You've probably hit the nail on the head there - they're made in Indonesia apparently, so can't think that they'll be any higher spec than the squiers....π€ The blurb says they feel like the classic vibe range, with swapped out pickups.
We only play about 5 times a year (at the same venue). We charge Β£420, as we hire in the PA each time, but tend to always pretty much pack the place, so everyone's happy.......
I get all my plectrums for free from our guitarist. Once he's worn the points off his Dunlop .73s, he can't use them. However, they're perfect for me, so I just hoover them up when he's dumped them! #winning π€ͺπ
Currently listening to an all-out screaming argument in the office downstairs over who ordered an extra 6 tonnes of plastic film for an order that was printed and sent out yesterday......