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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. Top band the Shads. Nuff said. Move along now.
  2. Whistle test apperance. Oldfield on bass. I think there may have been some recreational drugs involved! [url="http://youtu.be/t2-7BHFIdrU"]http://youtu.be/t2-7BHFIdrU[/url]
  3. Just put a set of these on my Epi Tbird pro. Sound good so far and I love the green windings!
  4. Thanks Bert Now I feel loved again
  5. I read somewhere that Crate went out the game and getting a hold of some of the spare parts could be tricky.
  6. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question Jezzaboy. I bought the bass/didn`t buy the bass. Lots of love Guven
  7. I have left a band because I couldn`t put up with the singers attitude and I was one of the founders of the band and the driving force at first. And I have left another due to the crap music (IMO) we were playing. And the drummer was crap as well and they ended up getting shot of him. But I am on friendly terms with all my ex bandmates, which is just as well as you will more than likely meet up with them at studios or gigs. At the end of the day, if you are doing music for fun and it stops being fun, you have to go with your insticts.
  8. I have recently aquired a Tbird pro and have stuck on a set of Fender flatwounds rather than my usual Status half / flat wounds. They sound ok and the green cloth binding looks kinda cool £21 delivered in 24 hours.
  9. One of the other guys has mentioned it in the E bay section as a Yamaha neck on a Warwick (mabye a Rockbass?) body. Looking at it, the G string seems helluva close to the edge of the fretboard. I would look for a cheap RBX170 yam or similar myself.
  10. Picking our brains? Your are on to a loser there!! Welcome to the site. There are some nice people on here and it`s always good to have another Jock on board.
  11. How did we get from "box of cassettes" to low budget adult films??? More to the point, does nobody want these? I can see a trip to the skip comming along shortly.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361138186' post='1981806'] It's exciting though, isn't it? You're one step closer to being a caravan owner. [/quote] I suppose I better grow a beard and get a pair of Jesus sandals with grey socks!
  13. I have now purchased one of these to use as a caravan step as suggested on the listing. Unfortunately, I don`t own a caravan but hey ho, it`s the thought that counts.
  14. If you plug the Sansamp into the amps Effects Return socket, this will by pass the eq of the Mag and you can use the Sa to shape your tone to suit and use the output knob to control the amp`s volume. I used to do this and it works a treat. This may be a long shot but Uke on here [i]might[/i] be selling a sansamp soon. Might be worth sending him a pm.
  15. I`m sure that was the one that he was playing at the California Jam -the gig that they played at with the Coverdale fronted Purple in 74ish? And being a Birch would make sense as he made Tony Iommi`s SG. I wonder where this guitar is now.......
  16. Sold Gary my Zoom and it was nice and painless as always. Top guy to deal with.
  17. I got a Pro in a swap deal with Pestie on here and if you like the way a Tbird hangs, you will love it. I had a few T birds in the past and didn`t get on with the way they "hang" but now it feels very natural. The end of the neck does seem far away at first but you will soon get used to it.
  18. Just completed a small deal with Harry and it went as smooth as a very smooth thing. Good guy. Gerry
  19. Just completed a sale with Alun. Top guy to do the biz with, I can only echo the comments above. Gerry
  20. Depends what the + is Uke I pm you the noo. SOLD. Thanks Uke.
  21. [quote name='blablas' timestamp='1360710692' post='1975385'] From this: To this: Maybe not a true refinish, more a rebuild, but it sure looks different. [url="http://home.online.nl/blablas/bass/mk1-4details.html"]More details[/url]. [/quote] That is really tidy. Good job.
  22. Sorry buddy, UK only as per the 1st post.
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