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Everything posted by such

  1. there is no con for me really, although some stuff I just prefer to play on a 4. Well, extensive use of a drop-D tuning leads to a 4 naturally, although I plan on having a custom 5 built with two d-tuners anyway Other than that, for quite a few years I was perfectly happy with just a 5-string.
  2. he's busy playing I caught this little vid of him with the band a couple of months ago: https://www.facebook.com/marcin.bass/videos/vb.1174473192/10207772359004993/?type=3&theater sorry for the phone quality
  3. Paul is always a great hang at LBGS. I quite like this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jkqcuzzJYY
  4. I'll happily attend if nothing major stands in the way. Last year was fun I will also make a contribution to the raffle, with a couple of intructional books (brand new) and a pedal or two.
  5. I've tried them few years ago when Tom brought two fours and two fives to the London show. Brilliant! I especially like the fivestringers, most comfortable five string jazz I've tried. Lots of little details to make it so - I remember things like distinctly rolled fingerboard edges and radiused pickups (not just staggered polepieces like most makers do, or don't even do). Nice super densely and evenly grained quartersawn woods everywhere. Overall beautiful build quality. I raved about them to Paul Turner, and so did Paul Sips of Paul's Bass Matters who spent quite a while at that booth too. PT's got two now afaik.
  6. I see a couple of these in my future (this year probably). Apparently there's a Candy Apple Red coming out soon as well as lacquered-board fretlesses.
  7. [quote name='NickD' timestamp='1453980385' post='2964839'] You get round it much quicker if you're not stopping to photograph everything! (... or so I'm told... I've not actually tried that yet) [/quote] I'm not going to try that either. I fully intend to outdo the last year, photo-wise.
  8. I think, as someone mentioned, it's probably more the case of not coming back rather than "leaving". I know I've had longish periods of time off without really thinking about it. But I'm mostly a lurker anyway, been here for almost 8 years and the number of my posts suggests I reply to a thread less than once a week on average.
  9. it is perfectly possible that he had asked the guys at Taurus to do two volume pots, and here is just his remark about them failing to do so!
  10. [quote name='jude_b' timestamp='1453553748' post='2960476'] Watched this last night and thought it was extremely sad, particularly with respect to the impact of his deterioration and early death on his family. In my view, the focus was on these aspects rather than his musical impact when he was in his prime. I'm not saying that it's not a good documentary, but it's certainly not an easy watch. I haven't watched the second disc yet, which may have more of his music on it. [/quote] this is also how I always felt about the "Modern Electric Bass" video, Jaco's state in it is not very good, and although the practice material is valuable and the performances at the end impressive, it's a tough watch. The second disc is interviews mostly.
  11. I was at the London screening in November, managed to get the very last ticket for that. Some of the big names came to watch too (Dave Swift, Janek Gwizdala, Status Quo's Rhino etc). I really loved it. I sure am "into Jaco" and always have been, but I'm pretty sure the film will be a very enjoyable watch to anyone interested in music, and/or in documentaries. Got the DVD recently too, and watched the "extras" disc, which contains many more interviews not included in the main feature.
  12. I really wish he would, don't think that's very possible though. As far as I know, he considers himself more of a "guard" of the bass rather than an owner. As in, he paid for it and controls its whereabouts, but makes it available for "the Family" and/or special artists. It was at one of the NAMM shows since its recovery though, so who knows! If there's a way for it to happen, I really hope it does.
  13. Robert Trujillo!
  14. congrats! Funny enough, a friend of mine bought an identical one today
  15. it is good. Has its quirks though - I didn't like the tone of both pickups on. They are very far apart, and there is an odd scoop going on. Each pickup soloed though - beautiful, warm, focused sounds. Built quality, hardware, playability, comfort - as good as anything.
  16. I've had a GB94, top quality. The MM/J pickup config turned out not to be my thing, but the bass was very well designed and built. More recently, I tried a 5-string version of the Jeff Berlin signature at the last LBGS and it was at least equally impressive. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205854019767711&set=a.10205850993892066.1073741830.1174473192&type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205854019207697&set=a.10205850993892066.1073741830.1174473192&type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205857845503352&set=a.10205850993892066.1073741830.1174473192&type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205857845503352&set=a.10205850993892066.1073741830.1174473192&type=3&theater
  17. that would be spectacular
  18. on topic... https://www.facebook.com/roger.sadowsky/posts/976211429126300
  19. I arrived at my parents' in Poland few days ago and my two dekos - standard J and P - were waiting for me. I haven't found any fault in either. Well, the J kinda has a few barely felt (impossible to photograph) imperfections in the finish on the back of its neck. And one of its volume knobs doesn't sit perfectly straight on the pot shaft. But I would expect those kind of imperfections from a bass at this pricepoint (at its non-deko price). Absolutely nothing wrong with the P. Both are playable and take setting up well, the necks are straight and feel solid and stable. The sound is a bit underwhelming, the soloed pickups in the J hum quite a bit, also as the basses are unshielded, both buzz noticeably when playing in front of the laptop (which is what I do here). All in all, no surprises; two reasonable holiday practice machines. As mentioned before, my brother gets one if he wants it.
  20. Got them! Thanks for the support guys. Received the confirmation this morning, and the "shipped" notice few hours later. Will be over two weeks before I actually see them though (that's when I'm going where the basses are already headed).
  21. congrats! I fell in love with the Stenbacks when Tom brought them to one of the LBGShows (3 years ago I think?). I especially loved the fivers though, with their pickup enclosures radiused to match the fretboard, which had the edges rolled quite a bit (another fetish of mine); overall comfort, attention to detail, and tone of course. Got one in my bucketlist for sure.
  22. thanks guys, I expect to find out tomorrow whether I got them. I'll still hunt for an acoustic fretless
  23. both I also put down my parents' address back in Poland for delivery. I spend there about two months (combined) a year and always feel bad about not practicing. If I succeed with the purchase, one bass will also be part of a xmas gift for my brother.
  24. yeah went for it. Hopefully my order gets accepted. It wasn't for an acoustic fretless a couple of weeks ago :/
  25. What would you guys recommend as a rather bright. shimmery chorus? I'm more into smooth than any sort of warble. More air than water. The first chorus (first fx pedal in fact) I ever tried, DOD Deep Freeze, is still my favourite sound-wise. I did have two however, and both kept having problems with the footswitch. Now I'm kind of looking for one to have it rehoused, but they go for crazy prices and the rehousing can get expensive too. Anything currently in production that can fit what I'm looking for?
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