright bass player hailin' from Naples, in Italy (we have a very strong soccer team and we're going against Arsenal this year at the Champions League, so you gunners stay on your toes ). I apologize from now for my very poor english. I don't think you could care less for my full curriculum vitae or biography: I could define myself a professional musician (but I pretty much hate the definition), I'm 24 years old, began playing at a very late age (18) and had been lucky enough to start workin' on the national television (RAI) at age 20 and never stopped working steadily since. I study upright bass with one of the greatest classical musicians in Europe, in the oldest conservatory in the world: the Naples conservatory of San Pietro a Majella. My dream is to become a good jazz upright bassist: I'd like to even give up on the electric but I love it way too much and it is my main source of income and gigs. I teach a lot in the Naples area, and play with various formations, from national pop acts to afrocuban and mainstream jazz bands. I love jazz but my roots are deep in the motown, funk, r'n'b, soul and rockblues tradition. I really don't have a favorite bass player or source of inspiration but I pretty much love Jeff Berlin for his amazing bop phrasing and pedagogical ideas, and modern funk players like Reggie Washington and Marcus Miller. Hope to steal as much as possible from anyone. My gear: an old beat-up Markbass combo (1st series, yellow head, 1x12 cab) and a likely beat-up 1982 first series Squier JV Jazz Bass (JV1) that plays like a dream, a pair of upright basses, an old plywood fat bottomed black girl called Betty and a romanian beauty for arco playing. I had a Sadowsky Metro MS5 but I had to sell it to pay for my degree in law. (in Italy not even professional musicians can afford to live by playing music only, sigh) Hope to be helpful to anyone here and find some good basses to buy . Big love and thanks for the kind attention! Goodman Forza Napoli
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