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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. It`s not battered. It`s a road worn, relic, vintage bass If it had Fender on the headstock it would be worth about a grand but as it says Yamaha on it, not a great deal. But these Japanese basses from the 80`s are the dogs dangallies.
  2. I am surprised to hear that the US and the MIM sound very similar considering the difference in price. For me, the 77 is a more pleasing sound. Good video.
  3. From a peak of 9, am now down to 4 and am looking to get rid of one as I use my BB now for any gigs that pop up. It is the perfect bass for me.
  4. The reason Andy McCluskey plays "upside down" is because the only bass he could afford when learning, was a left hander which he played like a right hander. After he could afford a right handed bass, he was so used to playing the left hander that he strung it upside down. I think I remember him saying that he felt that having the E string on the bottom (or top?) made it better to play. Ooops! Beaten to it by ET. That will teach me to read all the posts... [size=4] [/size]
  5. That colour combo is fantastic looking. Had I any cash, one of these would be on it`s way to Jezza Towers. I like the gloss finish that they put on the necks now, just sets it off.
  6. Look on the bright side. When you leave after the last gig, you will be so happy, you will feel like your walking on the moon... [size=4] [/size]
  7. Essential things to buy along with your TC BG250 combo. Fire extinguisher for when the amp goes pop and pours smoke. Fireman Sam yellow helmet, just so you look the part. Other amp that you have had for almost 10 years, to use when the above happens. That`s all.
  8. Got to agree with you Molan. Malcolm, Phil Rudd and Cliff, what a rhythm section. His playing will be sadly missed. And my heart goes out to his family if it is indeed dementia. A condition that has touched so many families including my own.
  9. It is rather sad. Malcolm is one of the finest rhythm guitar players around and was also the leader of AC.DC from the very start. And to be honest, a lot of the fans that follow the band now won`t notice the difference as the star of the show has always been Angus backed up by Bon, then Brian. And that was the way that Malcolm decreed the band would be from the start and if you didn`t like it, you got the old elbow.
  10. Original hard shell case? [size=4] [/size] [size=4]Something like that.[/size]
  11. It may only be your first band but you have learned many things Grasshopper! [size=4] [/size] [size=4]They do seem untogether but there are lots of people playing in bands who are like this. But at least you are getting some playing time in a band situation and learning what being in a band is about. If you have nothing else lined up, stick it till you find something else or can`t take it anymore.[/size] [size=4]A[/size][size=4]t least you now have something to judge other band you audition for by.[/size]
  12. If you own a 70`s Fender, please don`t look at the picture as you may die laughing [size=4] [/size] [size=4]It is a very, very minor "flaw" but if it does yer head in, get it sorted.[/size]
  13. Bedroom guitarist`s. We have all met them at some point down the road. I would not feel humiliated but relieved that I was shot of the tw*t.
  14. [quote name='chardbass' timestamp='1411066456' post='2556204'] I haven' t seen it but it sounds like it was Lee Pomeroy. [/quote] Yeah I think it was indeed that man. First time I have seen him without a Stingray.
  15. Don`t know where to get them but you could try the site "guitars by leo" Hopefully you can get some info there.
  16. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1410737372' post='2552669'] Get a pair of pliers on your singers nuts & you could do Rubettes "Sugar Baby Love". [/quote] This is a good idea, even if you don`t want to do that song [size=4] [/size]
  17. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1410793063' post='2553186'] I want to part on good terms, smooth the transition if they look for a replacement bassist and still be talking to them at the end of the process, since they've been friends since before this band existed. [/quote] The best option by far. As you have know them before the band was together, its good to keep things amicable. Re the driving thing. I will never join another band where people don`t have their own transport. It just becomes too much hassle.
  18. Now if he was selling a fake Ric neck.........How long do you think it would last?
  19. Sell it. You will get around £400 odd for it and use the cash for something you want/need. Then realise a year down the line, you really miss the P bass sound and get another one! [size=4] [/size]
  20. How right George Orwell was....... Another reason why I wouldn`t want to become an Apple fanboy. Instead I`m a Samsung fanboy [size=4] [/size]
  21. [quote name='Storky' timestamp='1410361450' post='2548561'] +1 OK, so I admit it; I play bass in a U2 Tribute band. (Doesn't mean I can't play other things though!) I took a Fender Classic '70s Jazz and had it re-finished in Sherwood Green and with a pearl plate and it looks very like the new sig' model, which I am sure is a very nice bass. Wonder how much it is.... [/quote] Guitarguitar have it on pre order for £1545. Ouch!! [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=14090414041532"]http://www.guitargui...=14090414041532[/url] Still, I seem to remember that Warwick fugly thing was around £6000. Or was I on drugs at this point? [size=4] [/size]
  22. jezzaboy

    In Memoriam

    Just read his web page myself. Heavy stuff and makes you think. And sad as well.
  23. I recently bought a small Alto zmx 52 mixer for £40 and I plug my bass into a Zoom b2, then the zoom and my computer into the mixer. Connect a decent set of headphone and Bob`s your funny auntie. Sounds really nice. I wish I had done this years ago.
  24. Up here, fees vary from £150 for the tight ar*ed landlords (somewhere in Kirkintiloch) to £300 for the good paying ones. Most pay around £250. I prefer playing pubs as long as there is a decent crowd. The money is nice but not my main reason for playing.
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