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Everything posted by Joeyfivebags

  1. A Skylit Drive - Love the way you Lie. Heard the original for the first time the other day and couldn't stop laughing at how bad it is.
  2. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-roadstar-ii-bass-guitar-rb650-1980s-/291291366506?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item43d251846a I've got one of these (first bass) with an equally awful paintjob. Everything else is original mind. Was a pretty nice thing until i lent it to one of my mates for a year and he decided to paint it bright yellow and put some awful neon tribal tattoo designs on it! Might see if i can dig it out and rub it down for paint. No idea whether its worth £140. From what i can remember it was better than any of the squiers' that other friends had to start off with in the mid 00's so might not be too badly priced.
  3. I hope to god that this isn't a real advert. Not anyone on here by chance? http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/supple-tits-t696583.html
  4. Ishibashi are very good. Got one of the weird Japanese special edition Jazz's earlier this year (PJ based on a 62 jazz with badass) was second hand a few marks. To door the price was £625 including shipping, VAT, import duty and parcel forces storage charge. Actual bass price was around £490. Moving on to the eBay one, thats a Hipshot A not a badass. Its probably as people have said before at least £500 overpriced plus you don't know if its been rewired by a clown. As far as i'm aware Fender Japan don't make unlined jazz's currently.
  5. Seeing as its trademarked i'm assuming Acoustic Science means these guys. http://acoustic-science.com/the-science/
  6. The global shipping programme is fairly easy to opt out of.
  7. Can only say from experience, i used to use .145 tapered for drop A on a corvette and it sounded very clear. I know Amos Williams uses .145 for an A on 34" also. I remember looking at the DR DDT 5's at the time and was surprised the "heavy" set only goes to .135 but didn't try them so cant really comment.
  8. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1414331907' post='2588295'] I disagree with the premise that disliking a piece of music or a genre makes you a musical snob. Surely that would require you to consider one genre to be superior to others? I'd say that different genres are just that - different. Not better or worse or superior or inferior, just different. And different people will like or dislike them according to their own personal taste - and that can change from day to day anyway! Being snobbish about music is about as pointless as being snobbish about colours. [/quote] This^^^ I probably have one of the oddest iTunes library's out of everyone i know. Don't think there is one Genre that isn't covered in some way, ill try and listen to something rather than judging it but there is some stuff i really just can't get into. Does that make me a snob for just disliking something? It's not as if i'm saying the music i listen to is far superior to this or even that a certain band/genre is sh*t, i'm just saying its not for me. Isn't part of liking music about not giving a toss what other people think anyway?
  9. Really didn't think this would last this long at this price. Maybe just a sign of how skint everyone is.
  10. Mayones ones are fairly pronounced.
  11. [quote name='BassAgent' timestamp='1411654728' post='2561606'] And is it on purpose that the string through holes aren't exactly lined up? [/quote] It is on purpose, lots of 7's do that to varying extents, no idea why tho. Probably something to do with slight extension of scale length.
  12. [quote name='hairychris' timestamp='1402912396' post='2477713'] I love Redwood. I kicked off a build with Blackmachine in 2007, the plan was that I'd get a nice piece of flamed Redwood for the top. After loads of delay and the luthier getting ripped off by a US supplier it didn't happen. That made me a sad panda, but I came out alright in the end: These were taken the day I picked it up. It's got 4 years of battle scars now! [/quote] That's a fantastic looking B7, but are they really worth the cost (they have rocketed recently due to them making very few of them). I know there is a lot of hype and a lot of luthiers are copying the design/premise but always wondered if there is significant difference between a £2000 guitar and the £10000+ these things now go for?
  13. I know wdmusic stock Graphtec saddles, think they are around £40. Just check the specs match i.e. vintage style vs american style.
  14. Ishibashi are fantastic, the above mentioned jazz came from them, just be aware that because its international mail its down to parcel force in the UK. They package stuff so well tho, unless you're as unfortunate as Vivian Campbell was then it'd be fine.
  15. If your after a PJ MIJ its not just the aerodyne. Ive got one of these and its sounds and plays fantastic, the only slight annoyance is because its based on a '62 the truss rod adjustment its at the heel and no access. Think its probably a bit heavier than an aerodyne as well but nicely ballanced. http://www.fenderjapan.co.jp/jb62pjbdmh.html
  16. Non-export aerodyne jazz's come in various colours.
  17. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1410870684' post='2554067'] Did you know that Macbeth is Shakespeare's shortest play? [/quote] I didn't actually. Still the best part of 12000 words though. Sticking to Shakespeare i heard that eBays T&C's are longer than Hamlet.
  18. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1410868218' post='2554010'] I think it's the 'given' thing that rankles. Sure, they've made it very easy to delete if you don't want it, but it would have caused them less adverse publicity if they had 'offered' the album and made it just as easy for someone to choose to accept it. If someone broke into your house (with no damage) and left a copy on your coffee table would you be thankful or would you think it was a bloody cheek? [/quote] But your itunes account hasn't been broken into. As with most of these things people don't read terms and conditions (i don't), mainly because the iTunes one is longer than Macbeth to put people of reading that companies can pretty much do what they want.
  19. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1410613747' post='2551270'] Fuego, Phish Here's mine: Phenomenon Choices Falling Away Fragmentation Echoes of Life Round and Round Avalon *title track* (Parts 1-3) Do Unto Them New Beginning Echoes of Life [/quote] Critical Mass by Threshold if i'm not mistaken
  20. +1 for Obbm
  21. Sevenstring.org has loads of classified on it and not all extended ranges although a lot are, its also worldwide and full of obnoxious people but hey-ho where isn't these days.
  22. [color=#000000]"At the head of the guitar is a veneer with the silver letter,, W ,, I think the head looks much better but if anyone wants to can remove the veneer , under is the orginal logo,,Rockbass,,."[/color] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]I think it[size=4] looks god [/size][/color][size=4][color=#000000]awful personally. Also bit overpriced i think.[/color][/size][/font] [color=#000000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Edit - Happy Jack beat me to it[/font][/color]
  23. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Looks like Icelandic to me. so [color=#232321]Svartidaudi? or [/color][color=#232321]Sólstafir? or [/color][color=#232321]Angist? or Skalmold? Album wise wouldn't have a clue only album i know is Svartir Sandar and it's not that.[/color][/font][/size]
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