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Everything posted by Sammers

  1. Wow, that's cool! How small is Sheryl Crow? or are these just massive?
  2. Looks like a pretty bad*ss rig to me! Anybody know if this new project is planning on releasing anything?
  3. [quote name='keefbaker' timestamp='1464710196' post='3061693'] it works less well as a solo instrument. [/quote] I think that's entirely dependant on who's playing IMO, though a Duff McKagan solo bass album would be pretty crap! OT: I don't think being in a band bothers me really, I just enjoy making music!
  4. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1464770479' post='3062276'] Those Vox headphones are the only things I've ever seen that directly answer your question. However the deeper amswer is as Dave said, "normal" phones are passive and require some sort of an amp to work. Therefore with 99% you can't just plug them in. The Vox has a built in amp. The next question then is, give they are designed to emulate an electric guitar amp, how well will they work for the lower frequencies produced by basses? [/quote] They do a bass version! ([url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/electric_amps_detail.asp?stock=12090510131932&gclid=CNnF1t3Qhs0CFYIW0wodq3wKOg"]Clicky[/url]). Seems like a good solution though, I've been looking for something to replace my practice amp which I plug my headphones into to practice and this may well be it!
  5. Fodera offer an option to have an extended B string headstock, I'm guessing for the reasoning in the OP. My Lull also has the option to string through the body on only the B string to increase tension or something, I've tried both ways and can't feel any difference (other than the B lost sustain and became a PITA to change when strung through body, to my ear anyway). I can't imagine a reverse headstock would make too much difference either, but I'd be interested to hear a comparison!
  6. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1464531684' post='3060116'] That sounds promising, I didn't know Fender was USA only, and I definitely didn't know about parcel forwarding. [/quote] It's not so much that Fender is US only, just the design experience in particular. @ dannybuoy Hadn't thought of the parcel forwarding, i'm assuming that you still get taxed/vat on delivery as per the norm?
  7. Just read in the FAQ that they only deliver within the US, unfortunately
  8. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1464339654' post='3058535'] You don't think there's any chance that the reason why the residual value in a Rick is better because there's less chance of it being a rip-off then? [/quote] Probably not, no
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1464272211' post='3058102'] Exactly. Leo sold Fender in 1964 so all the Fenders made since then are fakes, surely..?? [/quote] Surely any Fender not actually built by Leo himself is fake with someone else's name slapped on it, no? On one hand though, it's a Fender design so it should really have the OEM's name on it. On the other hand it wasn't actually built by said OEM. ....but on the third hand, and this ones a bit of a curveball, choose not to care what people do with their own property - unless you're a lawyer for Fender, presuming they care at all that is !
  10. There used to be a blues club/jam night at the Roadhouse in Birmingham, once a month on a Thursday I think. It might still be around? Maybe play along to some backing tracks in the meantime? I find it helps me keep on top of my improv whilst i'm not rehearsing or gigging. QuistJam is pretty good, he's a pro musician who creates tracks in his free time. There's a few videos in lots of different genres without basslines. I play 'em through trying to create a line on the fly and then throw in some craziness. Obviously you won't get the dynamic you get when playing with other people but I find it helps. [url="http://https://www.youtube.com/user/QuistTV"]https://www.youtube.com/user/QuistTV[/url] I've always found that structured practice has helped my playing more than anything so YMMV.
  11. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1464039664' post='3056088'] However I've just had a look at the current [url="http://wpc.077d.edgecastcdn.net/00077D/custom_shop/quote_guide/2015/2015%20Fender%20Custom%20Shop%20Order%20Form%20(rev%20ii).pdf"]Quote Sheet[/url] and the options are pretty limited. It might be possible to have something like a long scale 5-string Starcaster Bass as a Masterbuilt option but there doesn't seem to be any way of finding out for sure. [/quote] I think the quote sheet is more of a guide for those ordering "standard" custom-built guitars/basses. Check out the master-built section in the Custom Shop brochure thing [url="http://wpc.077d.edgecastcdn.net/00077D/custom_shop/custom_guitar_guide/2016/2016%20Fender%20Custom%20Shop%20Quote%20Guide.pdf"]here[/url]. "No idea is too crazy" ..also turns out there isn't an up charge for lefties, I just misread the sheet - Woo!
  12. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1464035480' post='3056040'] I would think there are custom options to a standard build. I have a custom shop and wanted the spec from Fender. The list details custom options on things like neck profile, but scale lenght..? I don't think so. The custom offerings seem pretty narrow, IMV. However, write to Fender for custom 'options... to confirm. [/quote] I seem to remember that you can specify almost anything you want if you pay for a master builder. Check out Tye Zamora's Fender as an example, it's pretty out there! I bet the spec above would cost £10k+ at a minimum, would be dead cool though!
  13. [quote name='thebassist' timestamp='1463747583' post='3053802'] I don't really see the point of this? [/quote] For me as a lefty, If I want a Fender US P or Jazz I can choose between Black or Sunburst with only Rosewood fingerboards. This service offers me and other lefties a sh*t load more choice without having to pay custom shop prices! I know i'm in the minority being a lefty but sometimes it's nice not to be ignored!
  14. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1463564297' post='3052301'] I find bands who go hell for leather for a shorter period of time infinitely more entertaining than those that go on for hours, so i play the way i would want to see bands. [/quote] I agree, something short but memorable vs lengthy and forgettable is a no brainer to me! Though last time I saw Pearl Jam they played close to 3 hours I think and I was totally engrossed the whole time! But then again if it's just background noise at a bar, I wouldn't mind either way.
  15. Saw Iggy Pop at the Royal Albert Hall on Friday, sublime! A top 5 gig for me for sure!
  16. So my digs fell through for Iggy so I'm having to catch a red eye coach from London back to Brum, so I'm toying with coming now! I'd be tired getting back at about 4 but everytime I've wanted to see Steve I've had tickets to something else! Ahhh!
  17. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1462782717' post='3045550'] Long scale gets the best out of low strings and shorter scale suits the higher strings, which is why the Novak(x?) Fanned Fret system makes so much sense, shame it's used to make such enormous basses! Having played some 35" and 36" basses, particularly on 6 string basses, the high C ends up pretty much unusable. Eude [/quote] Unfortunately I'm a lefty so buying a fanned fret bass off the shelf is impossible but yeah, the fanned fret system does make a lot of sense and I'd love to try 1!
  18. Next gig for me is Iggy Pop at the RAH, but our digs have fell through so may have to pull an all nighter in London and get the first train home!
  19. I would be going down but I'm down in London for Iggy Pop the night before so doubt I'll make it back to Brum in time! For those who don't know of Dave though, he's a monster player and a super nice guy so it'll be well worth heading down and sponging some knowledge and getting some free strings!
  20. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1462732963' post='3045302'] B - Lull - 35" [/quote] Out of curiosity how do you string the B, through body or normal? OT: I've only ever played 1 5 string, my 35" Lull, and the B sounds good to me! I do find that the G sounds a little uneven though, so i'd like to try a 34" Lull to see how it compares.
  21. I dig it, nice groove and a well put together song IMO. Nothing too memorable but an easy listen!
  22. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1462109519' post='3040312'] The bass is probably a Bass Centre Bass Collection bass that he commissioned - I could be wrong, but I thought he either sold or retired his original Gold Fender Jazz? [/quote] As someone said above, the Fender jazz was sold by Andy Baxter. He kept the famous P bass though! He's also got (or had) a gold jazz built by a London luthier called Joseph Kaye, he used that when I saw him with his own band a few years ago. Had a massive "Faith & Grace" logo on the headstock
  23. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1461851504' post='3038201'] Insure it for whatever it will cost to replace. [/quote] Mighty helpful, thank you!
  24. Bit of a silly question but how would I go about valuing my bass, do I just put the RRP? or what it's worth to me? or something else entirely? eg, my Lull was sold by Bass Direct for something like £3400 but I brought it off the original buyer for a price nowhere near that, maybe around £1300ish. So if I was to put down £1300, I couldn't replace it like-for-like but I also didn't spend £3500 either. Never really dealt with insuring things before as I don't drive!
  25. [quote name='Iheartreverb' timestamp='1461846279' post='3038130'] Anything Josh Homme is involved with commonly has flats on it such as when he was playing bass on the last few Queens albums using that semi hollow Yamaha with flats. Flats with a bit of drive and a pick would get you very very close [/quote] That's pretty much it I think, also the track "Mantra" he did with Grohl/Trent Reznor is a good example of this. Side note, anybody else going to the RAH to see Iggy in 2 weeks?
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