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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. I feel your pain We have auditoned a few singers recently one of them was simply dreadful and could not sing at all. A few others were just guff or didn`t turn up. I think the problem is they see the x factor and their mate/girlfriend/relation says that they are a great singer after singing at a kareoke bar and they decide to join a band. Sometimes you can be lucky but the only way to find out is give them some songs to learn and get them down for a play. It is frustrating. We have ended up with a guy who has only ever sung in a country and western set up but we got him down, the guy can wail and is willing to give the rock thing a shot. Even better, he has a really good pa Only time will tell if it works out.
  2. I worked in manufacturing for 20 years on the shop floor and managment level and sometimes no matter how much care is taken or how much development is done things do go wrong. It is how the company responds in regard to the issue that shows you what kind of company they are. I hope that youz get your problem ressolved quickly and to your satisfaction.
  3. [quote name='ChrisB' timestamp='1358968466' post='1947901'] I'm saving up for some tasty IEM goodness but in the meantime I'm using [url="http://www.hearingprotection.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=64&Itemid=125"]ACS ER20s[/url] They're about £8 delivered if you buy them online, I can chat between songs without taking them out and my ears don't ring after rehearsal.... [/quote] I`ve just realised these are the ones I have Note to self. Must remember to read the other posts before posting myself.
  4. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1358964020' post='1947796'] I've had similar. Somewhere around '02 the band I was with at the time kinda drifted apart for a number of reasons, and after our last gig I didn't even pick up a bass for some 7-8 years. Just couldn't be arsed, which was possibly part of the reason for the band folding. I noodled around at home a bit with an acoustic guitar and developed a dirty banjo habit, but had no urge for the bass at all. Just stacked all my gear under the stairs and left it there... ...until mid 2010, when some mates got in touch asking if I'd be up for a one-off gig for a laugh in a local pub. So I did it, and had a whale of a time. The one-off scratch band is still together, getting more gigs than we can do, and I think I'm enjoying playing more than I've ever done. As others have said, if you don't wanna play, don't. Life's short mate - do stuff you do want to do. [/quote] This is one of the best posts I have read on here. Well except for the banjo bit!!
  5. I use a set by a company called ACS. Got them in the drum shop after being told by the guys in a large Glasgow guitar shop that they used these and not the crap ones they sell! They were about £12 and are made of soft plastic and have a cord attached so you don`t lose them. Work well too.
  6. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1358897584' post='1946944'] Well, this one's been a work in progress (albeit one I've gigged quite a bit in the meantime) for a good while, it was only the flats I put on it recently motivated me to get the thing more or less finished. Black and maple sounds really nice (most of my other basses are this colour combo) - any pics? [/quote] I`ll stick up a pic when I get it looking decent. Still got some finishing to do on it.
  7. Looking good Muzz. I have just knocked up one of these myself but it is nowhere near as nice as yours though. It`s still a work in progress
  8. 13 year old girls? Sounds about the avarage age of the girls who drink in Paisley town centre on a saturday night
  9. Hello Sir William!! Or in Glasweigan..........Awright there Big Wully!!! This reminds me of that scientific report that statted that if you gave 10 monkees bass guitars and enough time, they could write a Victor Wooten solo album. Or words to that effect.
  10. Brand loyalty, Fender`s marketing compared to gl, not considered cool and cause no bugger knows about them basically.
  11. They used to have a thin gig bag with them but unless you are buying a "classic" model you get no bag which is pretty bad crack. A couple of alan keys and a generic set up guide and a cardboard box that`s your whack!
  12. The B3 is a very good piece of kit. I`m still finding out how to use mine as I`m really not an effects type guy but if you need a particular effect, it will most likely be there.
  13. I have owned a few Tribute L2000`s and they are superb basses. Rock solid build quality and US pickups (I have read reports of dodogy pots but this didn`t effect mine) and a multitude of switching options. I got rid of mine because the neck was so much of a handful but if I could afford the US model with the slimmer neck I`d be in there. I think it must be their lack of marketing. Outwith this forum, I have not heard anyone speaking about gl.
  14. I am happy with my gear. After spending thousands on gear over the last 4 years or so I have come to the conclusion that the cheap but decent gear I have at the moment does me ok and it`s the thrill of buying I was addicted to as after a few months I would usually move the recently bought gear on.
  15. jezzaboy


    No probs Fumps. Pm me.
  16. jezzaboy


    I have a Kite I`m needing shot of. Now it`s not your usual kite you buy from the corner shop. It is an Impact kite made by a Uk company called Spirit of Air. I bought it about 10 years ago, used it a few times then left it in a cuboard. I think I paid around £30 for it at the time. It is made of nylon, a sort of triangular shape, fits together perfectly and has 2 controlers to let you do all the aerobatic stuff. It is about 2 ft across when put together and comes in it`s own bag. Perfect for windy days. As it is a bit fragile and I can`t be bothered with the hassle posting, it is collection only from Paisley or we could work something out but I would much prefer collection.
  17. Same here. I arrive, set everything up, check bass type noise is comming from the speaker, get told to turn down as I`m too bloomin loud and send the singer for the drinks. A pint of fresh orange and lemonade with ice for me. As long as your happy with the sound you are getting that`s all that matters.
  18. Go into your profile. In the top right, there is a black box with "edit my profile" Click that and on the lefthand side, pick "signiture" and add whatever info you want including a link to your feedback topic. Bob`s your funny auntie.
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1358603151' post='1942009'] [/size] [size=4]It is, but I'm getting to the point where I just can't play for two hours with anything heavier! [/size] [/quote] Considering I play a Sr300, one of the lightest basses you will find, on gigs and in the studio, I should really keep my mouth shut!
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1358534213' post='1941105'] 14lb...! [size=4]Mine's 8. Thank God![/size] [/quote] I`m 99% sure that is what it weighed. I weighed it after I let a guy play it when he was buying an amp from me and he commented on it. It was the best sounding P I have ever owned mabye due to the weight. I tried to look back on the for sale post but I had deleted all the info! It came from Bassix to me then Andy67 then....? 8lb`s? Thats a big girls blouse weight! The Squier is a good looking bass and well worth a second hand punt.
  21. Flippin heck! 24 posts and not one "Adam Clayton is crap!" post. Most unusual. (I like u2 by the way)
  22. Nice playing. Is that Mickey Moody with the skip hat on?
  23. I had a Squier one. No routing under the gaurd and mine had an Kent Armstrong pickup, Wilkinson tuners and bridge. The previous owner had upgraded it and it sounded nice. I liked the neck on it as I do on most Squiers, nowhere near as chunky as the Fender version which is like a C neck profile I think. And nice and light unlike the 14lb of the Fender.
  24. I would say you have got a bargain there as people are playing on the fact they have been discontinued (I seem to remember) and are asking stupid money for them.
  25. Here you go. Don`t know how accurate it is. [url="http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/w/who/substitute_btab.htm"]http://tabs.ultimate...titute_btab.htm[/url] Runs and ducks for cover for posting a bass tab
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