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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. The natural P bass he used in The Miracle video shoot was a 61 which belonged to Phil Harris of Harris Hire. Apparently the natural one used in the 70`s had been smashed, so they stripped the red finish from one of his hire basses and this is used in the video. It is the most popular hire bass he owns and to quote Phil "It is simply an astounding bass. Hit the low E and it vibrates like a rampant rabbit!"
  2. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1418979012' post='2635340'] If they're not making eye contact, I just leave. I'm not hanging around at a gig where the performers can't be bothered to stare me straight in the eye. It's the main reason I never bothered to see Stevie Wonder [/quote] I played a bikers gig the other week and I never made eye contact once! Too bloomin scared and the first time I have kept my mouth shut during a gig. Nice guys but a bit scary looking. [size=4] [/size]
  3. Yeah Pete, that is Merton pic. A fine upstanding member of this parish except when he is lying down.
  4. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1418829175' post='2633775'] And an endless supply of music stands [/quote] Ah but that would make them professional [size=4] [/size]
  5. I`ve been called a semi many times. I assumed they meant semi pro but when I think about it.... [size=4] [/size]
  6. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1418680783' post='2632351'] With 13 people on stage they should be. Did they have ....music stands..... [/quote] Nah, they were professionals!! [size=4] [/size]
  7. I use a small Alto Mixer (£40) and a BD121. You can plug in the headphones and your computer and use it for silent pratice, jam along to tracks or plug the mixer into your hi fi and play at quiet volume through the speakers. It is the best solution for me. Or the newish Zoom B1 bass pedal does the same thing but is ugly.
  8. Got to agree, it really gets on my wick so much that I would rather go and watch a pub band than a big stadium act. I also realise this isn`t ideal for a young daughter or son who are dying to see the act. And another related point. The tickets seem to go on sale 6, 8, 10 months or so early, so all that money sits in someones account generating interest for them. [size=4] [/size][size=4] [/size]
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1418299823' post='2628899'] Yes, how you wind up your cables has a lot more bearing on their performance than their colour. IMHO. [/quote] I just bought this new cable for playing on big stages. Bit of a bugger to wind in but hey, it`s black! [attachment=178342:download.jpg]
  10. I blame those spandex trousers that Steve Harris wore in the 80`s. When he put his foot on his monitor, the black and white stripes reversed the polarity of the doo da. I`m a qualified electrical engineer you know [size=4] [/size]
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1418067302' post='2626533'] Our main singer in my function band sits down for the whole gig..... [/quote] I wish I could sit down and play the bass during the gig. I much prefer it. Or would that be un-professional and would people leave the pub?
  12. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1417847995' post='2624511'] Mine's definately a keeper too. [/quote] How many times have we all said this at some point [size=4] [/size] [size=4]Thats a really nice colour. Had a pewter one last year sometime and the bass was flawless in construction. [/size]
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1417968839' post='2625563'] Music stands? That's disgusting, next thing you know some people will be using frets. [/quote] Or things that let you check that your instrument is in tune [size=4] [/size]
  14. GS, you are either extremely rich or own a guitar shop!!! [size=4] [/size] [size=4]That is a beauty but is expensive on this side of the pond.[/size]
  15. Crap drummer, crap band. I have knocked back 2 offers of joining a band due to this. What always surprises me is how the rest of the band can`t see what the problem is.
  16. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1417525569' post='2621304'] Not used these, but should be top quality: [url="http://www.award-session.com/cleartone_cables.html"]http://www.award-ses...one_cables.html[/url] [/quote] I have used these for years and they have never let me down. Fast service too.
  17. Some people get hot under the collar about this relicing business. As long as it`s not done to con people, then I see no problem with it. That Jazz is very well done, better than some I have seen.
  18. Get a Beringher BD 121. It will give you another range of sounds, is cheap as chips and is a really useful piece of kit. But a passive Jazz is what it is and most people get one to get the sound it makes.
  19. I owned a BB 414 and a TRBX 304 and they don`t sound similar: different pickups and active versus passive. I have moved both on but I prefer the BB and now have an old BB 1100s and couldn`t be happier. To be honest, I found the TRBX sounds (and there are a good few available via the niffty 5 way switch) not to my liking after a few weeks. I tend to find this when buying cheaper active only basses but this is imo only. I not saying one is better than the other, they are just different. If I was buying one again, I would go for the 504 with the active/passive option and other pickups as they seem to get a decent write up. And the build quality is usually spot on as well.
  20. I have a Pawn shop Mustang in a case, under the bed. I had it up for sale but it is just so damm sexy that I don`t know whether to keep it or not.The thing is, I cannot get used to the smaller fret spacing. I much prefer a 34" scale. So it sits in it`s case, unloved [size=4] [/size]
  21. I gig once every Julember, whether I need one or not...
  22. The guy has been off line since October 2008, so I wouldn`t hold your breath [size=4]This thread started in Jan 2008.[/size] [size=4]Why don`t you post an ad in the Wanted section?[/size]
  23. Get a Yamaha with a P and J set up. End of argument. [size=4] [/size]
  24. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1415992323' post='2605975'] The Behringer BDi21? Its actually plugged in with a double ended 9v lead to the output from the TC polytune which handily has in and out, that gets its 9v from the plug in transformer and a lead with 5 ends in a daisy chain. Adaptor in mains outlet - Behringer AB100 pedal - Fishman pro eq - TC polytune - Behringer Bdi21 [/quote] Ta for that.
  25. Just out of interest Pete, which power supply is the BD plugged into?
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