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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1377947717' post='2193923'] They are available to non drinkers too. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.Xgrolsch+washers&_nkw=grolsch+washers&_sacat=0&_from=R40"]http://www.ebay.co.u...cat=0&_from=R40[/url] [/quote] And the shop name on the first listing is BIGGER JUGS! What more could an imature guy ask for!
  2. Rather strange. If you read the description on GG web site, it says that the bridge pickup is in the mid 70`s position, closer to the bridge. Not only is it expensive but the pup is in the wrong place for a 72 It might be a typo? [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=13082910051016"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=13082910051016[/url]
  3. Bedders from Madness is playing one of these live. Don`t know if it`s stock but I wouldn`t change anything until you give it a full pelt blast!
  4. My P and Yamaha usually stay in tune very well, just the occasional tweak but my Mustang needs a bit more attention.
  5. Im pretty sure the Jap re issues have no extra routing under the pickgaurd but they may be out of your budget.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1377808467' post='2192289'] Why has it got a pearl pickguard..? [/quote] Because his No 1, $200 72 has a pearl one fitted. I think he changed it for the start of the Time Machine tour. That price is bloomin shocking. They are really taking the mick with this one.
  7. I like Geddy but Fender make me laugh sometimes. Geddys 72 Jazz bass? With an after market bridge, re wound pups by some luthier and replacement neck and pickgaurd. Apart from that, all 72 Jazz
  8. Have you got a crash helmet and a suit of armour handy? Oh, and a fire extinguisher? I have had a Mag 300 for 10 years and had no problem with it. Use the search function as there is lots of opinions on Ashdown on here, some good, some bad.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1377717703' post='2190876'] BDI-21 - £26. [/quote] The cheapest but most handy bit of kit you can own. I use mine for a bit of bass boost when the banjo player decides to go all widdily widdily. Used it on a open mic night last week right into the desk and it performed perfectly.
  10. Howard made me a scratch plate for my Pawn Shop Mustang. The fit is perfect and is so much better looking, imo, to the white one that it comes with. Excuse the fingerprints. Ta Howard! [attachment=142545:SAM_0687.JPG]
  11. A quick search on the bay and you find 20 pat test stickers for £1.49 postage free.
  12. Personally I think that the most amazing thing about them in the 70`s was Hamish`s hair do! Great band.
  13. Thats it. The Pewter or black, is a 2012 model. As well as the extra knob (ooh er!) the newer model has a squared off pickup casing instead of the casing following the radius of the neck in the older version. Nice bit of kit the 2012 model.
  14. Been to that party. Active Ibanez, GL with more tonal options than you can shake a stick at (I think there are 42 possible sounds available?) plus lots more and am now back to 2 passive basses with vol/tone and a Yam that is wired straight to the jack bypassing all controls. I just use the amp eq and volume and in the future may do this with the Fenders.
  15. Go for it. It`s only some bits of wood and metal. If you love the bass and have no intention of selling, what are you worried about?
  16. Don`t fret Mel, I have owned a lot of Ibby`s in the past and they are well made and reliable. Unless it has been well abused, you will have no problems.
  17. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1377002657' post='2182021'] That must have stretched the curly lead a bit... [/quote] Aye, but think of the accoustics
  18. Looks ok. It is the older model of Sr300. Decent basses and the bridge looks original from what I remember. Just give it a good going over and make sure the active controls are working ok, the neck looks ok etc. If the bass is all ok, you got a decent bass for your cash. One thing. If you play fingerstyle and rest your thumb on the pickup, due to the shape of the pickups following the radius of the neck, if you jam a plectrum between the body and the pickup it gives you a better anchor for your thumb.
  19. Last year I worked for a local gas company. In the course of a conversation I mentioned I played in a band (true) and that I was a well known local rock star (boll*cks). After much leg pulling and shouts of "your talking mince" and X factor type jokes, a couple of days later, a customer comes in and says that he knew me from a pub I have played on many occasions and I was indeed a member of a really good band and could play and sing a bit as well. That shut the others up for a few mins. I was also spotted by a the pharmacist in a local Lloyds chemist. Ah Fame
  20. Bob the builder? (Sorry, wrong kind of wall)
  21. I have done the same thing recently with my Yam RBX 374. Something went kaput with the active circut, so I just ripped everything out and wired it straight to the jack. I put the pots back in so the bass looks the same and it sounds better to me than before.
  22. I thought the Jools performance was rather good. http://youtu.be/PZ7ihD2Z0mg
  23. [quote name='mildmanofrock' timestamp='1376651871' post='2177327'] Old Geddy's voice seems a bit weird these days. Almost like a squawk before he hits notes proper. [/quote] Exactly right. All those years singing high have had an effect on his voice. I noticed it on the last dvd they released. As for the strings? Not my cup o char.
  24. My Yammy RBX developed a fault in the active circut, so, I ripped out all the electrics and wired the pickups direct to the jack socket. Bingo! Sounds better than it did before. In the future all my basses will be this way.
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