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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. Your are not a proper bass player unless you can give someone in the band (usually the drummer) dogs abuse for something whilst managing to play the bass line exactly
  2. A few years ago I used to work in a pallet distriubution company and down at the hub in the North of England, there was a large part of the warehouse which was full of pallets and parcels that had been damaged and were awaiting insurance claims. Some of the items, they could not even identify who they were for as they were so damaged. The forklift truck drivers who move the items about are under so much pressure that if they drop anything or damage stuff, they will leave it or stick it on the vehicle and it becomes another person`s problem. I realise that this was a parcel but the same rules apply. As for fragile /handle with care labels, most companies don`t worry with such details.
  3. It was good to see Madness paying their respect to the man.
  4. Were these not made in Korea? Not that it matters really, thats a mental price. Ah but it`s a[i] collectors item[/i] now. Didn`t realise this.
  5. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1363991118' post='2020797'] Don Powell, Slade's drummer has his coming out later this year which promises to be far more enlightening. Nod's was more of a "I like me" book for himself. [/quote] Hey Big Stu, keep us informed of this will ya? Really looking forward to this.
  6. For all you Ritchie Blackmore fans out there. "A Hart life" Basically it is the story of Colin Hart one time road manager with Purple, Rainbow and is a great insight into those bands and the characters in them. The book I really want to read is the story of UFO. Should have a few decent stories form Mogg, Way and the strange person who is sometimes guitar god, Michael Schenker. Will someone please write it?
  7. If it was me I would go for.... 1st choice - Tbird as I play one myself and they are sexy which in turn makes the player sexy 2nd - ACG 3rd - RV5. 4th - A very distant 4th: Ric
  8. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1363895769' post='2019165'] Actually, I'll donate the money to a local doggie charity that looks after lovely staffie dogs [/quote] That`s noble of you Ped. I used to deliver medical oxygen to the SSPCA dog home in Glasgow and they had/have a shocking number of staffie`s who have been mistreated and abandoned in their kennel`s.
  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1363778081' post='2017337'] Why a covers band? I like the music! [/quote] This. Plus the fact that there is enough good music out there which I love and is fun to play. If you do your own material, best of luck to you and I wish you success but it ain`t my bag.
  10. I didn`t get to any of the Glasgow gigs but my drummer did and he is a quo fan but was not over impressed. Al and John made lots of mistakes and apparently Alan`s health is so dodgy, that at some of the gigs, he had his hand gaffer taped up with the plectrum jammed between finger and thumb. But having watched some Ya tube clips of the Glasgow gig, it looked pretty good to me and I am miffed that I couldn`t go.
  11. A quote from the man himself. "I was flattered when Fender said they would make a Mark King Sig Deluxe Jazz bass. I spent some time with them designing the dead flat fingerboard profile. They sound fine, have Sims led`s in the neck and I love the transparent blue colour but they are so neck heavy and impractically weighted, you have to keep both hands on or the neck just heads south." And Mark`s personal Jazz (he has 2 I believe), have gaffer tape on the pole pieces of the bridge pickup. So, the man who helped design it doesn`t use them.
  12. The second version of the Highway had the baddass bridge with pre cut groves in the saddles. Nitro finish, US made, late 60`s/early 70`s style P bass logo and the same style of tuners as the Mexican standard. Good value basses. Much better value than the American Specials that replaced them and a fair bit cheaper too.
  13. Nice looking top. It is bloomin amazing what you can get these days for not a whole lotta cash.
  14. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1363457502' post='2013017'] Looks like a nice quality hardwood floor too. You are living the dream mate! [/quote] His dream in now complete now he is a member on here! Good to have another one of us on board. We will take over this forum yet
  15. My singer uses a Nexus 7 thing and has a special mount that fixes onto a mic stand. He uses it for the words, set list and says he will have a way of controlling the pa with it in the near future.
  16. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1363379664' post='2012211'] Distinctive looks, thunderous bottom end, actives, gotta be an Epiphone Thunderbird Pro: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/epiphone_thunderbird_proiv_vsb.htm?gclid=CNLW6fbI_7UCFcrHtAodn3cAzg"]http://www.thomann.d...CFcrHtAodn3cAzg[/url] [/quote] I should have recomended that Lozz as I have one sitting in my lap at the moment Great price for that bass as well.
  17. Here is a link to most of the songs. They don`t have any bass tab but the chords are there. Just have a listen and make something up that sounds about right. http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/search.php?search_type=title&value=grease+soundtrack
  18. SR300 or RBX374. Both really good basses. Crap re sale value though but if that`s not an issue, dinky doo!
  19. 10 pints of lager in one sitting?
  20. I`ve went form a peak of 9 to 3 and would like to get down to 2 ideally. But I can never make up my mind what bass is my favourite to play.
  21. Something to note is if you go for strung thru, you may need longer strings. Or mabye not.
  22. This topic will not help my short scale/Mustang GAS
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