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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. It`s as genuine as a 3 pound note! It may be a Fender body but the neck ain`t. What kind of friend sells a fake Fender for £170? Unless he/she doesn`t know it`s a fake. If you like the way it plays and sounds offer £70 and take it from there. For £170 you could pick up a decnet s/h Squier with lots more re sale value if that`s important to ya.
  2. I think that there is more to him leaving than him not being happy about the reunion. It may have something to do with the manager leaving as well....... [url="http://www.stuart-adamson.co.uk/tony-butler-quits-big-country/09/2012/"]http://www.stuart-adamson.co.uk/tony-butler-quits-big-country/09/2012/[/url]
  3. I think someone should start a new web site call "Moanchat" then we could all pop over there, have a moan and come back here refreshed! I would set it up myself but am currently very busy on the net trying to sell a kidney to pay for a rather nice vintage Fender P bass in the for sale section.......
  4. I had a CA in sunburst with the maple neck and the bass was spot on. I changed the tuners for Schaller ones but the stock ones were fine. I never noticed any problems with the neck and as I very rarely used the G string, I didn`t notice if it was weak.
  5. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1347922151' post='1806818'] I think also... lets take an example.... silddx sticks a bass up for sale. A few of the folk who have been around longer and know him, and maybe even owned/played the bass chip in... it lets other people know that actually the bass is desirable (and if you buy it and don't get on with it you might find it easier to shift) and also that the person is a decent one. There is at least one item in the forsale section that's been there a while, only the seller and the odd newbie post there- and theres a good reason I think why folk who've been on here longer give that particular item a wide berth.... [/quote] C`mon Luke, what is it. I just want to see if it`s the same one I was thinking of!
  6. I don`t think there is a "proper" way of practacing. What works for me might not work for you. It depends what you are looking to get out of it. Do you want to be technically proficent? Do you want to play with a band doing a particular type of music-eg Jazz? Me, if I`m going for an audition, I`ll learn the material or just work out songs that i like to play. I try and play every day even for 20 mins or so. Sometimes I think I`m decent and other times I just can`t get it together. I can`t be bothered learning all the triads, scales, etc. But that is just me
  7. I could be talking mince but the finish on the body where the black meets the sunburst looks rather fierce. It usually looks more blended in. Still it`s an intresting read as always
  8. When I think about it, even though I am very limited in my bass playing abilites, I have never went to an audition where I didn`t know anyone in the band and thought to myself "I am simply not good enough to play with this band." Either I am: 1 Better than I think I am 2 Deluded 3 Have never played with really good muso`s.
  9. Been there and got the T shirt. They asked me to learn 16 songs and over the course of the week got most of it down. Heck, I even enjoyed learning some of them. I turn up and got the "we only know a few of the songs. They are a work in progress!" The world and particulary Gumtree, are full of dreamers.
  10. Good on Ya! It`s always important to have some "you time"
  11. Top guy! A guy as talanted as he is yet seems very modest with it. There endeth the lesson for us all.
  12. A program called Here comes the summer is on bbc4 tonight, 9 45, the story of the Undertones. Looking forward to this!
  13. I usually play with my feet. With boots on. Should I apply?
  14. That Electra looks really good value for money but even better value from Thoman at £457 although they won`t have any in until October.
  15. [quote name='Adrenochrome' timestamp='1346937020' post='1795024'] Yes, I've had 20+ setlists to learn in a week or less a few times. Don't necessarily learn them note for note - get the main verse/chorus/bridge patterns down and don't worry if the last verse has a few variations. Listen to all the songs as much as you can and get hold of any chords/tab/notation to help and make your own cheat sheets. I've even used a music stand, at knee height and barely visible to the audience before when I've had to. You'll get there! [/quote] This 100%! Near enough is good enough for me. Don`t be afraid to use chord sheets on a stand for referance. I have done this when asked to do something at short notice. Look confident and smile!
  16. Don`t know about "the dots" Pete, but here is a link to the chords. Don`t know how accurate it is though. The good thing is if it`s not the right chords, you can transpose it up or down at the top of the page to suit. [url="http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/b/bluetones/slight_return_crd.htm"]http://tabs.ultimate..._return_crd.htm[/url]
  17. I gig with a TC Electronics bc 2x10 and it is loud enough for the pubs and clubs I have played. On quite a few occasions I have been asked to turn down. It`s nice and light too at 20kg.
  18. Just did a deal with Alex for my Sterling. Decent guy, good comunication and no messing about.
  19. I sold a wooden necked Energy about 18 months ago and regretted it right away! It was a really nice bass and as there aren`t a great many of them about, people in other bands used to ask about it and comment on it`s sound. I can only imagine that the graphite necked ones would be better. Worth the swap I would say as I don`t think they will drop in value.
  20. jezzaboy


    That is a very intresting bass! The body has seen some action over the years and those mods make it......different. How does it sound?
  21. Whoopee!! Glad you have found something that you enjoy. Me, I`m still looking.
  22. Sounds like a fair deal to me. A 3 hour rehersal costs around £28 a pop up here, so as long as you aren`t charging £600 per gig, you should be quids in!
  23. That`s the thing about keyboardist`s. You are looking for the odd intresting noise whilst most of the ones I have met/played with/auditioned either play all over the top of everyone else or sound like Billy Smart`s circus`s organ player. And most of them were twonk headed "musicians."
  24. Flippin heck! A couple of years ago I bough the passive one for 50 quid from the local crack converters! Granted it wasn`t in as good a nick as this one and had only 1 pickup. And it was ugly. Some people really are dreamers..........
  25. You did the right thing Dave. I was playing in an ac/dc covers band that was started by the "Angus" The guy is a great guitar player but has played in the bedroom to ac/dc records for 20 years and has not got the temprement or the balls to play live. Him and the drummer had a fall out through bloomin Facebook and the drummer departed. It was all so bloomin petty and the band was sounding sh*t hot. After that me, the singer and rhythm guitarist walked. Angus was a bit shocked at that but the guy was a great drummer and perfect for the material. He still has an ad on Gumtree and whilst he is talanted he just ain`t got it for playing live. My motto is if you ain`t enjoying it, it`s time to go!
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