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Everything posted by Rogueporn

  1. Hopefully someone could shed some light, recently brought a wizard thumper for my MIJ 62 reissue Precision, however the size wizards was slightly longer along the top, and the radius of the mounting points was bigger. I'm going to get a new pickguard and want to be sure its the original fender pickups that were small as apposed to the thumper being larger then a standard pickup.
  2. Its the responsibility of the venue to pay it. PRS payment are normally based on surveys as to how royalties are paid to bands, rather then each song paid for individually.
  3. I'm the new owner of this bass, if anyone is interested I might be looking to sell, drop me a PM
  4. My normal rig is a Little mark into a Tecamp S 210. With this setup I run through the PA. I also have a Tech soundsystems 4x12 for those rare occasions where we're doing a fair sized gig without PA.
  5. Just ordered a 210 S, anyone know if these come with a cover like the tech soundsystem stuff?
  6. The ferrule is in the same condition as when I got it with the original tuners. The new ones were meant to sort it. I did push the ferrules in firmly using a brass nut, bolt ans washer through it and tightened. But obviously when the tuning post was put through and tightened it squared up the ferrule and pushed it out.
  7. In the process of pimping up my MIJ 62RI fender precision ( Badass 2, schaller tuners, wizard thumper pup) I'm finding the tuner ferrule on the E string doesn't stay pushed all the way in and pops out about 1mm. I think this is because the surface on which the lip of the ferrule isn't perfectly flat, but curves towards the nut. Anyone any ideas, I was thinking of either bending the lip of the ferrule, or trying to flatten out a bit of the headstock using a bounter bore. [attachment=30980:DSC00131.JPG] pics of the bass [attachment=30982:DSC00124.JPG] [attachment=30981:DSC00128.JPG]
  8. Still available?
  9. One of the PA cabs (peavey pro-15) cabs' HF compression drivers has stopped working. Does anyone know if there would be any harm in putting a full range signal through the 15" speaker as a temporary measure? I would be literally pulling the spade connectors off the HF and putting them onto the 15 along with the existing wires?
  10. Cobbled together today.
  11. Lean Audio is 5mins down the road from me, I think they're a main distributor for celestion also. Once brought some guitar speakers from him, went to collect, and its run from the blokes garage, seemed genuine enough though.
  12. Steve Hackett Al Di Meola Holdsworth Frank Gambale Andy Latimer [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLarYtjkPRA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLarYtjkPRA[/url]
  13. [quote name='Buzz' post='373754' date='Jan 8 2009, 01:47 AM']Kudos for Fender, isn't that their first 6 string bass (not counting the baritone guitar) ?[/quote] [url="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2391/2214897636_1586815587_o.jpg"]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2391/221489...586815587_o.jpg[/url]
  14. [quote name='Skinnytwotimes' post='292210' date='Sep 25 2008, 09:35 PM']Any advice? Thanks.[/quote] Are you new to playing? I got bad neck and shoulder pain the first few times I played with a strap, But is soon dissappeared.
  15. Tal Wilkenfeld, Rana Ross
  16. Sorry for dodgy phone pics, If interested I can get some better ones sorted in daylight. [i]edit. better pics added[/i] [attachment=9325:DSC00127.JPG] [attachment=9323:DSC00125.JPG] [attachment=9326:DSC00130.JPG] [attachment=9328:DSC00131.JPG]
  17. Interested in a trade involving a Yamaha SBV500 in blue?
  18. Rogueporn

    My Band

    3 three new songs off Burn this life's upcoming 2nd album, enjoy. www.myspace.com/burnthislife
  19. dont spose your interested in a trade? I've got a Ashdown 500 watt evo I mounted an an ashdown 1x15 combo?
  20. Spend a little more and get solder with silver content, cheaper solder gives a duller finish. a screwdriver in the mouth works well as a 3rd hand. Wear safety glasses if your going to do this. I usually scrub the backs of pots before soldering to them, sometimes use a little flux to help the solder flow a little better. Always keep the soldering iron clean, and don't try and reuse solder thats already been melted once.
  21. Mike Walsh at zoot bass in Witham has a paint shop i think.
  22. [quote name='baretas' post='43592' date='Aug 10 2007, 02:40 AM']Very well! The first time I used it in the band rehearsal I was so pleased that I actually kissed the bass a couple of times Back to the topic, I guess it's gonna be hard to get the schematics... one of the reasons why I wanted them was to know what the bottom switch does (the one with 3 positions). I can hear the sound change but don't know the why.[/quote] Its a 3 way pickup selector switch. with the switch towards the neck if solos the neck pickup, switched towards the bridge it gives the bridge pickup soloed, and in the middle it gives both pickups.
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