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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. Dave Bronze is superb and looks the double of my mate. But said mate cannot play the bass...
  2. It`s a bit pricey especially if it`s a MIM like the rest of the roadworns. Or is is a US model? I like the bit in the video when he says they worked on the design for 2 years. 2 years to design a bass that is almost the same spec as his old one apart from the relicing!! He`s having a larff!!
  3. Hey Funky It`s really not that difficult to do a basic set up. I do my own and they are okay for me. Have a look at the Fender website or the ya tube above and take your time. No offence to Strung out but I would not pay that for a set up. It`s a brand new bass so there shouldn`t be too much wrong with it. Regarding strings, the factory ones are .45 to .105. I would get a set of these D`Addario`s as they are round wound but are not too rough feeling and are the gauge below yours. I played flats for a few years and these feel ok to me. If you need more help, send me a pm. [url="http://www.guitar.co.uk/strings/bass/4-string-sets/d-addario-exl190-nickel-wound-bass-custom-light-40-100-long-scale.html"]http://www.guitar.co...long-scale.html[/url]
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1381168335' post='2235336'] Thanks very much for this - that was indeed my thought. I wouldn't want it for myself, [s]obviously[/s]. [/quote] Liar liar, pants on fire!! [size=4] [/size] [size=4]Can`t see you with one of these Discreet old chap.[/size]
  5. What has happened with him and Tull/Anderson? Have they had a falling out? I can`t seem to find an answer anywhere. The guy is a great guitar player and a nice guy too boot!
  6. You can`t go wrong with a Yam and those new one`s seem to be good. Also, Ibanez make a lot of good 5 stringers. Several of the guys on here play SR 505`s and really rate them. Or how about a Standard Fender Jazz, though with your budget, it would need to be s/hand. Or a Modern player 5 string such as the one below. [url="http://www.guitar.co.uk/guitars/bass/5-string/fender-modern-player-jazz-bass-v-satin-black-maple.html"]http://www.guitar.co.uk/guitars/bass/5-string/fender-modern-player-jazz-bass-v-satin-black-maple.html[/url]
  7. But if we no longer store bass guitars in the loft, where will all the future e bay guitars come from???? [size=4] [/size]
  8. It looks really nice in that colour. It`s a good idea that shop have of putting the weight of each bass on the web site.
  9. 200 songs? I don`t think I would have taken my bass out from the gig bag! To learn that many songs and have them down so you don`t need any chords sheets on stage, you would need to be this guy.. [attachment=145339:250px-ObiWanHS-SWE.jpg] Using the old Jedi mind trick of course....
  10. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1380751405' post='2230236'] what's the craic with the toneprint stuff? to me it seems like a good idea, but a bit gimmicky... but I dunno do folk would ever use it? like- why? surely somethingl ike a bass Pod would be more user friendly if you want all that stuff? [/quote] I use the SpectraComp on the toneprint and keep it on all the time. I`m not really an effect guy but I bought the amp for its weight and power and the toneprint is just a handy extra. If I was going to use the toneprint more, I would get a foot switch for it.
  11. This is one of the reasons that Rhino fro the Quo plays a headless Status. One time he showed up with a P bass and Rossi told him to go back to the Status as he would more than likely hit someone with the Fender.
  12. Just to say these are now gone!
  13. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1380487999' post='2226147'] Would you post? [/quote] Yep Wayne, if you pay for the postage. Pm me if you want them.
  14. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1380472206' post='2225772'] I used to love looking at laserdisc players in the 70s in the shops. Cost a fortune.window shopping only for me at the time. Never knew anyone that actually had one. I think a film was often split into two discs. They looked really cool. Have a nostalgic bump [/quote] The disc`s are double sided usually. My brother had the 3 star wars film in a really nice package that cost him £95!!! And he still thinks that the quality of Ld`S was better than dvd.
  15. I`ve recently started moving my strap up, as I came to the conclusion that I feel more comfortable playing the bass in an almost sitting down position.
  16. Yes folks. I have here some Laserdiscs to give to someone. They were out in the 90`s and weren`t really popular even then. DVD`s killed them off. So, if you are looking at this advert, you should know what they are. They are worth......bugger all. They belonged to my brother who had loads at one time and he was going to skip them but they are too nice, so, if anyone wants them you can collect or pay the postage for them. Alien, special collectors edition Close encounters, special edition Queen, live in Rio. It`s a long shot and I will keep them for 2 weeks then off to the skip they go. ****These are now gone to a new home****
  17. The best and only Epiphone bass I would buy. I like the sounds you can get from them but find them the most uncomfortable basses to play standing up due to the shape. But that`s just me,.
  18. Good basses the SR300. Nothing more to say really [size=4] [/size]
  19. There wasn`t any "reliced" basses but there was a few "stripped" P basses. I believe that in the late 60`s early 70`s, this was the fashion, relicing is the fashion at the moment.
  20. Nah, it just the paint job on the body. That P would be ideal. Now, off to your local motorcycle custom shop and get one of the painters to do the pinstripes for you and get your `Toon sticker!
  21. Dingus is correct, it isn`t a slab bass, it is just painted on binding. I`m sure that someone on talkbass made one of these. Get a MIM white one with a maple neck and get a fancy paint job. And new pickgaurd, pickup, baddass... Steve`s is 74 P bass made of Western big leaf maple instead of alder which was in short supply at the time.
  22. Steve. If you want it as cheap as possible but still half decent parts, as Bassbus says, try CH Guitars.
  23. Just seen this. I know Wal`s are pricey but this is bloomin expensive! Having said that, I know almost sod all about them, so it may be worth it. Does the Foxton connection make it worth the price? He isn`t exactly know for playing Wal`s.
  24. [quote name='TolerancEJ' timestamp='1380123617' post='2221187'] Yes, it's a fake. Those eBay ads have appeared a number of times. I forwarded them to Jens awhile back. He replied quickly that he was already aware the companies were producing fakes. If you've not already viewed it, there's a YouTube video from a recent NAMM show where Jens Ritter posed as a reporter and tried to ask questions of one of the fake-builders. He was quite classy. (I would not have reacted so reserved.) [/quote] A fake from the Govan area of Glasgow??? Never been known [size=4] [/size][size=4] [/size]
  25. It looks like the headstock is gloss finished? If so, is the neck board gloss as well? The old one I had was matt finished. Nice looking bass.
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