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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. I thought that, getting a bit ditterey in me olde age! Great sounding bass that MD but a heavy lump. That BB, which was really nice btw, I ended up selling it to a member from Motherwell, who left it in his car after a gig one night. And when he went to the car in the morning, some scallywag had stole it so who knows where it ended up after that.
  2. Andy. Just remind me. Did I meet you in the Tesco car park in glorious Parkhead a few years back and did a swap deal for your red BB?
  3. Myself and rhythm guitar boy have had a lot of work done by Strung out. The girls are really friendly and won`t do work that isn`t required.
  4. If it`s any consolation to you, recently I have been listening to the track Spirit of man from the WOTW sountrack and the bass playing is what really shines in this song. When you look back at some of the things Herbie has done, he deserves to be right up there with the bass playing greats.
  5. The guy who used to come on here, Lee if I remember right, has left Ashdown and it looks like they haven`t anyone brave enough to suffer the wrath of the BC. Or the praise of BC.
  6. Someone on TB based in Italy I think bought a white one of these and the fret job was pretty shocking. I love the look of the burst one but I would try before buying. Which could be said of most Squier`s to be fair.
  7. I`m the opposite, I shouldn`t like them but do. I was in Stereo 1 in Paisley years ago and they were playing the Erpland album on the shop hi fi. The track was Tidal convergence and it blew me away. I bought it and Live Underslunky but until this topic appeared, I hadn`t listened to them for years. Time for a re visit.
  8. I had the same thing. Tried to send a bass with DPD and they said the package was too large for them, on the very same day I had a bass delivered by them form Guitarguitar! GG must spend a few bob with DPD so it` worth their while.
  9. Didn`t someone on here build or own a replica of Herbie`s bass? Was a few years ago.
  10. Still have a head and cab made by Ashdown in England, use UK made cables and have owned a couple of Status basses but as long as the gear works and I can afford it, where it is made is not really something I think about. Even the US made Fenders are made with overseas parts and that is why they can`t say made in the US anymore due to Californian laws. But that`s another can of worms. Is it made in the UK or assembled here with parts from all over.
  11. I have a modified Nate Mendel P bass. I`m not really a big Foo`s fan, I just like the neck shape.
  12. These topics are too tempting. I had one of these earlier this year and moved it on as it wasn`t getting used. After reading this topic again, I spotted a s/hand one in Richtone Music for £270 with a case. Got it bought and it arrived looking almost as new. There is a lot of space between the bridge and pickup and I have a MFD humbucker kicking about so a trip to Strung out guitars may be in order. But going into the studio on Monday night and will hear how it sounds with the band before modifying the bass.
  13. I damaged my Ashdown, totally my fault, sent it down to them and they repaired it free of charge and sent it back via TNT. You cant beat that for customer service. Also if you have a problem you can talk to Dave or similar who know their stuff as they design the gear and know it inside out.
  14. Rhythm Guitarist: have you got a spare 9v? Me: you`ve only got a tuner! Bring a spare battery!!
  15. Most couriers insist on the case being wrapped in a cardboard outer box of some description due to covid reasons. I think if you surround the case in thick cardboard they can`t complain. Try overlandexpress. I have used APC through them on loads of occasions now and they have been spot on. £10 for every extra £1000 insurance. I must add though, nothing has been damaged or lost in transit with APC so I cannot speak for the cover. It was someone on here that put me onto them and the one time a delivery was delayed, you can actually speak to a real person. Shocking I know.
  16. Along similar lines but cheaper, I use a Alto 10 inch powered speaker. I think I paid £100 for it and it`s great for home use. A 10 inch powered speaker of some description is the way to go. I was gonna buy 2 x RCF 710`s, 1 for home practice and 2 for gig`s. Might end up doing that at some point.
  17. I think that some of the worst photo`s are in the Guitarguitar second hand section. They claim to use a professional set up but I always find their photo`s very dark and hard to see any dings or defects in them even when they say there are some.
  18. I didn`t think I would see this one up for sale. But I didn`t expect to sell my black CLF L2000 either! We are some team when it comes to G & L` s Keir is a top bloke so deal in confidence.
  19. I never even knew there was a headphone button on the back! Good shout as no doubt I would have done the same myself
  20. Good shout there but I would replace Europe 72 with Hundred year hall. Recorded on the same tour but with HYH you get what the crowd heard that night rather than something that was messed with back at the studio. There are so many different versions of the Dead and for me the years 70 till 74 is the best, the rest you can keep especially live stuff with Mickey Hart, he just seemed to overplay and left no space for the tunes to breathe. They had such a rocky country feel to them before heroin entered the scene in late 74, early 75 and Garcia got hooked The problem with getting hooked on the band is you can end up with a rather large collection. Most of these were bought 15 + years ago and I stupidly took them out their cases and into plastic sleeves. Not one of my better ideas!
  21. Aw man. Loved the guy, big part of my listening growing up. Always came across as a honest guy in interviews. He did look frail when the frantic 4 got together. RIP
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