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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. As I have my eye on something else, this is now for sale only at the frankly bargain price of £750! Yep thats right, a full fat German made Sandy for a hundred odd quid more than a MIM fender. Must be the heat
  2. I have owned this from new and got it last December. I used it in my tribute band but we rarely gig now and my P bass suits the look better so it been sitting in its case looking rather bored. Ash body, maple neck: the dot markers are actually stickers and can be easily removed if you like, Sandberg 2 band eq with passive option, the treble works as a tone control in passive, 39.5 mm at the neck, lightweight tuners, weight is around the 9 lb mark, Sandberg gig bag included. Fitted with Fender flats. Just in case you can`t see from the photos, the body is an open pore finish like those Fenders from a few years back. The bass is in good condition but there is a mark right at the end of the headstock as you can see in the photo and the black pickgaurd has a bit of swirling that you get on black plastic. You cant see it when looking at the bass normally but you can if you tip it into the light, nothing serious I just like to be upfront about these things.. The two lines on the back are just the grain pattern. .
  3. A wee tip if using Join my band. If you see an advert you like the look of, below their message is a box called "profile" If they have advertised before and haven`t deleted their previous ads you can see them in this section. It can save you a lot of time. For example: there is a band in the Scotland area looking for a rock singer. Looking back last Sunday, they were looking for a rock/metal singer who has "the ability to distort vocals well" whatever the heck that means but in January this year, they wanted someone who could sing indie, rock, jazz and blues! Make their bloomin mind up! So if you have a peeky boo you can hopefully filter out the time wasters and frankly care in the community cases.
  4. Cracking wee basses these. I was surprised how good they sound. Especially for the price.
  5. Communication. Thats the key for me. Making sure we have all learned the correct version of the song, not the one they played live in that gig in 84 in Poland. You must have seen it on youtube? Rehearsals are for getting the performance gig ready not for learning the song. I don`t mind rehearsals as long as it doesn`t become a "social event." You are paying dough out to do this so get the tunes tight and bugger off and do some gigs! Pet hate in rehearsals. You are speaking to the singer sorting out the arrangement and the guitarist starts playing a riff from an old heavy rock number, the drummer knows it, picks up and joins in as you try to talk to singer. Much abuse follows
  6. I thought that Johnny Marr`s bassist sounded really good and nice playing as well. He seemed to get a lot of camera time as well.
  7. Nah. I have decided to knock it on the head. Mr Ambient, you are so right! 👌
  8. Pretty sure you are right. He favoured the red one through the mid 80`s and 90`s Floyd stuff as well and the white one was the backup.
  9. Time for me to come clean. It was me who bought the "Black strat." Bit of a stretch at just under 4 million bucks but hey, gotta do something with all that cash form the Class A. Can`t really put it in the bank now can I? But everything is good, Big Dave is well happy and so is the climate. And I don`t need to worry as I had a text form DPD at 11 am this morning saying Fred their driver will drop the guitar off between 3.42 pm and 4.42 pm at my addresss. 👌
  10. A quick google and Vintera appears to be a Russian tv app. Knew it, bloomin commies!!!
  11. I take it when you but the 70`s Jazz you get a dodgy neck pocket, boat anchor weight and general shoddy QC? But not all 70`s Fenders are crap: so says everyone who tries to sell one I take it that knowing Fender these ones will be more expensive than the almost exactly the same models that these ones replace?
  12. Funny you should say that as I have just googled said guy in the pink cowboy hat and his name is Wright Tube the 3rd. One of a long line of Tubes. From Texas I believe, where the girls are girls and so are some of the boys. Especially ones with pink cowboy hats.
  13. Just sold Chris a cab. Nice guy and super easy to deal with. Thanks!
  14. The neck is slim but has slightly more of a "handfull" than most Jazz necks which is perfect for me. The VS 4 is an exceptional piece of kit.
  15. I like the way that is just has the M on it and not player to player or whatever it sometimes says. Lovely looking bass.
  16. Correct Dave, Berkeley it was indeed. When I plugged in the Ibby, I just turned down the gain until the red light was only going on at the loudest point.
  17. I totally agree with this and other similar views.
  18. I think they tried this with Paul Reed Smith a few years ago and they didn`t win that one. Does Gibson`s legacy and copyright of shapes extend to the Gibson/Epi Stratocasters they made a few years back? Hi my name is Mark Agnesi and no I`m not reading this corporate BS off an autocue.
  19. Spot on Lozz. I put a fresh set of Ernie Ball cobalt strings the first day I got it. I`m going to live with the Jazz a while longer and at the first chance I will stick it through my own rig and take the advice re the mids. Thanks for all the advice!
  20. When she meets up with Phil wherever they are, she will be giving him a right bollocking for all the drugs! Hope he`s got a set of earplugs 😊
  21. So I recently bought a Fender Player Jazz. Until Monday I had only used it in the house with a mixer and a small powered speaker. It sounded ok but when I played through an EBS head and Ampeg 6 x 10 at the rehearsal studio the sound was, uninspiring is the best way I can describe it, not punchy at all (I`m rubbish at describing tones btw!). I could have put it down to the gear in the studio but I had also brought along a Ibby SR300 with the powerspan 3 band eq. With the settings the same on the amp (everything flat, bass and treble boosted slightly), using the active eq to give a bit of bass boost, the sound was so much better. Even the guitar player commented on the difference in the sound between the 2 basses which has never been known. The Jazz - £615, was well and truly spanked by the SR - £232. I realise they are 2 completely types of basses and I love the Jazz in every other way but it`s just not doing it for me sound wise. I have owned a couple of stand alone pre amps in the past (EHX Battalion, Sansamp) and I always moved them along and much prefer having the eq on the bass. I was thinking of adding a East J tone pre amp at £150 which is a 2 band eq simplified J Retro with a passive option. Does have any experience with the East pre?
  22. I might be interested in a trade for a 5 string of similar value but would still rather meet up. Pm me if this interests you.
  23. For a Glasgow luthier you can`t do much better than Strung Out Guitars. Quality work and decent prices.
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