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Everything posted by chrisanthony1211

  1. Been playing with La'bellas recently and forgot how much I like TI flats, a pitty they don't come in a higher gauge though...
  2. You're so right, and I'm by no means certain I'm going to move this on, it just seems a bit of a waste sat in my front room. I may just accept that it's going to get the occasional knock and gig with it, I shall see what happens. This is from 2013, number 88 of 250.
  3. Think I'm going to gig with this old girl next week but not so keen on the Pyramid gold I put on last week, I have some old TI flats or some chromes....... I think the TI flats win out...
  4. This goes down as a very tentative feeler. This is without doubt the best sounding amp I have ever played through, I've played three medium sized venues with ease with this, however the last time I took it out it got a little dink on a corner (actually a tiny dink which you can see just above the A on Ampeg), but it was enough to make me leave this in my front room as a rather extravagant practice amp! It's not the easiest thing to transport, in fact it's rather awkward, there are metal studs on the back suggesting that you can lay it down however I don't like the amount of pressure it puts on the head brackets so always stand it up in the car. I would consider a trade for a Mesa boogie walkabout which is something I'd feel happier gigging with, with cash my way, let me know. [URL=http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/chrisanthony1611/media/image_zpsvsfenudl.jpeg.html][IMG]http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r776/chrisanthony1611/image_zpsvsfenudl.jpeg[/IMG][/URL] This is a very expensive reissue of the classic Ampeg B-15, it has two channels, one based on the 1964 circuit and one based on the 1966 circuit, the 1964 being 25 watts and the 1966 the full 30 watts which may appear somewhat modest, however these are Ampeg Valve watts that we're talking about! [URL=http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/chrisanthony1611/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps3fqw6afl.jpeg.html][IMG]http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r776/chrisanthony1611/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps3fqw6afl.jpeg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/chrisanthony1611/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsuw9cz0fx.jpeg.html][IMG]http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r776/chrisanthony1611/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsuw9cz0fx.jpeg[/IMG][/URL] Where most combos I've had you really have to think twice when the volume knob gets towards 2/3 o'clock, this thing just breezes on past all the way to maximum, and it will give you great tones and more volume all the way through, with just a touch of overdrive and break up as you get towards the top end. I found that I would need the eq so that the bass was about 3 o'clock and treble at 1 o'clock for a nice fat sound. [URL=http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/chrisanthony1611/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps4lwkr7tp.jpeg.html][IMG]http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r776/chrisanthony1611/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps4lwkr7tp.jpeg[/IMG][/URL] Not only does this thing look super sexy, but it sounds it too, it's perfectly able to gig small to medium venues and of course you can drop it down to 4 ohms and throw an extension cabinet at it if needed!
  5. I am a Precision person, and that is a beaut...
  6. another price drop, yours for only £3200 English pounds
  7. I've had plenty of active basses in my time but only have passive at the moment, nothing wrong with active basses but i also find that I spend all my time knob twiddling, always thinking I can improve my sound, drives me crackers. With a P bass I can just roll forwards or backwards with the amp set at neutral and job done, I'm happy...
  8. It's certainly a beautiful looking bass, and no spare strings 🤔
  9. Basic error..I forgot to mention this beauties weight!! For those of you who are interested she weighs in at a rather shoulder friendly 7.8lb
  10. I find that the best way to manage GAS is to keep buying new gear, its strange how once I've bought something I no longer want it !
  11. [quote name='Bbiigg Kev' timestamp='1484740400' post='3217922'] Could be worse, could be a six [/quote] 2 spare strings?
  12. [quote name='Bbiigg Kev' timestamp='1484666175' post='3217300'] How about a Grand Master Custom five string [/quote] Unfortunately I'm not sure what I'd do with that "spare" string
  13. [quote name='Bbiigg Kev' timestamp='1484654117' post='3217164'] Do you need cash or is a trade an option ? [/quote] Could be interested in a partial trade for an late 60's or early 70's Fender.
  14. Having done a little more research into the case, I'm not 100% sure it's an original Fender, it could be, but I'm not certain. Either way it's a cool case with loads of mojo which goes with this bass beautifully. So a couple of hundred quid off, price drop to £3300.
  15. I bought some FS's yesterday and my first impression is that they give a bit of a phatter sound.....there's a little more tension, which I quite like, so a little tweak of the truss was required, but overall, phat, higher tension, very silky smooth on the fingers, im impressed.
  16. Towards the end of 1964, Fender starting using pearloid fret markers, below are the fret markers from my June 64 which has the "clay" (or whatever it was) fret markers. [URL=http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/chrisanthony1611/media/IMG_1261_zpsbiiueyjs.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r776/chrisanthony1611/IMG_1261_zpsbiiueyjs.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Here are the pearloid ones from the December 1964 Precision that I'm selling. It still has the clay on the top dots though, they didn't go until 65 I think... [URL=http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/chrisanthony1611/media/IMG_1262_zpskuytk52j.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r776/chrisanthony1611/IMG_1262_zpskuytk52j.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  17. I currently have a set of FL's on my Precision which I really like, however I just can't help wondering whether I'd like the FS's even more, any thoughts and experiences about the differences would be appreciated.
  18. Blood sugar sex magic, although I've heard it so much I can't stand to listen to it anymore...l.
  19. These are great, added to a CMD121p is the perfect rig..
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