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Everything posted by marcgrue

  1. Disclaimer: I'm the inventor and manufacturer of the Double Trolley. I hope it's okay with the forum if I comment on my own product here...

 This is an old thread but I'd like to say a few words:

 I'm really sorry, lixy-fe, to read about the bad experiences you had with your Double Trolley! You're completely right that there has been several quality problems in the past - which unfortunately includes your trolley :-( In order to address theses issues, I went to China to quality check each single Double Trolley at the factory. I know this is of no help to you, but hopefully at least some assurance for current bass players considering to buy a Double Trolley. I'll explain below some of the things that I got fixed for all the trolleys that are selling now. 

[quote name='lixy-fe' timestamp='1304616226' post='1221372']
I use both a Double Trolley and a wheel. Whilst I think the design of the Double Trolley is in the main fantastic, there are a few niggling annoyances: 1)The case tends to rub against the wheels and is consequently wearing away.[list] [*]
Yes, certain soft cases can for instance have a bow case pocket on the front that can collide with the wheel. Having such big wheels on the Double Trolley, I think it would have been pretty difficult/clumsy to have some protection around them to avoid contact with the cover. If the soft cover has a risk of getting in contact with the wheel, I recommend to simply wrap the cover with an extra elastic strap to prevent it getting in contact with the wheel.
 [/list] 2) If you only attach the bass using bungees around the neck as shown, the bass tends to spin around its axis and become displaced/can fall off.[list] [*]
I haven't seen this before, so I'm trying to understand... If the hook of the wheel piece is around the end pin that alone should hold the bass pretty firmly against the lower padded area of the trolley. So the upper strap around the neck is more to keep the shoulders of the bass against the upper padded part of the telescopic part of the trolley. Maybe I don't understand what happened to you, but I have never seen the bass being able to spin around its axis to say the least fall off. Maybe you have a very little bass, and the hook strap of the wheel piece would gain from being adjusted to fit the smaller size? (by mounting the screws in the next set of holes in the rubber band). If that's the case, I think you'll find the bass much more firmly attached to the trolley!
I have to say that I think the materials and workmanship and general execution of the design is APPALLING. [list] [*]
With some copies of the Double Trolley, I've found that too! :-( As a bass player, this has frustrated me enormously, and I've tried my uttermost to correct the errors made in China and to help the bass players who found problems with their sample as good as I could. As mentioned above, the current trolleys being sold now are all individually quality checked by me. It wasn't possible for me to do this with the first batch of trolleys, unfortunately, which turned out to be problematic in many cases, like yours :-(
Whilst the use of the Double Trolley is generally fabulous, compared to hoying a bass around in other ways, within a couple of first uses of the trolley, the plastic inserts where you slot the seat into its tubes for use as a stool, had popped out and were lost forever in a dark venue, so it is now unusable as a stool. [list] [*]
I agree - it doesn't work without the plastic slots - I can send you new ones, if you like?
The foam covered keepers where you slide the bass into position are of a very weak bendy metal which I anticipate will break very soon[list] [*]
Actually, I proportioned the dimensions so that they _could_ bend. The idea is that you can adjust the distance between what I call the "stabilizers" - by simply bending them - in order to suitably steer the bass between the wheels. Suitable in the sense that the bass fits exactly between them. I haven't seen a single stabilizer break. So they seem proportioned right.
, and the foam keeps coming off.[list] [*]
Hm, I've never seen this before either (not to say you're doing anything wrong!). It could be that the people assembling the trolley dropped some oil on the metal before mounting the foam. I don't know. I can send you new foam covers if you want.
These metal parts are not long enough to prevent the case rubbing against the wheels. [list] [*]
As mentioned above, I agree, In some cases they won't be. In those cases I would use an elastic strap to hold the cover as described above.
The wheels are low quality materials and not very stable. [list] [*]
I'm afraid you have really got a "Monday" sample of the Double Trolley :-( A wheel might be feel "wobbly" if the tyre/tube have somewhat been misaligned with the wheel center but I rarely see that.
The tires keep going flat, despite there being no puncture. The pump supplied with the trolley was just a laughable piece of plastic and couldn't even be used to inflate the tires![list] [*]
Yes, it turned out that the majority of the old pumps were crap :-( I checked a bunch of them during the first production and they all worked fine. But apparently I was presented with the better ones. That's also a bit naive on my part, I admit (I won't recommend producing in China if you are not a big company!) I got better pumps in the meanwhile! Can I send you a new one?
I rely on my trolley very heavily, but I can't anticipate it lasting much longer. I've only had it 1.5years! For the price, £350 or so, I am disgusted. [list] [*]
I'm really sorry to hear of your disappointment, Lixy-fe! If you take contact with me, I would like to see if there's something I can do for you to improve your Double Trolley! I'm pretty sure we can make it last many years to come.
I'm quite sure that the original Danish ones were properly engineered out of more substantial materials and I wish I had one of those,[list] [*]
Yes, they were better (although not much better than the current ones). The craftmanship of the Danish factory was much higher, but even there it also took quite some work to get all the details right. It's not easy to make a smooth telescope system in aluminium since it's so unpredictable compared to welding in steel. The first Danish batch I also quality controlled by checking each single Double Trolley. I would have liked to continuing producing there. But the price from the factory went up with 80% and then it would have cost a fortune (it was already over 500$!). It would be easy to get the price much further down if you made 10000 trolleys but we are not that many bass players needing such a product unfortunately.
but the currently-produced ones, made in China are produced to such low quality standards, that I really don't think they are worth the money. [list] [*]
I agree with you considering all the problems you experienced! Since I have now checked every single Double Trolley being sold now, I think I can confidently say that they should be worth every pound now. Of course that doesn't help you - but I might be able to help you!
I am gutted because it's such a great idea in principle.[list] [*]
Thanks! :-) [/list] [/quote] Maybe if I can help restore your Double Trolley to a satisfactory condition, you'll get to like it again and maybe use it when you need to bring your own stool. My apologies for all the inconvenience and frustration this has caused you! Todays Double Trolleys will most certainly be a good experience, I dare to say. And if it should turn out not to, I'll offer my assistance. I'm a bass player myself (in the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra - the national orchestra of Sweden), so I appreciate and expect products to fulfill their promises - specially when they should carry my precious bass or myself. Cheers, Marc Grue Inventor of the Double Trolley
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