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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. I have a Squier VM Jazz body I`m looking to get rid of. This is on it`s way to it`s new home via Glasgow. Thanks to all who replied.
  2. I bought this P bass copy from e bay several years ago for £117 if I remember correctly. I spent £40 on a set up and it sounded ok but it was quite heavy. I seem to remember that it had very small, narrow frets. I have never seen another Joodee. It says on it for proffesional use which was a bit ironic me owning it. I ended up giving it away to someone who was learning the bass. These are the e bay photo`s so don`t blame me for the dodgy carpet! [attachment=122129:Picture 024.jpg] [attachment=122130:Picture 026.jpg]
  3. Epiphone EBO and EB3. I have never played an old Gibson variant but these Epi`s are truly horrid.
  4. I own a few basses, have played bass in various bands over the years so I am a bass player. I think therefore I am. Or something like that.
  5. Just got meself a CV P bass in fiesta red. Got to put on the straplocks and a set of Status flats and we are good to go. Yummy!!!
  6. The best one I had was: Drunk guy. "Hey mate give us goodbye yellow brick road by that Elton p**fter" Me. Looks round to see if we have aquired a piano player since we started the gig. No, no piano. Or Elton. "Sorry mate we don`t do that one" Drunk guy buggers off muttering to himself. Or the famous drunk woman. "My mate`s a great singer, can she get up and sing a song?" Mate is a Boabby Dazzaler. Me "No" The thought of these people coating your mic with their saliva and other things.
  7. I didn`t think that the T115 was available anymore? It was a special run made for Thomann and I think xgsjx was correct, it was a re badged Mag 300. Voxpop has come up with a good suggestion, a S/H ABM. I own a British made MAG 300, one time combo now just the head and I prefer it to the TC bh500 I had. The Mag is their biggest seller. On a related note, just read an interview with Bruce Foxton who said that whilst he uses Marshall`s on stage, he uses a Electric Blue Ashdown combo for rehersing and recording and loves it to bits. Here is a link to a Guy Pratt demo [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_z0mDKMaAY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_z0mDKMaAY[/url]
  8. Why does no one on here buy anything? Have we not had this topic before............ To the OP. It seems to me that the basses that sell quickly are keenly priced, photographed well and have lots of detail. I am not knocking your for sale posts as I have not seen them. What you have to remember is it is a bit of a buyers market at the moment and you have to put in a bit of effort to get the sale. Personally I would advertise on here and say Gumtree but I usually put it a bit cheaper on here. And yes, I have bought and sold many times on here.
  9. Remember Mike, no pics of the transit = it doesn`t exist!
  10. Which just goes to prove that no one but other bass players gies a toss who makes the bass and where abouts in the world it is manufactured. Donny you realise that you have just buggered up umpteen threads? Do you feel guilty? BTW is that red bass no pink?
  11. I don`t buy all this because it`s made in a certain place it makes it the dog dangallies nonsense. If you buy a bass and like the thing it makes absolutley no differance the country of manufacture. A few years ago I bought a Jap P bass and wasn`t blown away with it and the same goes for the 2 US P basses I have owned. And no French birds either. Hairy armpits-need i say more?
  12. Just reminds you in this sometimes crap world, that there are nice people around. And lots of them are on here
  13. I have just read a Neil Young book called Shakey, basically Neil`s life story. Damm good read by the way but back on topic. In the book, Graham Nash recounts this story regarding Mr Sklar.... [i]Wanna know why Lee Sklar wouldn`t work with us (Crosby, Stills and Nash)? Because Stephen (Stills) who fancies himself as a bass player, would go up, take the bass from out of his hands and say "NO,NO, play it like this!"[/i] [i]Leland can play rings around anything that Stephen can`t even do on the f***ing guitar![/i] So there you go.
  14. £259 at Andertons and due in stock the 12th of this month. Looks nice. Fender`s artist department are working overtime this weather.
  15. I have no intention whatsover of buying this but I would just like to say "welcome home discreet!" We`ve missed you. Well some of us have
  16. Can`t polish a turd ???? You calling my Mex 50`s P a turd ?????? Right, ootside!!!!! I think you wil find a lot of people will disagree with that statement.
  17. Re the baddass. I put one on a 60`s reissue jazz and I noticed no differance whatsoever. They can look cool but unless it was standard on the bass I wouldn`t bother. I would be more inclined to spend the money on a decent pickup although I have read nothing but glowing reports of these P basses. But if you fancy a change, go for it.
  18. I learn it like the record until I run out of talent. Which can be pretty quick! Near enough is good enough for me.
  19. Seeing as the guy asked for our opinions on the 3 basses he put in the 1st post, herin lies my tuppence. The Epi - Most Epi basses are crap apart from the Thunderbird and the Jack Cassidy sig, so I would rule that out. The ESP looks ok but I have never owned an ESP/LTD. I would go for the Ibanez as I have never owned a "bad" Ibby. Well apart from the ART short scale pile of cack I owned briefly. As some have pointed out already, if you go second hand on here you will get a lot more bang for yer buck. If you like Ibanez`s keep your eye open for a s/h SR300 as these are bloomin fantastic and cheap. And just having bought one of these I can say this with some confidence.
  20. It`s actually a decent price when you compare it to the Standard Standard £445 Nat M £665 The NM has a baddass, SD pickup and Fender marked tuners, gig bag and nitro finish. All in all, well worth it. If you like The Foos/Nate of course
  21. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1349142232' post='1822400'] I believe that he's been using Fender Custom Shop versions of his original Precision for a while. It's not uncommon for Artists to play custom versions of their signature instruments. [/quote] I think it`s mentioned on the clip he did for Fender about the P bass. The custom shop built one for him as he didn`t want to take the original on the road in case anything happened to it and it was a better bass than his original.
  22. Right, where`s me credit card. I like it. Lots!
  23. Bloomin lovely!! Always wanted a black one but have not got round to it.
  24. Try 911 tabs. This seems to have lots of other options but the pop up and adverts are a pain even with an anti pop up setting. [url="http://www.911tabs.com/"]http://www.911tabs.com/[/url] I have just realised how stupid the last bit of that sentance sounds but you will see what I mean.
  25. Pil I thought were the best thing on the show. I was really impressed with the sounds that guy got from that Baglama (ta Pete, wondered what it was!) I`m not really a Muse fan but they were ok. They could do with using some more effects though But the Beach Boys? I know they may have been good in the past but it was like watching your grandad doing a song at a family get together when he is past it and no one has the decency to tell him. And how many people were there on stage anyway? And Gollum on vocals and guitar?
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