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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. If it cost £57, I would defo put it on!! Even if I didn`t like it Jez
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1335432578' post='1630864'] I wouldn't be too upset about the way your feedback thread has gone. There's always two sides to every story and I'm sure if someone reads your whole feedback thread they'll draw their own conclusions about your honesty and integrity. [/quote] Agreed. Stay with it Karl. Jez
  3. Re the neck, I think it`s 44mm across the nut and is a bit more of a handfull than the standard P basses. It may be a bit of a shock going from a Jazz neck to one of these but if you can get used to it, there is no better traditional P bass for the money. Or get a Mike Dirnt P bass, slightly smaller neck and fantastic tone and sustain. Almost as sexy looking as a 50`s as well. Jez
  4. 2 hours to sort out his pedals? Tell him to get it sorted before he arrives for a rehersal. Or have a whip round and get him a pedalboard. Jez
  5. The necks on the Jazz`s from that era would be one of the reasons for buying one from this period. Have a look through the for sale section as there have been a few 70`s models for sale recently. Also, a few years ago the 70`s were derided as Fender`s dodgy build quality decade whereas now they are all "vintage classics and not too heavy either." Jez
  6. Using it as a back up bass????? 2nd fiddle to a Jazz???? That is below the belt Great basses. Buy one, you won`t be dissapointed. Jez
  7. Go to the members tab at the top of the page, just below the basschat logo and you will find the guys you are looking for in there and send them a PM, personal message. Easy peasy. Jez
  8. Go for a Squier or a Yam as Daz says. Much better playability and if you buy s/hand and want to move it on, you will get your money back. Buy a Yamaha 414, you will find some glowing reviews on here for them and the neck isn`t too wide. Also as your friend is selling the fleabass as it`s a "one trick pony", why would you be happy with it? Oh, and the s/hand Fleabass I tried in a shop was sh*t! Jez
  9. You have to be careful ordering pickgaurds for Fender/Squires as a Mex one is slightly different to a US one etc. The screw holes don`t always match up and the neck fit sometimes needs a bit of adjustment with a file. Someone who has an Affinity will advise no doubt. You can get a new bridge from Allparts, W D Music, Axesrus and CH Guitars on e bay. The first 2 are quite expensive and sell the well know brand names and the other 2 sell some un branded stuff but still look good to me but I haven`t used them. If you are fitting a Wizard, you would be as well changing the pots and wiring when you are at it. Jez
  10. A pic would help. Is that the red one with the neck binding and blocks? Jez
  11. As long as you are reasonably competent you are ready to join a band. I`ve been getting away with it for years If you are going to audition for a covers band, get the set list well before hand and practice it. Usually an audition is 6 songs or something like that. Be confident, be pleasant, know the material and more importantly, enjoy yourself. Don`t worry about making mistakes, we all do it. And Marvin, I don`t know how to play All right now either!! Never benn asked to play it in any band. Thought I was the only one. Jez
  12. Doc, do you mean to tell me you can`t repair this???? Damm, that`s that idea buggered! There`s plenty of life left in the frets, surely someone could use them? Jez
  13. Just when I thought I had seen everything, this comes up for sale! [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/broken-bass-neck/100519613"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/broken-bass-neck/100519613[/url] Jez
  14. Trucking from "hundred year hall" by the grateful dead. Recorded in Germany in 72. Jez
  15. I thought the sound quality on the dvd was ok. It is much better than Time machine where Ged has lost all the top end and can`t really sing a lot of the songs anymore. Jez
  16. For pubs, from around £180 to £250 ish. That is the reason I prefer to play in 4 piece bands. Jez
  17. I`ve owned lots of different basses over the years but I got a Mike drint P off here recently and it`s the biz. It is the best sounding P bass I have owned and the tone can go from Motown to heavy rock with a turn of the tone knob. It weighs a bloomin ton though but it`s worth it. Jez
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1334401500' post='1615660'] What's a 'music shop'? [/quote] You know. It was one of those places where back in the old days, you would hang about and play stuff you couldn`t afford, surrounded by spotty teenage herberts shredding away on Ibanez guitars with all their mates going "sick man!" Terrible places really Jez
  19. [quote name='Vinny' timestamp='1334226293' post='1612728'] At least they aren't called 'The Rickenbackers' cos then they'd REALLY be in trouble! [/quote] But only if one of them had a head shaped like the end of a Ric bass. With tuners for ears. Jez
  20. Some cracking buys in that shop. You can get a second hand Epi T bird for £199. Hang on, you can get a brand new one for the same price from guitarguitar or cheaper from Thomann! Jez
  21. Has the man nothing better to do? And his basses look sh*t to me!! Jez
  22. Rock covers band? P bass. Nuff said! Jez Also, for a bit of versatility, get a P and fit a good Jazz pickup in the bridge position.
  23. Never owned any Hartke gear. Speaker cabs and the sound from them, is a very personal thing. Keep your eye on the for sale section on here and you could bag yourself a decent rig - eg: Trace Elliott combo, Ashdown Evo or similar for 400. If you don`t mind a bit of weight, you can pick up a bargain as most of us wimps (self included!) prefer lightweight gear. Have a good search around this section of the forum and that should give you some ideas. Jez
  24. If you are buying new, 400 quid won`t get you much for a head/cab. Why not try one of these Redsub 5110 combo`s? Read Neeps review here. Or get something second hand on here. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/168416-another-promethean-clone/page__st__20"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/168416-another-promethean-clone/page__st__20[/url] Jez
  25. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1333894715' post='1607839'] "more cowbell". [/quote] Any fri**in cowbell!! Jez
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