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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1385884738' post='2293089'] I enjoyed the Status Quo one but currently reading Bob Daisley's 'for facts sake'. It's really interesting [/quote] Big plus 1 on Bob`s book. It cost me £25 if I remember but is a damm fine read.
  2. I have used a white and red Bullet lead for the last couple of years. They are heavy but look cool. I paid £40 for mine but it is decent and has lasted so far. Curly is the new straight....
  3. Look on the bright side lads. No up and coming bass players for the future = more work for us when we reach oldfartdom! [size=4] [/size]
  4. Didn`t they make some Mex Standards in the 90`s with the one piece plate and strat knobs? I`m sure I remember one of them for sale on Gumtree up here a couple of years ago.
  5. I have the BG250 and Randombass is correct, there is no ext speaker out as the internal one is rated at 250 watts at 4 ohms, so in theory you are getting all the amps power. I have gigged it several times and it kept up with a 100 watt guitar amp and noisy drummer. It does seem a tad delicate though. The push buttons are a bit wobbly and the pvc covering on the cab doesnt seem very robust. But it sounds ok, is loud enough for my needs, is very light and I use the headphone and aux in function for all my home practice, which keeps the wife and neighbours happy.
  6. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1385060992' post='2284067'] I'm only vaguely curious about this, I reckon I'm all 'Rush live albummed out'. [/quote] Agree. They have "squeezed my lemon" far too many times on the live front. Or was that another band [size=4] [/size]
  7. The singer in my last gig used an Nexus thinghy and had a cool little adaptor that fitted onto his mic stand. Looked okay and is much better than having a music stand or similar on stage. If you feel you need one, get one. Anything that makes you feel better on stage you should use. Most singers use lcd monitors on stage for the lyrics or do what Kelly Jones of the Stereophonics does and stick it inside a floor monitor.
  8. The snack shop up the road from me got a cease order from the makers of the Ally McBeal show as they called their shop McBeals. The shop, all 10 sq feet of it, was a serious threat to the tv program. [size=4] [/size]
  9. Thats the problem with some people. Rehearsals are for getting the song tight as a band not to learn how to play the song.
  10. Flats on the Mustang aren`t a problem, just make sure you buy medium scale ones due to the string through bridge as short scale`s dont fit. Stringbusters have a decent selection. Telebass had TI flats on his and he was happy with them. Personally, I have put GHS Boomers rounds on mine as the last thing a PSM needs is more thud. Just my opinion of course. [size=4] [/size]
  11. I`m in the same position myself. Fed up playing with muppets, I mean, other musicians. Think I`m going to take some time out and reflect. What I am going to reflect on, I haven`t a clue.
  12. How do you avoid being stung? Buy off of someone on here with good feedback. Buy new from a shop.
  13. I am a total fad head. I buy the bass with no thought other than "I really fancy one if those. No I [i]need[/i] one of them." And 2 months down the line when the honeymoon period is over, I think of lots of ways why said bass is not suitable and get shot of it at a huge loss.
  14. Good to see you back and on the mend Jon. Your input and knowledge has been missed.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1382460667' post='2252451'] What about a Vox Foundation bass? They're only £173! [/quote] But you must stand like you have just cacked your pants [size=4] [/size]
  16. Guys I have worked for several courier companies and pallet network companies. What you must realise is nobody in these companies gives a monkeys about your parcels. You can stick Fragile stickers all over them, it won`t make a bit of difference. The guys in the warehouse get crap money and a lot of them are agency guys working for min wage. The drivers are under pressure to get the drops delivered and usually, get crap money. It is just the way the industry is. Lots of pressure, very little cash.
  17. If anyone wants to read Chas Hodge`s book, drop me a pm and I will add it to the basschat library. It`s a good read, stories about Ritchie Blackmore, Joe Meek, etc as well as Chas and Dave.
  18. Have used Richtone in the past and had no problems. The problems usually, aren`t with the shop, it`s the bloomin couriers!
  19. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1381874833' post='2244989'] Probably not a man who suffers much from GAS then! [/quote] I think there is a lesson here for most of us, self included [size=4] [/size]
  20. I think the best version of this song is the old live version that Neil Murray plays on. If you and your guitarist can work out the chords to the bit you need, just add in some wiggily wiggily bits on the bass and it will be fine [size=4] [/size] [size=4]Works for me![/size]
  21. Don`t know if I told this story before. About 12 years ago, I was going to see Jan play the Renfrew ferry in Glasgow. On the same day, a couple of guys were fitting a new carpet in my flat. Just shooting the breeze with the guys, I mentioned the gig. One of the guys said that his mate was playing support to Jan that very night and he would get his autograph for me as he helped his mate with the gear. And he did but I don`t know what I did with the autograph
  22. Here we go...Enjoy http://youtu.be/g4ouPGGLI6Q
  23. Jan Akkerman is a fantastic guitarist and Focus 3 is my all time favourite album. Not so sure about the current version of the band (although Van Der Linden is a top drummer) but best of luck to them.
  24. BG 250 is right on your budget and is loud enough for any pub gig. Nice and light as well at 16kg. The older model with one toneprint available for £300. [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_amps_detail.asp?stock=12031312324332"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_amps_detail.asp?stock=12031312324332[/url]
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