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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. [quote name='ZilchWoolham' timestamp='1496696207' post='3313327'] I think it's all a bit exaggerated, really. He's a typical introvert and he ran a tight ship but he's hardly Don Van Vliet. Let's not forget that for several years the band consisted of four chums from Blackpool grammar school + Martin Barre. And for what it's worth, I think I prefer to eat breakfast alone as well! Peggy is indeed a fantastic player. For my money the best living bassist. Incidentally, he was actually with Tull for a longer period than Cornick, Hammond-Hammond and Glascock combined. [/quote] I don`t know about it being exaggerated. I have a dvd with all the members of Tull talking about the history of the band and Pegg says that when he joined the band, Ian said to him "He doesn`t like me, nor him or him. And he was right!" But Ian is responsible for some of my favourite music over the years.
  2. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1496229310' post='3309685'] I think Mr Anderson can be 'challenging' to work with... [/quote] I think that could be the understatement of the week Apparently, Tony Iommi sat down at the same table as Ian to have breakfast and the rest of the band looked on in horror, as Ian sat a one table and the band at another. Glen Cornick was a great player as was Pegg and Glascock.
  3. Just read that Gregg died earlier today. The Allman Brothers meant a great deal to me growing up. I`m off to listen to Live at Filmore East. Rip Brother
  4. I had a play with a new "band" last night. The drummer and singer didn`t show and the 2 guitarists who did were bloomin shocking. Anyway: People with a professional attitude: songs learned, turn up and be on time. Decent drummer Decent kit And a sense of humour. If any of the above is missing, go in the direction of away.
  5. That second one "in fabulous condition" needs a "fabulous" new nut!!
  6. As Lozz says, the die hard fans will notice but it is very difficult to get a bloke who can sing in the original key. The solution is to get a female vocalist but that doesn`t help yourselves. Good luck anyway.
  7. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1495196305' post='3302059'] Definitely - do it! The LH500 is fecking superb. [/quote] Mine turned up today. Looks better in the flesh than the pics. Haven`t had a chance to plug it in but it looks and feels like a good bit of kit. And a steal at £200.
  8. Thanks for the heads up Paul. Been looking at one of those LH500`s for a few weeks and at £200 it would be silly not to Like the idea of the simple eq.
  9. Up here in the Sunny West of Scotland, for us it ranges from £180 to £270 but usually £250. I`m happy with that, getting paid to do something we love.
  10. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1492937642' post='3284173'] This has been my main bass for a few years now. 2 piece swamp ash PJ body, oil & wax finished by myself. Jazz width neck is from a seller in the Netherlands, I can't remember what they were called and can't find them on the web any more. Bridge is the excellent Schaller 2000 (choose your string spacing !) pickguard, tuners, knobs etc are generic. Controls are simply vol, tone and a 2 way switch between having both pickups 50% and the P pickup only, which are the only 2 sounds I ever need. Strung with Fender 7250M 105-45 nickel roundwounds. Weight is an extremely manageable 3.4 kgs (on my bathroom scales) Edit .... forget to mention that the pickups are my secret recipe (which shall now be revealed to you !). A Tonerider jazz bridge pickup and a Wilkinson ceramic P pickup. These 2 together are awesome and ar my very favourite PJ mix (and happen to cost less than £50 together brand new). I have owned and tried a shedload of expensive PJ pickup selections and these truly are excellent - don't waste your money on boutique ones. The very sad news is that I have just fallen in love with a Tune Bass Maniac I have just bought from Dandelion and this lovely bass has just been relegated to number 2. [/quote] You are spot on about the Tonerider pickups. I put a P in my Nate (which is a bit of a bitsa, now painted black and with a tort gaurd) along with one of Mr K`s finest looms and it the dogs dangalies.
  11. Traveled up to Kirremuir yesterday to headline the evenings events in the town hall at Bonfest with my ac/dc band. We were due to play from 4 till 6 but as is the norm with these events, it was running about 45 mins late. This was a problem as our drummer was playing a ska wedding gig later that night in Perth. Had a chat with the lovely woman in charge and she cut the times of the band on before us (ta guys) and we played from 4.40 till 6.10. Fair sized room but we noticed right away that they were only using a vocal pa, the backline and drums were not miked up Played through a Orange 500 watt head and 4x10 cab but as you can guess, the amps were turned up really loud. Thank god for ear plugs! We went down really well, with lots of positive comments from the crowd and it sounded really good out front. All in all a good gig if slightly loud.
  12. Just watched it. Seems like a nice guy but I imagine that he is quite a difficult guy to interview. He really should cheer up a bit.
  13. Just completed a deal with Ian. Fast payment and no messing about.
  14. The guy hasn`t been here since Feb 2015 so I would imagine it`s gone. Try sending him a pm?
  15. Here is a nice video about a similar bass. [url="https://youtu.be/LqbtUSsp4lE"]https://youtu.be/LqbtUSsp4lE[/url]
  16. Very sad news. My thoughts are with his family and friends. RIP
  17. 1 Entwhistle pbxn P bass pickup for sale. Good condition, works fine, no screws and it looks like the wires that go onto the pots are a bit short so you may need to extend the wires. £18 posted, paypal gift is fine. £15 collected. [attachment=242223:20170402_210000.jpg] [attachment=242224:20170402_210016.jpg] Now sold.
  18. Here is a variety of bits of bass hardware to go. I would rather it all went in one go. Some of the parts are: Wilkinson 4 string bridge for Fender bass, no screws. P bass pickup from an old Squier, no mounting foam or screws. BBT Squier bridge, now cleaned. A set of tuners that were on a bass I bought recently. They came from a Yam BB, (dont know the make), so I would imagine they would fit a Fender. Comes with screws and bushes. One phillips screw has been changed on the back but works fine. Jazz control plate, black. Strap pins, springs, knobs, beat up black bridge, string trees, tuner ferrules etc £30 posted. Paypal as a gift is fine. NOW SOLD [attachment=242220:20170402_205301.jpg] [attachment=242221:20170402_205327.jpg] [attachment=242222:20170402_205337.jpg]
  19. I have the opposite issue. I have 5 and love them all!! Makes it damm difficult to know which one to take to the gig. First world problems eh?
  20. Myself and Krispn on here "share" a drummer and he is a cool guy and great drummer. And strangely sane! The only problem is, he is in about 5 bands and sometimes we have to use a dep and that`s when the problems start....
  21. I think BB stands for Broad Bass?
  22. Ed Frieland mentioned this in his review a few years ago. Shocking on a bass that costs so much.
  23. Overkill by Motorhead. After playing that ask him if he prefers four on the floor.
  24. I think that some people in covers bands seem to forget that we are in the entertainment industry. I will play anything that gets people singing, dancing and spending money at the bar. To the op, what have you got to lose? Try it, you might enjoy it.
  25. [quote name='JoeEvans' timestamp='1490132346' post='3262557'] You need to get on with the drummer and live near him or her. Drummers always drive. [/quote] Not always so....Our dep drummer for a gig in Fife doesn`t have a car but has a 125cc motorbike!! So in this case, the bass player is taking the drummer
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