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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1427013417' post='2724583'] E E E E A A A A D D D D G G GG EE E E A A AA DD D D GG G G EE AA DDGG EEE E [/quote] Trust you to go all technical and flashy Got ant tabs for that tune?
  2. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1426975969' post='2724426'] I actually like Hobnobs. I much prefer them to Abbey Crunch. [/quote] Your mad!! Think of the children!!
  3. I hate hob nobs. Anyone who likes hob nobs is a muppet and you are being ripped off if you buy them. Their build quality is rubbish compared to a chocolate digestive. Opinion passed off as fact. I thank you...
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1426883550' post='2723208'] Just get a poster of Steve Harris playing one, instead. And a poster of West Ham. Job done! [/quote] Cheapskate!
  5. Nice looking Wal. Is that the same model Geddy used?
  6. [quote name='speigel' timestamp='1426702856' post='2721062'] How come we can't sell our Rickys on here, but can on other sites like Talkbass? [/quote] You mean there are other bass guitar sites???
  7. I don`t slap, pop or any of that stuff, not very technical either but have always played in covers bands when I want to. I play in an acdc tribute band and being Cliff Williams suits me down to the ground! I wish I was a better player, as do most of us on here I imagine but I only play music I like, with people I like and the guys and gals I play with seem happy with what I do so, what the heck. And I can also play most of the U2 tunes
  8. That is one of the nicest sunburst finishes I have seen. GLWTS.
  9. Sad. Another great player and writer of some of the most iconic songs put down to vinyl. But as Kev says, he will live on forever in his recordings.
  10. Thanks for that picture Pete. I have now printed it out so I can show to the wife the next time she complains about bass guitars taking up space!!
  11. In my next wee project, a bit more oomph is required, so I have a 1 x15 cab and a 2x10 cab. It may be a daft question but what is the general view re stacking them? It`s a heavy rock gig. Does it make any difference?
  12. Of course. Just pm your address and I`ll send round my knobs!!
  13. Got a set of knobs (ooeerrr missus), vol, bass etc, from my toasted (all by itself) BG250. I have ripped everything out, got a new Eminence speaker on the way and am going to use it as a cab, so if anyone wants the knobs, drop me a pm and I will send them to you. When I get round to it mind you...
  14. What about a cape ala Rick Wakeman. Always wanted to join a band that insist you all wear a cape. Or maybe a 2112 era Rush kimono.
  15. Top guy and player. The gig he did with McCartney at the Cavern was superb.
  16. Want to know how to make your double bass roadworn? Jump to 1.45 mins. http://youtu.be/nFmUbOMWsEU
  17. Pete Way lying on the floor, playing a Tbird. Still love his playing but not the Tbird.
  18. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1424119403' post='2692921'] We have Rory Gallagher to thank for all this!! [/quote] Nah it was Keef or so the legend goes.
  19. Never been a KC fan but hey, they do alright and must have made a few bob along the way. Noel I like. Says what he thinks and seems honest enough. And good on him slagging other people off , most musicians are too nice these days.
  20. That is a lovely shade of sunburst. Congrats!
  21. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1423767955' post='2688874'] I've got an SR300. Band mates can't believe how little I paid for it BRAND NEW. It's just a great bass...shame the 2nd hand values suck. They seem to lose value quicker than Gary Glitter LP's [/quote] Topical and funny Good basses, especially the sr500 and above. I think I have owned most of the modern ones but always seem to have moved them on. Had a ATK 320 or something like that and that was a stonking bass but a bit ugly so it had to go. As above, the s/hand value is shocking. I had a SR700 I paid around £500 for and I ended up getting shot of it for £250 including a hard case!
  22. Dc like people they know and can trust to do a good job and Chris is that man. He did a good job before and I have no doubt will he will slot right in. As for Phil, the guy has lost the plot. There is far to much money involved to take a chance on him.
  23. Chromes for my BB1100s. First time I have used them and I like the feel and the tone.
  24. A keyboard player I worked with a few years ago mentioned to me that the other musicians that played for Texas were on about 70k a year when the band were at their most popular. This could be nonsense but the guy was quite a honest man. If true, it`s decent money to do something you love.
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