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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. Neil Murray is one of the best rock bass players around. Search M3 on ya tube. Moody, Marsden, Murray and other guys doing classic Whitesnake material.
  2. We used to go on around 9, play till about 10.15, have a 20 min break and play till around 12 ish, depending on how well we were going down. I personally don`t like too long a break, as you work to get the place going and then you stop and have to build it again.
  3. Hell aint a bad place to be by acdc. Lots of acdc songs are root note stuff but can test your stamina and are bloody good fun to play.
  4. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1409676256' post='2542153'] Nearly £400 for a Squier? Blimey! [/quote] True. It wasn`t so long ago you could buy a Mex standard P bass for this price.
  5. Cramp in the bollocks region? The medical cure for this is moveupasizeunderpantis. True [size=4] [/size]
  6. Get a P/J bass set up and you have the best of both worlds. That P bass sound that sits so well in a band mix and a J pickup at the bridge for that....J bass at the bridge sound [size=4] [/size] [size=4]I always think that on it`s own, a P bass doesn`t sound very inspiring but when you hear it in a band situation, it really comes into it own.[/size]
  7. I prefer the 3 way switch, nice and simple.
  8. Another real advert I want to start a quo tribute band. Looking to start out playing pubs and then mabye touring in the future. I`m 16,age range 14-19. Whilst I admire his thinking, he may have a slight problem getting into the pub to play the gig. False beard anyone?
  9. And what the heck is a "shoegaze band?" And why do lots of people want to form one?
  10. A real advert from The Gumtree. Drummer available I`m at Glasgow uni and thought it would be cool to have a hard rock cover band to have some fun. I do not have my own drum kit. A drummer with no kit? I think I see a small problem....
  11. Nice. As a recent convert to old Yams, I couldn`t be happier.
  12. Pawn shop mustang with a Bassdoc black plate. And fingermarks! [size=4] [/size] [attachment=170246:SAM_0702.JPG] [attachment=170247:SAM_0687.JPG]
  13. I was on the verge of buying the Jazz with the P/J setup from one of my local stores for £219 I think it was. But ended up buying an old Yamaha BB. Still like the look of those Overwaters though.
  14. John Simm, the guy from Life on Mars and loads of other things, is by all accounts a tasty guitarist.
  15. Gone already. And same to yourself Mr Apple [size=4] [/size]
  16. Got one of these if anyone wants it. It called a manual but it`s only a few pages stapled together and it`s all in Japanese of course! It is in good knick but has been folded. If you want it to go with your Jap bass, drop me your address and I will post it to you.
  17. I didn`t know that they still did a "standard" model anymore. If you can find a white Mike Dirnt P bass, I would go for that. Had a couple of the black older models and they were nice for the cash and a bit different from the normal P.
  18. Gotta be black [attachment=169157:SAM_0687.JPG]
  19. It goes like this. GAS > NBD > HNBFW. The last one is the most important. Hide new bass from wife [size=4] [/size]
  20. Good video that. Him and his guitar tech seem like right decent guys.
  21. [quote name='addam360' timestamp='1406722417' post='2514055'] Looking to order this weekend. Currently favoring the Ibanez ATK800. Just looks like an epic bass for the money and I've heard nothing but good stuff about any ATK. [/quote] If you are buying this model, Thomann do it for £432. That is the cheapest I could see it. And they are good to order from. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_atk800_wnf.htm?sid=54b9b0effd519f3419d6e68ef575348b"]http://www.thomann.d...9d6e68ef575348b[/url] Oops! It`s sold out [size=4] [/size]
  22. Wot Lefty says. I don`t think you can buy them new any more. I had a wine red one as my first bass and they were not anything special. Or mabye that was down to me [size=4] [/size]
  23. Loving the blue with the maple and at that price, it`s a bargain.
  24. Bump for a great bass that punches well above it`s retail price. And at this price, it`s a steal [size=4] [/size]
  25. [quote name='Aqntbghd' timestamp='1406491401' post='2511936'] Well, don't make statistics based only on one sample My two TC amps never had a problem, this is not an excuse for me to say they are invincible and will survive till the end of times. Sometimes also short circuits in amps are just bad luck (like a bug walking on the wrong contacts and blowing it up). it is also worth having it repaired if it is under warranty because if there is a design problem , usually the manufacturer will notice it due to the volume of services and fix it in the next release (amp misfunctioning are also bad for TC reputation). [/quote] I really don`t get what you mean by the first statement in your post. I am only stating what happened with my amp. I have defended the BG250 on a few occasions in this section but sadly, it seems my loyalty was misplaced. I have owned various brands of amps through the years and have never had a problem with their reliability when used as per the manufacturers instructions. I do feel pretty miffed when I paid £350 for something that is not up for the purpose, that it is designed to do. If you look on here and Talkbass, you will find that the BG has a bit of a reputation for frying itself. I am pleased that the TC is working well for you. I own Ashdown gear and have had no problems with it, yet others claim to use them with a fire extinguisher near by [size=4] [/size]
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