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Posts posted by chrisanthony1211

  1. Damn it, I've been playing both these all morning and they are both great, different, but great in their own way. The TB500c definitely has more presence with its isobaric 212 cab but not by a lot, it's really surprising that the AER can live with it. The 500 watts and 2x12 speakers of the TB500c only really pull away volume wise when the volume gets past 12 o'clock, and those valves give it some dirt. I played a gig last Friday in a medium sized bar, with PA support and was only on four! The wife wants me to keep the AER because it's smaller! I really don't know, I think I'm gonna have to take the, both to rehersal on Tuesday and get some opinions from the boys!
    You can really tell the difference size wise in the photo below, the AER is so portable it's absolutely ridiculous what it can do! If anyone wants to come and have a play with either they are more than welcome.


  2. Do speakon cables have a right and wring way around? It may be a strange question but I connected my new amp to its speaker with its supplied speakon cable and was rather worried when there was no sound at all, after a bit of a panic and change of guitar lead I just swapped around the speakon cable so that what had been plugged into the amp was now plugged into the speaker, and visa versa and it all worked fine. I wondered whether I had just not clicked it in properly so swapped it around again, and no sound, I swapped several times and the result was just the same, so my question is whether this is normal, or is the cable faulty? Or a problem with the amp / speaker?

  3. Amp arrived in good order and photos of the unpacking posted, UPS thought it was a good idea to leave a £1000 amp on my doorstep whilst I was at work! Fortunately no one decided to walk off with it.
    I've given this a little test run just to make sure all is OK and I'd forgotten what a great amp this little beast is, how do they make such a small amp so loud. I forgot to take a photo of it in the gig bag, but I shall add one later.
    Or maybe I should keep it!

  4. Well I've got through 4 Amps in the last 12 months trying to answer this question, I would have been hanging on to my AER amp one as it has awesome power for its size, had it not gone back to the manufactures for repair (but they replaced it with a new one!) which forced me to buy a new amp whilst it was away, and I'm loving my new Orange TB500c combo. It has great tone and bottom end, and not overly large or weighty for portability, you can also flick down the impedance to 4 ohms and daisy chain another cab if required, but for both of these amps some remortgaging may be required!

  5. Hi
    As far as I am aware, different speaker configurations have different characteristics, and different surface areas which have an impact upon how much air they can shift. 15 inch speakers, whilst loud, I find them to be boomy, wooly, and not particularly responsive, whilst 10 inch speakers are punchy but don't get quite the volume and boominess of the 15 inch, and 12 inch speakers are a compromise between the two. Each to their own but I never liked 15 inch speakers.

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