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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. How did you get the right shape for the head? Have you got a cheeky template? Or did you just guess it like a bodger like myself would do?
  2. Looks good especially the gold pickgaurd. The Wilkinson tuners fit perfectly and are decent if you don`t want to spend a wad of cash.
  3. The Knack, my Sharona. Bloody brilliant tune. Bought it on 7 inch back in the day and still sounds cool.
  4. Weller looks shocking in that pic. Isnt he only in his late 50`s? At least Ronnie has an excuse!
  5. Mostly listen to You tube on the laptop these days as I have a bloomin fast Virgin Media broadband. Sensible volume levels through the small JCV speakers or as loud as the Yamaha micro system will go through the headphones. All my cd`s are on a hard drive as mp3`s. I used to be a lover of high end hi fi for years but I ended up concentrating more on the quality than the song.
  6. Here is a few pics. I had to spray paint the control plate with enamel paint, stuck on the Motorhead sticker as there is a big gap and in the future, I will get a custom transfer for the headstock. Sorry about the quality of the photos. Re the MM pickup, if I am flush at some point, I will get it done by someone who knows how to use a router [attachment=213756:SAM_0882.JPG] [attachment=213757:SAM_0883.JPG] [attachment=213758:SAM_0885.JPG]
  7. I got mine last Friday. Just had to lift the bridge a couple of turns and it was good to go. As above the tuners are fine but I`m not sure about the sound of the single coil pickup. I was going to replace it with a MM pickup I have but to get this done would cost as much as the bass so that is out the window the now. The guitarist with the £3K Les Paul was impressed with the sound, especially when he found out the price! I have since replaced the tuners, bridge, knobs and screws with all black hardware and it looks the biz. I changed the parts as I had them lying about not because the original hardware wasn`t up to the job. Is it worth the money? Well I have owned several Squiers that cost 3 times as much and this is as good as them.
  8. I take it it`s the one on Glasgow Gumtree? The guy has been trying to shift it for weeks. Nearly bought it myself. There is a black one for sale in a Glasgow pawn shop but he is looking for £399 for it! But I think there is a US version, possibly with a thru neck, so it may be that or he is just a chancer.
  9. Thats cool as I run it in the red sometimes.
  10. And Thomman do their own versions of Ashdown gear for £125 delivered. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/ashdown_1x15_bass_cabinets.html"]http://www.thomann.d...s_cabinets.html[/url]
  11. I have used a MAG 300 head since 2005 not the Evo version and, touch wood, it hasnt run out of headroom yet. I play in a loud rock band and run it with 2 x MI 12 cabs. Add a 2x10 or another 15 to your set up and you will get the full power at 4 ohms. I`m sure I read a quote from the Ashdown guy on here who said that the meter running into the red wasn`t a bit problem but don`t quote me in that
  12. Once again GAS has struck! But for once, it is cheap GAS!! I have ordered one of these and am going to fit a Wilkinson MM pickup that I have knocking about, in place of the single coil. Well thats the plan at the moment.
  13. You cant add an extension speaker to the BG as it runs at 4 ohm with the internal speaker. I run a MAG 300 head into 2 x MI 12" cabs for larger pubs and 1 cab for small places. Its a handy set up for me. Never tried 2 combos running at the same time but would be interested in the result.
  14. [quote name='The Hat' timestamp='1455046123' post='2975425'] Are these effects boxes simple to use ? I look at some of em and I wouldn't have a clue what buttons to press [/quote] The B1 comes with loads of built in sounds already. If you don`t fancy making your own up, you can use them. It has a tuner and drum machine as well. In its simplest form, there is just an up and down pedal to move between effect. A great piece of kit.
  15. Leave? You guys get leave??? What kind of strange evil doing is this??
  16. I play in an acdc tribute band and believe me, the hardest part is playing the lines the way Cliff plays them. Adding in additional fills, runs etc just doesn`t suit the songs. I imagine it would be the same in a U 2 tribute. Both guys are great players imho.
  17. I had a Joodee. I bought it from e bay around 9 years ago for £117. It was quite heavy and I painted it black, badly!! I ended giving it away. Here is a couple of pics. This was pics from the seller and aint my carpet!! [attachment=211243:Picture 024.jpg] [attachment=211244:Picture 026.jpg]
  18. Well, I play with my thumb resting on the pickup, fingerstyle. On the T bird, I rest it on the neck pickup but the problem is there is no body for my hand where it joins my wrist, to rest against and it is uncomfortable for me to play. Nowt to do with neck dive.
  19. The coolest bass is a Thunderbird. But they are, for me, the most uncomfortable basses ever made so I don`t play one.
  20. As the original post has "vanished", let me make an basschat guess at some answers to the post. Flats are better than rounds. A ESP is the best bass for metal. Leo got it right with the P bass. If it had 5 strings I would be all over it. Any more?
  21. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1453736682' post='2962279'] I got my B1.on (brand new) for £41 inc p&p from a seller on Amazon. It's perfect for home practice. Headphones in, iPod or other music source and bass...sorted [/quote] Got to agree with this. A great bit of kit for home practice.
  22. 4 string bass for me and I only use 3 but could get away with 2....
  23. I did think of vanishing a while back but then I discovered the ignore button and binned one guy who said every bass he bought was the best thing ever, then 2 days later put it up for sale. The other only pops up every so often, stirs it up and buggers off again! Basschat nirvana has been re-established. What are you gonna do for bass related chat anyway? Go on Talkbass and read endless topics like "can I put this fake Fender decal on this Squier?"
  24. I had a 304. Build quality was really good, decent range of tones via the 5 way switch but I fell out of love with active basses and moved it on dropping £90 in the process but it is a good buy for the price. I agree with Machines re resale. If you are buying one as a keeper it is worth it.
  25. Take it down to your local amp guy if you have one that is! I imagine that is what Ashdown will say. Or else buy a Toneman 300 from Thomman for £207. http://www.thomann.de/gb/ashdown_toneman_300_evo_iii.htm
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