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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. To be fair, there is a Royal Mail depot in Springburn Glasgow that could and does at Christmas time, hold dozens of trailers. I imagine that the same would be true of other large depots.
  2. The neck on the NM is one that Fender only did for a couple of years in about 71 if I remember right. Don`t have any idea where you could get one the same profile, maybe get one from the Stratosphere on E bay but I think they can be pricey. Or get a tech to mod a existing neck to the same shape, providing you have a spec for the NM neck? It is my favourite neck shape by far for a P bass.
  3. Hi mate. What is your budget? And will you be wanting to play through a practice amp at home or some kind of headphone/quiet set up. Once we know this you will be bombarded with all our favourites!
  4. Now where did I put that bit of string of indeterminate length.......
  5. Phaw! Call that an on board eq? Lightweight
  6. They seem to be out of stock on loads of things but if it`s in stock, it seems to be business as usual. Got a set of tuners in a few days.
  7. This.... 350 odd watts on it`s own, 500 with an extension cab. Had one and like a fool sold.......... you know the rest
  8. I have always been a big music fan and whilst the idea of playing the guitar seemed tempting, I hadn`t done anything about it. I get to 34 and find out a guy who used to do work for my company played guitar and we got talking and it made me want to learn to play 6 string guitar. Got an Argos special Encore and amp but found out that due to an old injury when I fractured my left pinky finger, I couldnt form the chord shapes. By now I was keen to learn so the guy suggested getting a bass. I had always loved Pete Way and so I thought I would give it a try. 20 years, a few bands and loads of basses later I`m still trying!
  9. Is that the best hair doo for metal? There is something rather cool looking about that Hamer with the trem.
  10. Spot on. I was liking the build until he started carving the poo out of the body with those chisels. What posses people to do stuff like that? Still he has form. Anyone see the Tele style guitars in GG a couple of year ago that was basically 2 bits of knackered, sorry tone wood, with steel rods holding it together Still what do I know? He is an expert guitar builder and I`m mediocre bass player!
  11. I have a TC Polytune clip on and sometimes it has a problem with the E string so I usually use the fifth fret A to tune this. I just use this in the house or as a back up on a gig. I had a TU 3 but it used to bounce about like the clappers so sold it to guitar boy and bought a Korg Pitchblack which I find much better. Maybe you can alter the setting of the Boss as it seems to be one of the most popular ones but it used to drive me mad on a gig. Now it drives guitar boy mad but it`s all good
  12. Thats weird because thats exactly what I said to my wife yesterday as I pressed the buy now button on a Yamaha BB734! Promises, promises....
  13. jezzaboy

    mr E

    If you can manage to up your budget slightly, the Yamaha 434 is superb. It is a step up in quality from the 234 and is a bass that will do any gig. They aren`t as heavy as the old ones having a smaller body. I owned one and stupidly sold it on. Havent tried a 234 but I imagine they are decent. The Sub series are nice and the newer ones have a better pre amp than the older models that were super hot and not in a good way. They are nicely finished in my experience. If you like the MM sound it will get you near enough on a budget. If you want an active bass get the Sub, if you prefer a passive, go for the Yamaha. You can`t lose really, they are both decent budget basses. Good luck!
  14. Sorry Lozz, it was Emory Gordy who played on this. If I remember right they only played the track twice and it was done!
  15. I just bought one of the Classic Vibe Squier Mustangs and it really nice apart from the tuners which are made from play doh if I`m not mistaken. I looked at buying a Bronco for half the price but I would have spent a good few bob getting it to what I would want it to be so got the Mustang.
  16. I look at it this way. I own Fenders, Sanbergs, G&L but if I was starting all over again, I would buy 2 Sire V7 Vintage model basses. Two because I would need a backup for gigging. One in black the other in that candy apple red colour. Just get the black one ordered and let us all know in a week or so how happy you are with your new bass!
  17. I have one of the Jazz basses you are looking at, bought from Andertons as well. It`s a really well made and put together bass but mine is quite heavy, round about 9 to 9.5 lb`s. If thats not a problem for you then go for it. The Sire bass is a great bit of kit with a really good pre amp and loads of tonal options. And the neck on them is peachy due to having the edges of the neck rolled making it really comfy to play. Either one will do the biz but I see the Squier isnt in stock at the moment.
  18. A set of Schaller BM`s will do the job nicely if you want to change the tuners. About £70 delivered from Thomman.
  19. Deke was the man when it came to writing about the music industry. His stories were well written, loads of humour and most of us can relate to the things that happened. Get them from Amazon, you won`t regret it!* *(Well you might but ya boo sucks!)
  20. I got one of the natural ones a few weeks ago. Really nice and a steal at £400. I was a bit worried that the neck would be like the L2000 tribute which I find too chunky but the neck on these is like a standard P bass. It has a 3 piece body but it looks fine from the front, not to obvious. It is a bit of a lump though, must be about 9.5 - 10 lb`s.
  21. Check out the interview with L and Guy Pratt. What a thoroughly decent chap and great player.
  22. Really cool topic Dave. It will be "interesting" to look back at this topic in say 6 months time and see where we all end up. Healthy I hope!
  23. We are supposed to be playing the first gig with our new singer in the Hard Rock Cafe in Glasgow on the 25th of April. There is a "request" by Nicola`s lot to not have any events with more than 500 people and I don`t think the venue holds that many. No word either way yet but I`m not hopeful. But I imagine the ticket sales will be crap anyway. The annual Bonfest festival in Kirremuir is looking dodgy as there are people coming from all over the world and it`s quite a large event. If its binned, I imagine it will seriously affect the local economy. Having played there the last 3 years, due to getting a new singer on board we aren`t playing there this year and I was really looking forward to the Glasgow gig. Gigging isn`t my main income but I feel really sorry for all the sound, lightning, trucking, techs etc that make their living doing this. But for us it just a gig thats blown out (maybe) and there are many other people in a worse position than us.
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