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Everything posted by Sammers

  1. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1461771536' post='3037512'] Why not just leave it in, and not use it ? It's always there if you want it then. [/quote] Pretty sound advice that, if you have a passive tone control and can bypass the pre anyway not sure what would be achieved by removing it completely. Unless the Pre is colouring the tone when bypassed? I've had a 2-band pre fitted in place of a 3-band on my bass so I can have a passive tone. I don't use the pre often as I find a proper tone control more flexible but I can boost treble/bass if needed - handy when gigging!
  2. +1 The exact same thing happened with my Diago, think James responded in something silly like 10 minutes! It's nice to know their customer service is consistent!
  3. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1461755566' post='3037322'] I don't know what people do to make basses so battered...... [/quote] Use them a lot, probably
  4. This might be controversial but I think it might be easier and cheaper to just convince yourself that what colour it is doesn't really matter! I'm not particularly keen on the colour of my Mike Lull and wouldn't have picked it myself but it plays/sounds ace, so I put up with it
  5. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1461586329' post='3035831'] he is mainly playing with bonamassa these days. saw him with JB twice over the past couple of years, wonderful player and tone [/quote] I think they may have parted ways now, I had JB tickets brought for me for a gig in March and it wasn't Carmine playing. Was a bit gutted as that was the only thing I was looking forward too.
  6. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1461426265' post='3034564'] [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/greeb0uk/media/IMG_20160423_155703_zps5jpyizox.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Man, that colour is killer! Wish that was an option when i'd ordered mine, so very jealous! Grats on the new cab!
  7. According to google he's on tour with a fella called Ryan McGarvey, quite a lot of dates in the UK. [url="http://ryanmcgarvey.com/list-events/"]http://ryanmcgarvey.com/list-events/[/url] edit: Barney beat me to it!
  8. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1461318892' post='3033598'] The Stones? McCartney? Iggy Pop? [/quote] Stevie Wonder would be a big 1 off the top of my head! Though I haven't really given Prince a proper listen before, just haven't gotten round to it more than anything, I do feel a sense of loss almost as if the world is a little less colourful now as I knew what a talent he was from other peoples admiration of him. 57 is definitely too young for an artist of his calibre!
  9. I can't see the problem really, Meatloaf was just protecting his image wasn't he?
  10. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1461199543' post='3032440'] Jecklin, many younger bass players here have been critical of Jaco, and I get that Jaco is not relevant to many younger bass players. So, isn't it fair for older bass players like me where Flea is not relevant, to critique Flea? Blue [/quote] I think relevant is the wrong term Blue, I was born in the early 90's and the stuff that, say, Jameson put down 50 or so years ago is as relevant to any bass player now as it was at the time he recorded it - actually, it's probably more so as people have realised over the years what a supreme talent he was. IMO by boxing yourself in and only listening to certain things you're denying yourself a lot of wonderful music and possible influence. On topic though, didn't sound particularly pleasant to me and I quite like flea
  11. If I get lost with finding a likeable tone I just go and set everything flat on the EQ and make minor adjustments from there. Muddy usually indicates you need to boost mids or cut bass a little bit. Then again, if you find you don't like the flat sound of the instrument you might not find the sound you're after!
  12. There's a spec sheet available here if you fancy a gander! (though it's from 2014 so who knows how accurate it is now) http://blog.andertons.co.uk/guitars/buy-custom-made-fender-custom-shop-guitar I was toying with the idea myself for a J with an early 70's P neck but having just seen that lefties can only be masterbuilt and at an additional cost of £1700 for MB I guess I'll just keep dreaming/praying for a lottery win!
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1460710630' post='3028006'] Maybe a dumb question (probably..!), but why do your detach them..? If there's a loose fit, would a bit of gaffer tape hold 'em together..? My Superlux are detachable, but there's a clip keeping a positive connection. Makes it simple if the cable becomes damaged, but can't just 'fall out'. Do you deliberately unplug yours, and, if so, why..? Just curious, really. [/quote] Valid point! My Audio Technica headphones are like this, you have to push it in and then twist to secure the cable. Although my friend has Shure's and they just push in but they don't seem to flop out. Feel your pain though Ray, forgot my headphones a couple times on the way to work and I usually have School kids on my trains... where do they get so much energy from in the morning?! I'm usually half-asleep and I'm only 25..
  14. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1460390178' post='3025273'] Grolsch. [/quote] This all they way! Used schaller before but it's just unnecessary fuss and it meant that I couldn't use my strap with other basses. IMO, I can't see any benefit using straplocks over a couple of rubber washers.
  15. [quote name='thebassist' timestamp='1460103828' post='3022537'] With the tone rolled all the way too... [/quote] I cringe when someone does this too - I like the solo bridge pup with the tone off or low but tone 100%.... aaaahh! scratchy finger noise!
  16. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1459836842' post='3020048'] April Fools thing aside, the whole roadworn thing only really works on painted finishes IMO... A natural wood bass with chunks out of it isn't quite the same really... [/quote] If you meant on brand new instrument kinda roadworn then I definitely agree! Although I do think there is something charming about a fancy boutique bass that has a lot of genuine wear on it. Usually because the owners of said instruments are usually pretty beastly and you know the instruments are loved!
  17. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1459859843' post='3020300'] Yeah, I really like this about it. I have a VM5 too and switching between active and passive can be done without the need for amp adjustments. [/quote] My inner pedant is going mental right now, don't Sandberg use Glockenklang pre-amps? I've no experience with Delanos though, they always seem to be described as Hi-Fi which I don't like so much. I find the Hi-Fi sound to be too electronic sounding and much prefer a more natural sound. Maybe I just don't like active electronics but then again I'm getting a Sadowsky pre fitted to my Lull at the minute so go figure!
  18. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1454630904' post='2971597'] As far as the Fender comparisons go, the Sandberg's definitely have a more modern hifi sound and are IMO a par with but no better than the half a dozen US Fenders I've owned in terms of materials or fit and finish. They feel like nice, well build basses and look bloody great. [/quote] That's a pretty good summary and I'd probably agree with it - I don't think they're necessarily better than Fenders really, they're just different. They are well built and are reliable but they do sound more modern than their Fender counterparts. I'd recommend playing 1 or at least listening to the model you're after in person first.
  19. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1458303920' post='3006395'] Don't bother inquiring about it though he'll tell you Fenders are crap and you should buy a Roscoe instead... [/quote] Fenders [i]are[/i] crap though, I only brought my P because I didn't want the world to suffer from it's naffness. You guys should thank me....
  20. Love it, I bet the guy's a right laugh too. He should put him in a room with this guy, guaranteed magic right there! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFFcuy_5k2Q[/media]
  21. I wasn't there and I'm green with evny.. but it's awesome to hear he was so good! An immense talent for sure! I've got my fingers crossed that he can fit in a few solo dates a some point this year or next!
  22. Wow, they've changed their sound a bit since last I came across them - I dig it! This was the first song i'd heard, must of been close to 2007/8... I think I was still in college! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1h6Dsz__HI[/media]
  23. Here's the full list of what's been cut if it helps you out at all http://forums.ernieball.com/ernie-ball-music-man-basses/61272-discontinued-music-man-list-october-31-2015-a.html
  24. Jeff Ament from Pearl Jam is quite a high profile player too, pretty sure he's had 4, 8 and 12 string Hamers over the years. Saw em in '14 and he was using a 12 string that had a Mike Lull T Bird body with a Hamer neck. Sounded ace, so unsual to see (and hear) too!
  25. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1456739662' post='2991775'] No images on my iPhone . Can't see it [/quote] Images have probably expired, the thread was started in 2009
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