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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. When I had mine, I ran it in passive most of the time. Can`t remember the settings but there is something like 42 possible variations. I just liked the sound. Really good bass by the way.
  2. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1401145292' post='2460625'] While on the subject of dating Fenders any ideas on the date of this Jazz Bass? [/quote] The Fender bass, an illustrated history, says mid 60`s. I would assume 1965 as they introduced the paddle gear type tuner on the Jazz bass in 66. EDIT I`m talking rollocks! The man from Edinburgh is correct ish. The registered trade mark R was put above the Fender logo in the early 70`s and used on all bass models till 1977.
  3. For £35 you got a bargain. I know a guy who gigs one of these on a regular basis and through a decent amp, you could never tell it is a budget bass. Yamaha basses are really good bang for bucks. As for upgrades, get it set up and a decent set of strings on it. I wouldn`t spend money on better pups as the standard ones are decent enough unless in the future you feel like having a go at modding.
  4. If you are thinking of a custom build, why don`t you give the Bass Doc a shout? I`m guessing that he will know about vintage Fender P basses.
  5. Hermes don`t actually deliver the parcels themselves. The way it works is Hermes deliver to sub depots or peoples houses and they deliver the parcels for a fee. Anyone can do the delivery job, all you need is a car and a phone. I used to do work for them and delivered the bulk parcels to punters houses and the sub depots and there are some right dodgy characters amongst them. Also the way that packages are handled inside the warehouses is scary. I have seen guitar shaped parcels at the bottom of the large cages that they use with heavy boxes piled on top. Fragile labels are a waste of time, the guys in these places earn crap money and don`t give a toss on the whole. I would say this is true of most of these courier companies. Unfortunately in this day and age, these companies are a necessary evil.
  6. [quote name='omikin' timestamp='1399232958' post='2442320'] That's what I figured. Looks like I avoided buying a bass with a very expensive decal... [/quote] There was a rather expensive Fender decal for sale on here a while ago...Wonder if that was where it ended up
  7. Yes you are correct, the truss rod access is at the heel. Even the American Specials were the same if I remember.
  8. Why don`t you try the cheaper Yamaha trbx305? Some people who have played both trbx models prefer the cheaper version. I have the four string and it is an excellent bass. The fit and finish and 5 position selector switch are all superb.
  9. Please delete. Ta!
  10. I for one would like to see them return. Britain needs some rock stars to give it large, as they say. Example: Radiohead make an album and offer it for sale for what you think it`s worth. Noel says, I`m giving f**k all away for free. Do you have any idea how much Abbey road studio cost to hire for a day? Arrogant, loud mouthed and rip off merchants but honest with it.
  11. I change basses when I like/when I can afford it/sometimes when I can`t afford it! Music is my hobby and has been for years. I don`t smoke or drink, so like to spend money on new shiny basses. I am going to try and keep my current stable as they cover everything I need to play,.
  12. [quote name='Triumphman' timestamp='1397049748' post='2420115'] Love foxton, legend. Many a gig has included his art school era patent jump. I wonder if he still has his old ricks and ibanez copy? Do these old pros keep them or are they just nostalgia to us fans. I always see Townsend playing some nasty modern strat with fancy pickups etc etc never see him with his famous old guitars, ricks, p90 sg, three humbucker les Paul etc [/quote] He did have his old P bass from Jam days (the one that Spacey said was sold at a charity auction) "in the loft" and when he got it back out again, he couldn`t believe how heavy it was compared to the ones he was using these days. I agree with other comments, brilliant bass player and an ok singer as well.
  13. Scales??? It takes me all my time just to remember what notes are what on the fretboard. I learnt bass via the Pete Way style of bass playing. Not that I am running down old Pete`s style of playing mind or comparing myself to him.
  14. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1396291367' post='2411970'] I'm going to try some D'Addario XL Nickels i reckon.....quickly before i change my mind lol [/quote] Good strings. I use them when not using Status flats or half wounds. But as was said earlier, strings are a very personal thing. But Rotosounds, for me, are the worst strings money can buy.
  15. And I managed to spot, that was Guy Pratt with Icehouse at the start of the second clip. Just sayin...
  16. Don`t encourage these people. If you are daft enough to pay stupid prices, good luck to you. Go down the Dog and duck and support your local boozer and listen to some live music. And yes, I imagine Kate will be slightly horrified at the scam with her tickets.
  17. What a damm fine idea. I`m liking the VM Jazz in red.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1395347639' post='2401495'] I carry a Behringer BDI-21 in my gig bag, which can be used as a pre-amp and gives you a distinct and tweakable tone as opposed to just a line out from your bass. £26. But any Sansamp-type box will do it. [/quote] I never leave home to gig or rehearse without one of these. I usually have it in line for a bit grit as required.
  19. More than likely the neck was re finished? As far as I know, he always plays his original P on gigs unless it has a problem.
  20. Black Schallers all the way for me. When you are spending £££ on a bass, £14 is cheap. They have never let me down. Famous last words!! [size=4] [/size]
  21. I`ve gigged the 1x15 with no pa support quite a few times and have never had any problem being loud enough. I don`t think I have had the master above 6 and I played with a loud drummer miked up through the pa.
  22. Nice bass. Never seen a bad Tokai. Get a set of flats on there and wheyyy heyyyyyy...
  23. Eric Clapton could afford any vintage guitar out there but mostly plays custom built new strats. Granted, they are most likely the best quality guitars that Fender make but if vintage guitars sounded "better" I`m sure Eric would be playing them. Vintage guitars = snake oil. Ducks for cover....
  24. Nah I don`t miss any band I have left. I shot the craw as I didn`t like what was going on and or the people involved. I do miss playing with the drummer who I played with for 6 years or so but I am meeting him for an informal jam on friday with some other guys, so I`m looking forward to that.
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