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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. I enjoyed Johnny Marr doing Big mouth. Fantastic guitarist, decent enough singer and a good performance.
  2. Naw I think you did the right thing. The band I`m playing with at the mo aint going to well so I put out some feelers. I played with one of the bands who have been going for 10 years or so, and when the guy gave me the song list, I asked him if they played them in the same key and the same way as the recorded versions. Yes was the answer, so I cracked on. Come the night, I found out that on 3 of the 6 songs, they played them in a different key and some of them bore only a fleeting resemblance to the recorded version. No one explained the arrangements before hand and I ended up trying to catch on to what they were doing. This strikes me as un proffesional and I bailed out after the audition. The other bands either played songs I have no interest in playing (build me up buttercup anyone?) or were clearly not very experianced. So, you could say I am being picky or that I like playing with people who know how a band works and want to get enjoyment from the type of music I play.
  3. [quote name='foxton4001' timestamp='1370289655' post='2098757'] Or Noel's songwriting - I like the Sound of BE but they haven't got any actual 'songs'. Gem should join Noel's HFB anyway! [/quote] Agree with this totally.
  4. I liked Oasis and still like Noel but Liam is a roaster. And judging by the performance on Jools on friday night, he is nothing without the Oasis brand name.
  5. Buy a Bullet 30 foot long curly lead, play the bass and wonder out front as far as you can and have a listen, Then move back to the amp and the lead will go back to it`s original size. Impresses punters no end
  6. Flats on the p bass, half rounds on the Mustang and zinghy rounds on the Yamaha. The best of all worlds.
  7. To quote the good lord Lemmy... I found out that if you have a guitar, women take their clothes off... And if you can actually play it, they take them off quicker!!
  8. Ta for the link. Great program. I like the format of an interview then questions from the audience after. They should get Steve Harris on talking about Number of the beast.
  9. Nothing wrong with an active eq if it sounds good to you. You wouldn`t have to change the battery every gig if all is ok with the circut, use decent batterys and don`t leave the bass lead plugged in for long periods. If you are looking for the P bass tone, get the P bass. As for build quality, you would need to check out each bass as Squier can be a bit hit and miss sometimes.
  10. They have some in the Glasgow shop and they are very pink. But for £50, it might be worth a punt.
  11. The band I`m in at the moment is not enjoyable as I don`t like the singer. He is so full of bullsh*t, not a very good singer and he is doing my nut in. But we have some gigs booked so I will bite my tongue but after that, either he is off or I am as I cannot be in a band with people I dislike. I have a couple of friends from other bands I have played in I still keep in regular touch with and I find that my "social circle" are all musicians (or drummers!).
  12. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1369667773' post='2091375'] Agree with positive comments about Brum show. I loved the setlist. Does anyone know the details of Geddy's blue and white Jazz's? I know the 'other' black one is in drop D and the red is a whole tone down. I thought the tone was noticeably different with the blue and white ones. [/quote] Here is an article about the gear used on the tour. http://www.premierguitar.com/Magazine/Issue/2012/Nov/GALLERY_Rushs_Clockwork_Angels_Tour_Gear.aspx?Page=24&
  13. Did a deal with Paul for some strings and he paid right away. A pleasure doing biz with. Ta Gerry
  14. I agree with the flats and his thumb being on the end of the fret board. If you watch him playing with Seasick Steve in his recent Jools Holland appearances, he still uses this style of playing. [media]http://youtu.be/84d1BhC6wWM[/media]
  15. You can`t beat a cheap Yamaha for value for money.
  16. Hop to it man!! Your a bass player not a nancy boy guitar player
  17. I have only had good experiance with this mob. Good when you need some advice too.
  18. Gotta post this as well. [url="http://youtu.be/yEmGQYCuc6M"]http://youtu.be/yEmGQYCuc6M[/url]
  19. [url="http://youtu.be/O8oGyGo1q-k"]http://youtu.be/O8oGyGo1q-k[/url]
  20. That is really sh*t! Trevor was a great bass player and a clip of him on the whistle test with Bowie doing queen bitch made me want a Mustang. All our icons are passing away. RIP Trevor.
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1369147509' post='2085438'] Serious as 'it is it really happening?', or serious as in 'do you really not like it?'... ...I really don't like it. [/quote] It was serious as in "is it really happening?" Aw naw, Rush go cabaret!
  22. Too expensive. And Geddy has lost all the top end in his voice if the dvd of Time machine is anything too go by. An WOT, are you serious re the highlight bit of your post????
  23. I`m fine thanks Steve. Alas, I don`t have what you are looking for.
  24. Steve, I`ve got lots of spare knobs (ooer!) lying about. Can you post a photo of the type you are looking for?
  25. I have used the large open geared ones that look a bit like the old Fender ones and the small 2 + 2 ones that are suitable for the likes of an Ibanez. They are decent tuners and I found they hold their tuning well especially the 2 +2 ones. I have a set of black ones on my P bass and they are nice and look better than the chrome ones to me. They are cheap as well. All the wilkinson stuff is decent gear in my experiance. The tuners fitted to the Pawn Shop Mustang aren`t the same as the ones fitted to the MIM standard P or J basses, they are like the smaller diamater tuners that are fitted to the cheaper range of Japanese Fenders.
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