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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1333889950' post='1607757'] I [i]do[/i] have a decent internet connection... most of the time. It's rare for me not to find what I want to hear - and my tastes don't run to the mainstream only, that's for sure. And I [i]don't[/i] treat music as ephemeral! If it's playing through my system I can listen to it just as closely regardless of where it's coming from. Having said that I still miss vinyl. The whole process of buying an album, getting it home, holding it, [i]smelling [/i]it, reading the notes, the lyrics, looking at the artwork... jumpers for goalposts... [/quote] And rolling some "jazz cigarettes" on the sleeves. Can`t forget that! Jez
  2. [quote name='merello' timestamp='1333802215' post='1606688'] The black strings are Status ones I believe bump. [/quote] Yeah M, they are indeed Status strings. I would have this off you but unfortunatley the cash just aint there at the mo. All I can offer is a bump. Jez
  3. Just before xmas, I answered an ad for a band that were re forming and needed a bass player. Spoke to the singer, liked the guy, liked the songs they were gonna do. Met the guy down the pub, got on great. Yabba dabba doo I`m thinking. Guy says he will call me as soon as they can get the drummer sorted out, which would be sorted within the next few days and would I crack on learning the set list? Well, I`m still waiting for the call back from John ex of the Sex Godz. Dish the dirt!!! I don`t think he is calling back is he? Jez
  4. There was one on Glasgow gumtree that went for 200ish quid just over a year ago. That price is takin the p*ss!! Jez
  5. Seein as Mr Karma hasn`t been on line since June 2011, I think we can safely assume it`s gone and so it seems has he! Jez
  6. Good point!! I`ll sort this right away. Jez
  7. I really like the grain on that wood. Good result! Jez
  8. Ho bloomin ho I dunno, try and do someone a favour........... Jez
  9. For me, I can compromise on the type of music I will play (Shangalang anyone?) but I cannot play with people I don`t like/have some sort of bond with. I am jammin with 3 guys just now and the guitarist is a great player and all round good guy but the other 2, I`m not sure about. I would rather play cheesy covers than sit around the house bemoaning the fact I ain`t playing. But that just me, a gig tart. Jez
  10. [quote name='rk7' timestamp='1333454369' post='1601845'] Plug it in. If it bangs - not good. If it doesn't - good. thank you please RK [/quote] From now on this will be know as the bass players mantra!! Jez
  11. At one time to share the pa gear about, the drummer had the 3 mike stands to transport. First gig with this arrangement he forgets to bring the mike stands. Have you ever tried gaffer taping a microphone to a brush handle and a cymbol stand. I have! That was the last time he was trusted with any pa gear. Jez
  12. Rob, I think they made more than 100 as I had number 101 These things pack a punch and are well worth the cash you are asking for it. Looks really cool in the green. Jez
  13. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1333357508' post='1600346'] I think it would look better with some stickers on it, to make it unique and sound louder. It's a pity the 1st April has passed off - surely someone has a cheap(er) pink Jazz, and we could have had some royal fun with Talkbass [/quote] Now that would have been childish and imature. So count me right in Jez
  14. Cardboard box suitable for shipping a bass in. Long shot I know but if anyone wants to collect it from me in Paisley give me a shout. Will keep until it does the wife`s head in!! Jez
  15. The link is for an e bay sale D Where`s the link man???? I was wondering why the Epi Tbird pro`s seem to be dissapearing from shops. Jez Beat me to it!
  16. I`m sorry, they most likely love the sound of the basses they use but nothing looks more wrong than an upside bass guitar. Jez
  17. jezzaboy


    Here`s a recent thread to give you some ideas. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/169384-what-strings-do-you-use/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/169384-what-strings-do-you-use/[/url] Jez
  18. Or Out to play Jazz. The man spoke wisdom. No not Norman before anyone says! Jez
  19. Don`t forget if you buy from the net you have 7 days to return it due to the distance selling regs. I think with Thomann it`s 30 days. Jez
  20. There are quite a few well know members that have dissapeared within the last year. Mabye it`s aliens? Or mabye they got fed up reading/chating about basses and decide to play the things instead. What a novel concept-must try it sometime. Jez
  21. For £350???? They usually go for around the 400 to 430 mark on here. That bloody awful scratchplate would cost about 50 to buy on it`s own I have heard nothing but good things about these and I played one a while back in a shop and was impressed. But I would say that with a 700 budget you could get a used US 2008+ model for around the same money. Jez
  22. Status half rounds on all my basses. Not as zingy as rounds, not as dull as flats and nice and smooth to the touch Sounds like an ad for fairy liquid. Jez
  23. AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! It`s returned to haunt us once again!! It`s a genuine as a £14 note. Jez
  24. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1332790726' post='1593220'] Oops. [attachment=103444:Cardinal Headstock.jpg] [/quote] The things you see when you ain`t got a gun!! Jez
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