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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. Re the classical players. How do they turn the pages when holding a bow and violin. Is it some mad Jedi / Kung Fu mind trick???
  2. I am "Cliff" in an acdc, sort of tribute act. We try and replicate the music as close to the original recordings as possible. While the lines are simple on the most part, trying to play the way Cliff plays them is bloomin difficult. The temptation to add in fills and runs here and there is very tempting but I try and keep it as simple and true to the original as possible. Over the years on the live tracks, he added some different phrases and I cherry pick some of those and throw them in just to make it a bit more interesting. The bass lines do not get in the way of the guitar and vocals and it is great fun to play.
  3. I think Angus will carry on. It is a multi million pound brand and the Young family like the cash. Sad to see Cliff leaving though. Him and Phil Rudd were one of the best rhythm sections.
  4. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1467541261' post='3084340'] I switched from rosewood fretboards to maple due to bright stage lights. Maple having the edge of being slightly easier able to see what the hell I`m doing. [/quote] Same here Lozz. I prefer playing my maple neck Sub than my Nate M P bass for exactly this reason. But I have started wearing my perscription sunglasses on stage as wearing normal glasses in an ACDC band ain`t to cool
  5. Played the Beat Generator in Dundee on Friday night. Bit of a mad dash up after work. Great venue, good sound man and we went down well. Back home for 2 30 am and back up at 7 for work Played the Glennroy in Balloch last night. Supposed to be on at 10 pm but got delayed by that bloody football! Good gig, lots of positive noises and as there is a night club right next door to the pub, lots of "interesting" sights when loading the gear up. Overall a good weekend. A day of chilling out now.
  6. Re the Barnet. It was done in the early days of Rainbow. According to Colin Hart`s excellent book "A Hart life," they all clocked it and gave each other knowing glances but no one mentioned it. He would have sacked them had they most likely.
  7. We have 2 drummers, one is "our" drummer and the other one steps in when our guy is too busy playing with the other 3 bands he plays with They are both really good but there are subtle differences in the way they play, as is to be expected. But I have played with my fair share of nutters over the years.
  8. I think that ELO and Squeeze have been the best so far. Very tight and well played. ZZ Top and Madness could learn a thing or two from them.
  9. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1466629161' post='3077461'] Paula is a wee genius. I interviewed her for my college course a few years ago. Great at what she does and salt of the Earth, too. [/quote] Aye she is that. And she is also a keen bass player so she knows what she is talking about. She suggested a switch so I could run the pickup as a humbucker or single coil but by using 500k pots, this would do away with any hum on the single coil. Well I think thats what she said It sounded like a good idea. Hey NJ. Paula tested the Wilkinson pickup that I am having fitted to the bass and confirmed it was passive, so if the pickups on your old Bongo were passive, it should have worked no problem. I am basically doing the same thing you have suggested.
  10. I had a look at the Talkbass thread gjones and read through most of it before deciding what to do. The mod Sterling suggested looked a tad too confusing for me. Not that I would have been doing it anyway! It`s a good idea using the pre amp pedal. But I have removed the active circuit and it is now in the hands of the lovely Paula from Strung out guitar who is gonna sort it out.
  11. Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I`m gonna go down the converting to passive route and stick in the Wilkinson pickup at the same time.
  12. Hey Funky. I tried lowering the pickup a bit but it hasn`t made much difference. And I like to anchor my thumb on the pickup so I can`t lower it to far. Reading up on this issue, it seems that EB are aware of it but have said it would cost to much to engineer it out! I don`t get this myself as it`s a well made instrument in all other respects.
  13. I got a Sterling Sub a few weeks ago and it`s a nice bass but the well know problem with the "hot" pre amp is doing my head in. I run it through a Ashdown Evo 500 and even with the active setting on the amp engaged, it still bounces well into the red. And the volume control is more like an on off switch. So as I prefer passive basses anyway, rather than getting a new pre amp or doing the various pre mods floating around, I am thinking of getting a passive vol and tone fitted. I have a Wilkinson MM pickup kicking around and may get this fitted at the same time. It has the option of a series/parallel switch wiring as well. Is it worth it? Anyone done something similar?
  14. I thought the programs were very good. Rod Gilbert was the perfect man for the job and a good choice of judges. Midge is a hero of mine even without the tache. And the bass player from Bombskare, what a player! Good on Wot and the band. Also plenty of good shots of the Maz bass. You should be on commission for the amount of screen time it got
  15. I have owned both and for me the Yam is the winner. I still think that the P pickup is the best sounding one out there, imo of course. I find that the active circuit in cheaper basses lets them down and I always end up moving them on. But the SR is still great value for money and if you like a small neck, light weight, then it could be the one.
  16. [quote name='thegummy' timestamp='1465750542' post='3070708'] Looks good! [/quote] It`s a nice minty white. All the screw holes lined up as well.
  17. [quote name='thegummy' timestamp='1465507890' post='3068936'] What colour did you get for your Mendel? Any pics? [/quote] Here is a pic. [attachment=221358:SAM_0886.JPG]
  18. I just bought one for my Nate Mendel P bass from these guys after someone on here recommended them. Decent quality and a perfect fit. http://www.northwestguitars.co.uk/precision-bass-scratchplate-pickguard-for-fender-p-bass/
  19. This is bringing back bad memories. In one of my former bands, the drummer used to wear one of those stupid rubber horses head while playing this song. Funny the first couple of times but then
  20. On Saturday night I will be using a AMB 500 through one Ashdown12" Mi Cab. Not very trendy I know but the pub is tiny. I tried it at the rehearsal room last week and it was loud enough. I hope!!
  21. That is some amount of work going into that bass. I love the look of a stripped P bass. A small bit of Deacon related P bass. Phil Harris, once of Harris Hire, got a call asking if he had a stripped P bass for hire as Queen needed one for the shoot of Queen`s The Miracle. He had one he had bought 25 years before that had a crap hand painted red finish on it. They stripped off the paint, didn`t bother to lacquer it and gave it them. The bass became the most hired P bass and according to Phil, "It`s simply an astounding bass. Hit the low E and it vibrates like a rampant rabbit!" Incidentally, the article mentions that the P bass he played on Bohemian had been smashed to bits.
  22. We are doing a pub gig this Saturday and we are getting £230. The starting point is usually £200 and the top end is about £250. I`m happy with that.
  23. I have 2 and always have one in the gig bag just in case my amp goes pop. Silly not too at the price.
  24. They get a lot of love on Talkbass. Not that I ever go there
  25. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1463327047' post='3050494'] They weren't dead, that's what flats are like... Seriously, flats are a big part of the Steve Harris sound - if you're still not happy with it try a new set of flats & it might make all the difference. [/quote] Slightly off topic but Steve changes his flats after every gig to keep sounding brightish. Which is a bit missing the point if you ask me with flats but hey ho, if you are getting them gratis then why not.
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