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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. I love the Quo as well. Both old and new but I reckon the present line up kicks the a*s of the old line up. Rhino and Matt are a great rhythm section.
  2. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1355228274' post='1895557'] That was on Slave Alive Vol 2 , I believe. [i]information that is not posted to be pedantic but because I can't bare to see this Slade thread drop off the front page just yet !!!!!!!!!!![/i] [/quote] Yep good Doctor, your diagnosis is correct. It is on Slade Alive vol 2. The version I have on disc is called Slade Alive on the Salvo label (cat no: salvo dcd 201 if anyone is intrested) and has the 2 albums packaged together. Don`t mess about, just buy it!
  3. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1355175350' post='1895131'] I like Oasis. Everybody thinks I'm joking when i tell them this [/quote] Agree with this. I have been in bands when it`s almost a sin to suggest we do one of their songs. They were a good rockin band and the music goes down well in the pub and to me this is what matters. I think Noel`s HFB album was great as well.
  4. Well worth it. If you are a fan it`s required watching.
  5. One eyed jacks with moustaches from Alive is one of my all time favourite tunes. They are one of the all time best British bands of any era. End of.
  6. I priced this kind of mod for a Jazz bass last year and the shop was quoting me £40 for the routing and electrics and £30ish for the scratchplate. I would imagine that it would just be a matter of re connecting the wires to wherever they are conected to at the moment as the pickups are passive.
  7. In my last job, I always told the guys I was a Rock star! They thought I was full of mince until one day a guy came in to buy some stuff and recongised me from one of the pubs I used to gig in regular. When he was asked by my co workers was the band any good, he told them the band was excellent and I was a good bass player. Unfortunaley I am no longer in the same job or band but hey ho! And on this subject, I have found over the years co workers either: Really couldn`t give a toss. Or well impressed that you play in a band and usually say that they always wanted to play guitar or sing etc.
  8. I love the position of the tuners on this Kay. Do you think that the original neck had those small crappy tuners fitted originally and he decided to fit a set of clover leaf ones? And the position of the string tree is stunning, the way that it bends those (most likely crap) strings completley out of line. The man`s a genius! I hope Fender or Gibson are aware of this man`s work and sign him up right away for their R & D department`s.
  9. Just in case anyone`s intrested, Mark King was the guest on Ken Bruce`s track of my years feature this week. In case you aint a listener, a musician of some sort pick the 10 tracks (2 played each day mon to fri) that are important to them and after the first one tells Ken why they are so. You can get it on the Radio 2 i player about 2 hours 10 mins into Kens show. I`m not a huge MK fan, he just comes across as someone who loves his music.
  10. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1354098185' post='1881939'] I'd take Mick Green over all of them. [/quote] I would agree with this. The man was a genius.
  11. Love them both but let`s be honest, apart from playing with Zep 5 years ago, Jimmy hasn`t really done anything worthwhile since 79 ish whereas Beck is still gigging and putting out music. Having said that, Beck can`t write for tofee and Page has written (or stolen, you decide!) some of the best music the world has heard.
  12. Wow! What a right decent guy and a faboulus player.
  13. Like most of us, I make the odd mistake usually when checking out the ladies in the audience, although not bad enough to stop the song. I used to play with a guitarist who very rarely made mistakes and used to scowl if me or drummer boy dropped a clanger. Imagine my delight when doing Dakotta by the Stereophonics, he put his cappo on the wrong fret and tried desprately to explain to me what he had done whilst keeping playing. I caught on after a few seconds but it was nice to see him squirm.
  14. I have roughly the same problem. Myself, the drummer and singer were all part of a band that went belly up as the guitarist, though a great player was also a bottle merchant. So the 3 of us got together, worked out a set and I spent some time getting a guitarist sorted. After a few attempts, we have a decent guitarist and now the singer is starting to get very hard to get a hold of and is very non comitial when I do get a hold of him! So I spoke with drummer boy and we are gonna bin the singer and try and get someone else in. A prospect that doesn`t appeal to me but it`s got to be done. As the old saying goes, "bands would be great if it wasn`t for the people in them!"
  15. Very nice Johnnyboy. The colour really suits these basses. Good to see that you got one of the new models.
  16. Got the P bass myself and am well impressed.
  17. Larry Parnes, Larry Page, Mickie Most...........the list goes on. This ain`t a new thing. X factor is just the latest, fashionable version of it. All these things have a shelf life. What will come after the likes of X factor? Now that is the scary bit.
  18. I read an interview with Snowy White and he has a Les Paul Goldtop that I think was from the 50`s if I remember correctly and he has used for years. He used to rest it against his amp for years when not using it and finally decided to get himself a guitar stand. One of the first times he used it, he put it on the stand and it fell off cracking the neck in a similar manner to your friends. I am sure Mr Shuker will do a fantastic repair job on it.
  19. I tried to get a hold of one locally but was informed that the original run was all sold out on pre order and the second batch was due in January. I was in the shop when the guy was speaking to the Fender rep (well, that`s who he said he was talking too.) But as the first batch was due late Oct early Nov, I guess that`s went Pete Tong.
  20. We all have off days. Don`t get too hung up on it. Try something different mabye a different style of music than you usually play. Some days I play like Geddy Lee and some days I play like Wy Ken Lee who I used to hang around with and couldn`t play bass for sh*t.
  21. I use the strings that Status sells under their own brand but I believe are made by Picato? I used to use the flat or half wounds but have recently tried their roundwounds and they suit me nicely. I like the feel of them and they are a decent price.
  22. I have here an Epi T bird. I will sell complete or will part it out. Made in China, I decided to paint it red then black (forgive me, it was a phase I was going through-mid life crisis!) I did it with Halfords paint and from a distance it looks ok but it is far from proffesional. There are a couple of dents/dings on the front around the vol knob/rear pickup area but they are marks in the paint and a couple of filled holes where I moved the strap buttons on the back. There is a small chip out of the rosewood board on the last fret. There is also a few chips on the end of the headstock. I have fitted an ebony thumbrest between the pickups and chrome knobs on the pots as one of the original plastic knobs broke. The bass plays fine and has a very powerful output. The frets are in great condition, the tuners are smooth and hold their tuning well and the electrics work perfectly. It would be a good Fenderbird project, a back up or a beat the crap out of it rock bass. There are a few options I was thinking about: Buy the complete bass. If you collect it from me £75. Delivered £85 but I will remove the neck before posting. Complete body with bridge, pickups and pots £55 collected, £65 delivered. Neck with plate and tuners £35 collected, £42 posted. I am in Paisley just outside Glasgow. Any question give me a shout. [attachment=122615:SAM_0550.JPG][attachment=122617:SAM_0553.JPG] [attachment=122616:SAM_0551.JPG] Please note: I`m gonna keep it the now.
  23. I have used a Mag300 head that used to be part of a combo, since about 2005. It`s a British made one and I like it but amps are very personal. I seem to remember the 2x10 is about 30kg in weight? It is Ashdowns biggest seller. If it is good nick, the price is ok. Plug in your bass and find out if the sound suits you.
  24. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1351788857' post='1855452'] That, and the fact that we're holding a bass. [/quote] You have noticed that too!! You Genius you.
  25. The new one has the 5 knobs and different shaped pickups. I had one of the original ones with the 4 knobs and the old one has the bass and treble control on one split knob if I remember right. The old pickups were more curved at the top and bottom and I couldn`t get my thumb to rest on the top of it without sticking a plectrum in the gap between the body and the top of the pickup. A problem for me, mabye not for someone else. The weather is crap up here today and the photo`s I have taken of my black (or is it pewter?) SR are not very good but hopefully these will give you an idea of the colour. As I said before, these are excellent value for money and having used it a few times in the studio, I am well impressed. [attachment=122437:SAM_0554.JPG][attachment=122438:SAM_0555.JPG]
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