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Everything posted by basexperience

  1. [quote name='crez5150' post='520777' date='Jun 22 2009, 02:33 PM']that's not true..... I use 30-115 and detune down a tone..... no problem...[/quote] I'm impressed - I used to detune the 30s I ran with a semitone (well, the 90 E anyway) but more than that, and I used a rather good pitch shifter instead... mind you, I tend to really dig in to strings.
  2. I'd echo another +1 for Mac (and I don't even have one!) - the multi-hardware environment of PCs simply means they're a pain in the arse. As for expense - aren't Mac Minis good enough to do the job? They're not that expensive... My next studio machine will def be a mac, the PC experience has been rather painful at times. I'm still using Cubase SL1 though, it does all the stuff I need to do and I haven't hit limitations with it yet. Lots of existing VST instruments and plugins out there for it too - Cubase4 changed the atchitecture and my mate with his CB4 install has real trouble with some plugins he was rather fond of. Not sure if Cubase5 is any better? I'd also echo that there's never been a better time to get into this stuff - audio interfaces are dirt cheap now. You can get simple single-inputs (there's a Line6 device, I believe), midrange devices (I've got a little Tascam until which does twin audio and Midi, the 122L, as a portable system) or go nuts and spend a fortune (I've also got an oldish system based on the ADC2000 and DSP24 PCI card from Hoontech in the studio which does nicely) Go to it!
  3. [quote name='wesfinn' post='520618' date='Jun 22 2009, 11:43 AM']price lowered to £950[/quote] Oh if I had the cash <drool> looks better than a fender, like the pups on that one. Beef. MORE POWER!
  4. I used 30s for quite a few years, esp when I was playing a lot of Rush covers. I was playing galloping Iron Maiden on them at the same time and it sounded good. After a stint in Andorra my hands got really strong so I moved up to 40s - the sound was quite different: I suspect the sheer increase in the amount of steel flying through those magnetic fields meant I got a fatter tone (bliss - a Trace Elliot V4 combo, wicked sounding amp) which was nice. Having got back, I have managed to stay on 40s but I do keep a 4-string fretted string with 30s which is great fun to push around like putty. I can see why claypool strings that way, all that strumming and hammering can be done quite dextrously at low gauge. Horses for courses as usual I guess - if you can make it sound good, and it doesn't kill you hands, use it!
  5. OMG addicted to that rush live... I'm tempted.
  6. basexperience


    I used to use a Marshall Guv'nor (I know, it's a distortion!) which did a pretty good job... I got a POD so the boost is on the patches now.
  7. I've got a huge Warwick rig for the big gigs, and this little Warwick 250W CCL combo with wheels on the bottom and a back handle you pull up to roll it like a suitcase. The thing has scads of tone as well, and it's perfect to sit on. Comfy at small venues and practises. Solid too, I've had it years and was considering selling it until I realised just how useful it was. [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?p=7537435"]This talkbass thread has good pictures[/url]
  8. Oh, I wish I could. I'm close to Reading too, hell we gig there often enough. I spent a fair whack on the 1x15 and 4x10 NEOs though, and the house can only take so much gear! Good luck mate Andy
  9. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='515813' date='Jun 16 2009, 10:15 PM']It's ok if you use a blend with it to keep tyour clean lows. The bass version has more usefuul options for bass. In particular the kick drum feature. The resonance filter on the wah is really nice, about the only deature of mine that I miss (I had both versions at once, one on each channel).[/quote] I'd go along with that - if you've got a loop on whatever amp you're using and you can mix wet/dry, use the effects sparingly (a little chorus can work wonders on top end sparkle at the right moments) and it'll make the right impression in the right places. I used to play in 3 piece bands a lot and I've filled a lot of space with effects. In one band, I even used chase stereo delay to create the central rhythm part of a song using 2-hand tap. The song was mental though, a college piece. Wicked vocalist! I still use an old bass POD (got the simple floorboard for it you see) and tend to use the chorus on it a little, sometimes a few sounds, but it doesn't need much so I haven't gone insane for a POD XT or a Pro or whatsit. I did fit a GK bass MIDI pickup though
  10. [quote name='Oscar South' post='460542' date='Apr 12 2009, 01:30 PM']Great playing, I think you could get a better slap tone if you brought your thumb round so it was pointing upwards instead of diagonally down, and also modified your wrist action a bit. I used to play exactly like you do until about a month or so ago my tutor showed me how to do it this way, and the difference in feel and tone is pretty big.[/quote] Funny you should say that, I've been modifying my style exactly that way recently, having seen some footage of double thumbing and realising that I could do with some work in this area...
  11. I was experimenting with the video camera and one of those "gorilla grip" camera mounts - check this out... [url="http://basexperience.blogspot.com/2009/02/new-angle-on-things.html"]http://basexperience.blogspot.com/2009/02/...-on-things.html[/url] Wicked fun but the camera definitely needs more shock mounting, the low B caused it some real pain cheersh Andy [url="http://www.funkybass.co.uk"]www.funkybass.co.uk[/url]
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