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Everything posted by chrisanthony1211

  1. If you twist my arm I'll include some second class postage.
  2. Smooth hound doesn't seem to like using a battery pack with another pedal, generates a load of noise....
  3. Does anyone make a battery power supply with isolated outputs?
  4. These look interesting, has anyone ever used one or something similar? http://www.hotroxuk.com/mooer-mppower-rechargable-power-supply.html
  5. I shall have the opportunity to compare this with a smooth hound tomorrow night, I shall let you know how it gets on.
  6. If I have several effects pedal which are centre negative, and one which is centre positive, am I able to use a polarity altering attachment on one of the cables and daisy chain the power or do I need a separate power supply for this?
  7. I have one of these, great all in one solution for me, highly recommended.
  8. Doesn't come with an 18v power supply as I've always used a 9v battery. It's a little confusing as on the side it says 18v power supply required and on the bottom it says 9v......!!!???? I have a 9v power supply I can throw in with it.
  9. Go on then, now £90 Grab bargain, currently retailing for £135 on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B01N4DSQBR/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1502657936&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=xvive+u2&dpPl=1&dpID=51YYqhrEEzL&ref=plSrch
  10. Sound quality is excellent, I get a slight hiss at home because my amp is very close to a WiFi extender and they need to be a minimum of three meters away from any routers, at rehearsals and gigs it's been superb.
  11. I've decided to swap my black Xvive U2 for the new metallic red one, these are fantastic wireless devices, the USB charging gives you about 4/5 hours which is plenty, and four channels to choose from, the guitarist in our band also uses one of these and I'm only selling as I'm getting a colour which suites my guitar better! I got this new about three months ago and it's been flawless!
  12. Im not so bothered about damage as that would count as normal wear and tear, within reason! It's more about someone taking it, although I'm guessing most people wouldn't realise what it is, just need to keep an eye on it, never let it stray too far!
  13. I tend to be very careful where I gig with a pre CBS Fender, only using at places I know very well, however I've decided that this beauty is going to get a few more outings over the coming months, she was made in 1964 and is currently sporting a "spitfire" guard, I just need to be carful with her! Do you gig your pre CBS Fenders?
  14. Dunlop head phone amp for when you don't want to wake the family up..
  15. These come pretty highly recommended but I find it too slippy, despite it looking extra funky it's not for me. Yours for £20
  16. [quote name='chrisanthony1211' timestamp='1501690863' post='3346618'] I'm having a string clear out, ive managed to cure myself of bass gas, but this has just switched to string gas......I tend to buy a set, put them on a bass, buy another set, swap them, swap again, buy another set or two, do some more swapping and thouroughly annoy myself in the process.... Anyway here we go: A set of TI flats - lightly used with silks in pretty good condition £25 SOLD A set of La Bella 760FGS, these are the new gold ones, very lightly used but just not for me, only bought a week ago for £50, selling for £35 SOLD A set of DR Pure blues - again very lightly used £20 Ken Smith compressors, 105 gauge, silks a little frayed but pretty good. £15 A set of chromes 105 - silks pretty knackered, I've took them off and on so many basses I lost count! £15 A set of La Bella 760 FS - good condition with slight fraying on the silks £25 All are cut for a Fender Precision, I only have packaging for the La Bella golds [/quote] I'm having a string clear out, ive managed to cure myself of bass gas, but this has just switched to string gas......I tend to buy a set, put them on a bass, buy another set, swap them, swap again, buy another set or two, do some more swapping and thouroughly annoy myself in the process.... Anyway here we go: A set of TI flats - lightly used with silks in pretty good condition £25 SOLD A set of La Bella 760FGS, these are the new gold ones, very lightly used but just not for me, only bought a week ago for £50, selling for £35 SOLD pending payment A set of DR Pure blues - again very lightly used £20 Ken Smith compressors, 105 gauge, silks a little frayed but pretty good. £15 A set of chromes 105 - silks pretty knackered, I've took them off and on so many basses I lost count! £15 A set of La Bella 760 FS - good condition with slight fraying on the silks £25 All are cut for a Fender Precision, I only have packaging for the La Bella golds
  17. Well I popped out the kids birthday party and grabbed a set, I have a 1973 Precision which was strung with the regular labella 760fs which I've put these gold strings on, and a 64 with a set of 760fl. These do sound quite different to the regular set? Not quite the same thump but plenty of gritty mid growl which I'm liking, tension seems similar and out put marginally less than the standard, they feel pretty good too, early days yet but I like these quite a lot.
  18. Well I'm currently sat in a kids birthday party a five minute drive from electromusic who stock these, I may see if I can slip out for 10 minutes!!
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