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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. We turned up at a pub in Prestwick Ayrshire, 2 valve Marshalls, Ashdown stack, pa and I think we had lights that night as well. The landlord showed us where to set up and the 1 plug socket available to us. He explained that the band the previous night had blown the other sockets and it would be fine to plug all the gear into said socket. He found it quite amusing that we are an ac/dc tribute and he had a problem with the electrics. Plonker.
  2. Thats a new one on me that is. I can just see the advert on Gumtree. "New bass player required. Last one left due to non availability of buffet!"
  3. The only reason I turn down gigs is due to distance or money or a combination of both. Examples: travelling from Glasgow to Frazerburgh for £250 between 5 of us and travel from Glasgow to Banff to play for 1 hour on a Saturday night. And some of the guys in the band wanted to do both of the gigs, madness. And I don`t do boats. I get seasick in the bloomin bath! Captain Pugwash I aint!
  4. I use my 715 on the Line setting and have had plenty of volume from it. Enough to heard with a couple of Marshall dafties. Having said that I bought a EH Battalion a few weeks ago and had to crank the volume knob to get a decent amount of volume form the set up in the studio. Previously I used a Art Mic pre before the RCF so I would have plenty of volume going into the speaker. The speaker volume was about 1 o`clock. I`m going into the studio tomorrow night so will have a mess about. Glad you seem happy with the 732 now Paul.
  5. For 20 years, I worked in a company manufacturing industrial cladding eventually becoming one of the managers of the facility. It nearly drove me nuts as there was a lot of stress involved and my wife said it made me a different person. It closed in late 2003 and I got a job in transport with one of the companies who did work for me as an lgv driver. I thought it would do me me for a year or so till I get my head together but I`m still doing it. After having numerous jobs driving for various companies, I currently work for a multi national company delivering bathroom and heating items to mostly new builds across Scotland. The job is easy but the place I work is full of numpties, god knows how they are still in business. A few thing I have learned in this job. Don`t buy one of those shiny new builds, they are thrown together and are mostly crap. And plumbers are the biggest bunch of moaners I have ever worked with despite earning really good money.
  6. Don`t read his autobiography, the most boring piece of moaning I have ever read. Good drummer though.
  7. I have never gotten a decent sound out of a Trace head or combo but that could just be me Having owned a few Ashdowns and used rig supplied gigs, I would go with the big A.
  8. Ive spent a few bob on Schaller locks over the years. But now I use the washers from Grolsch beer bottles. You can get a bag on e bay for about a fiver and as long as the original strap buttons are secure, they do a a fine job.
  9. It will be fine. I bought a RCF 715 about 6 months ago and it`s working out fine. The guitarist ( a devout Marshall tube combo user ) can`t get his head around it though!
  10. Looks good. Not much info re release though. I bought a book about 10 years ago about the place.
  11. I really have no idea why G&L persist in offering a cracking bass with a baseball bat sized neck. I have had a few and always move them on due to this. The 44 mm width I can handle, just, but to make it so much of a handful is crazy imo.
  12. Cease and desist letter being typed up at Fender HQ as we discuss these..... But if they aint too dear, I would take a punt.
  13. I`m 54 and our rhythm guitarist is 33. Sometimes I start talking about the 70`s only to be reminded that he wasn`t even born then! Boy it makes me feel old. But it shouldn`t matter in a band context unless you want to be the next big thing.
  14. There was a guy on the radio from the manufacturers and he said that as the metal frame of the piano was cracked due to the high tension put on the frame by the strings (20 tons), it was impossible to repair. And us bassist moan when the jack socket stops working.
  15. Are Hermes doing piano shifting now? Honest Guv it was fine when we left the piano next to her wheelie bins!
  16. I usually let some of it dribble down the shaft into the pot, give it a few turns and it`s sorted. Use the straw that comes with it. You don`t need much. It is actually a switch cleaner, don`t know if its any different to electrical cleaner? I don`t know if this is the "right way" to do it but it has worked for me in the past.
  17. I have just bought the Nano model you mention and it`s a nice bit of kit. It`s 2 metal rails with velcro on it. I don`t see how spending an extra £100 would make something so simple any better?
  18. A can of Servisol super 10. Spray some of that in the pot, usually does the trick. Keep it in your gig bag!
  19. I follow a guitarist called Tim Pierce on Ya Tube, the guy is a session veteran and top player. He posted a vlog of a recent gig, a sort of second division Grammy awards. He was playing with Vinnie Colaiuta, Leland Sklar, Dean Parks etc. After watching the skill of these guys in their natural environment, I have realised (if I didn`t know before lol) that I am a weekend warrior that gets to play the odd decent sized gig and I am more than happy with that!
  20. In the ac/dc tribute I play in we do the songs the way that they were done originally. Sometimes we play the live versions as they can be slightly different from the recorded versions but unlike some other dc tributes, we never add in extra fills or tart them up. Our drummer especially is right on the money which means a lot. We have a loyal following and they seem to appreciate the way we remain true to the original songs. It might seem a bit restrictive to some but getting the chance to play great tunes from one of my favourite bands makes it a great gig.
  21. Bought a Spectra comp to try out. Signal chain is tuner - EHX Battalion - RCF powered speaker. Should the comp be before or after the EHX?
  22. If you listen to Man of mystery from 1960 Hank does a solo around 1 min 15 seconds in that pre dates Heavy metal by about 10 years. He never had time to practice playing in the early days as they were always recording or gigging.
  23. Using the old on/off the scale method, the bass weighs 9.2 lb`s. It is a great price for this bass considering some US standards are up in the £800 + region now. Thanks for the kind comments!
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