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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1366192326' post='2049347'] There was a thread on here recently on the subject of isolated bass tracks. Some highly respected pros sounded awful! Like Mr X says, it's what it sounds like in the band context that really counts [/quote] Didn`t someone post one of Geddys isolated bass tracks and it wasn`t the spot on bass part that most of us think it is? I think that most of us at sometime hear the clunkers we play but as has been said, in the live setting, it all sounds right.
  2. Don`t worry about it. I have bought 3 Thunderbirds when I know I just don`t get on with them. Out of interest, what were you playing before and how were they comfort wise?
  3. If the pickup is the original (it looks the same as the pickup that was in my Thunder) it is easily one of the best sounding P pickups I have heard. And Mike is a top guy to deal with.
  4. I would go with the Yam over the P bass. I like P basses but they can be a bit iffy QC wise sometimes and with your budget a BB could be a better bet. The P pickup is good and you also get the added bonus of a Jazz pickup as well. And before the Fender lovers dive in, I own a P bass and have done for years. I just reckon at the price point the Yam is much better value.
  5. Here is a link to Gak. Good prices. [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/yamaha-trbx504-4-string-bass-twh/81954"]http://www.gak.co.uk...-bass-twh/81954[/url] [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/yamaha-trbx304-4-string-bass-bk/81930"]http://www.gak.co.uk/en/yamaha-trbx304-4-string-bass-bk/81930[/url]
  6. Just when you think GAS has gone..... That black 4 string is a damm fine looking bass.
  7. Give the bass doc a shout. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/4905-the-bass-doc/"]http://basschat.co.uk/user/4905-the-bass-doc/[/url]
  8. On a T bird, turn the neck pickup up full and turn that pesky bridge pickup down completely. The neck pickup alone is enough for me. It kicks a*s!
  9. I have a MAG300 head that I bought around 2002/3 and it`s still doing the biz. It is one of the British ones and it was in a combo to start with. Here`s a review of the combo. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_z0mDKMaAY[/media]
  10. Is that not a BM or MB bass or something like that? Indonesian Squiers are usually ok. CC music is an ok shop, the guy Steve, has been in business for years. I was in last week and this wasn`t there so I can`t comment on this one.
  11. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1365322640' post='2037903'] "Is that your focus"? [/quote] Congratulations! You have won the weekly "Tying two separate threads together prize!" Our sponsors in Nigeria will soon be depositing 1 million quid in your account. Just send me your bank account details over and we will sort it out
  12. I had a V plate focus and had to scrap it last year. The wife decided that we should have a "sexy black fiesta" and there is sod all room in the back, even with the seats down. I miss the old girl...
  13. People assume that if you play bass then you are a failed guitarist. Wrong!! I have no interest whatsoever in playing a six string guitar.
  14. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1365198638' post='2036779'] While there is a thread going for little things that we cant figure out, can someone please explain the purpose of a ramp, coz I cant get my head round them? Also, Why Does it Hurt When I Pee? [/quote] Franks Zappa answers that question on track 7 of Joes Garage- Why does it hurt when I pea?, Answer "I got it from the toilet seat!"
  15. Spongebob, the demise of a band is a stressful time for all of us. Best not to make any rash decisions! [size=4] [/size]
  16. I don`t think the 50` is nitro. I think the Nate Mendel is nitro? Or you could look out for a 2nd hand Highway 1. Just checked, the NM is [color=#333333][font=open_sansregular, sans-serif]Nitrocellulose Lacquer. I reckon if you want to go new, that is the cheapest option.[/font][/color]
  17. Anyone want a set of speakers for their computer? They are in perfect working order and cost about £20 when new but sound ok. You must be able to collect them from Paisley.
  18. Watched this today on the I player. What a talented pair of guys. The amount of hits they have played on is amazing.
  19. Good service and prices. Use them when not buying Status strings.
  20. You should go for it. And as I seemed to be the only one advocating you use the T` bird in your original thread, I`m pleased you seem to have come to the correct decision.
  21. I have been looking at Squier`s on Thoman`s site and they seemed to have jumped in price also. I have bought new Fender`s in the past but it is getting to the point now where that is not going to happen again.
  22. The one time I fitted a badass, I used the holes that were drilled for the original bridge. That is one of the "selling points" of the ba.
  23. I like the Wilkinson bridge. It is a direct replacement for the BBOT but has brass saddles and is slightly heavier and looks good. Cheap as well at £12.25. [url="http://www.buy-guitar-parts.com/index.php?/vmchk/wilkinson-bass-parts/wilkinson-bass-bridge-brass-saddles.html"]http://www.buy-guitar-parts.com/index.php?/vmchk/wilkinson-bass-parts/wilkinson-bass-bridge-brass-saddles.html[/url]
  24. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1364891754' post='2032148'] Hope yours fares better than mine... [/quote] Now you have us hooked, dish the dirt...
  25. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364474327' post='2026935'] So true. I'm guessing these people didn't want to be working in a crappy warehouse on minimum wage, and are under pressure from some asshole box-ticking manager, so they take it out on the nearest available object, i.e. your valuable package. The last few deliveries I've had, the couriers have been offhand at best and borderline aggressive at worst, so I reckon the wages in that particular job have been cut and the workload increased. Like lots of other jobs, I fear. [/quote] Too true Discreet. Most courier companies are on NMW or slightly above, doing anything from 50 to 110 deliveries and collections a day. I think the best paid guys up here are UPS who get around £24K. I tried the job for a couple of days and ended up stressed out me nut! But that is no excuse for a bad attitude.
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