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Dramatis Persona

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Everything posted by Dramatis Persona

  1. I just understood that the model I was looking for was the classic with usa pups and not the standard classic... Just in time!
  2. Because I'm not a lover of active basses.
  3. Ok thank you for the infos, maybe is better try the bass first. I'm small (Thom Yorke size), I think the TB is huge for me, but I can find any shop around here with epi\gibson basses.
  4. Ok thank you!
  5. Hello there, I'm getting tired of my modded Fender Precision with Jazzy Pickup, ok, actually is my only bass, I have an Odi et Amo relationship with him, I prefer something more gritter, more new waver, more 80's. I'm selling my P to an old friend because I need money for set up a little home recording studio, but I can't live without bass, and I love the Thunderbird (and obviusly the firebird) from when I'm a teen. I tried many Epi guitars in the past, and for the price they are good instruments, but never tried any Epi bass, I only tried a Gibson Firebird years ago and It is was like sex. So, is the Epi TB IV a good instrument? I found itnew for cheap in Italy (where I live) ((200 euros)). I only need this bass for recordings (and obviously for playing bass generally), I'm so tired of bands, as a bass\guitar\key player is very funny and inspiring make everything alone, It's like to be Narcissus, yourself is your soul-mate, drum machine are dope; for live session I think I'll only use my guitar (and mayby my synth). I sold my Gallien Krueger head and cabs, I am unable to afford a live bass gig. :/ Thank You PS: Actually I'm playing shoegaze, dream pop, noise pop\rock, drone, post-punk.
  6. [quote name='Left Foot' timestamp='1379601689' post='2214698'] Where? I have seen some with patch switch pedal and expression pedals on ebay but they got for £250. [/quote] In Italy actually an used HOG + Preset Switch is about 250 euros ( more or less 200 GBP), but the shipping is pricey, sh*tty postal service.
  7. Overdrive, Fuzz and Reverb.
  8. Your Oxide will be mine! Don't forget it!
  9. Maybe HOG? With exp pedal in freeze\volume mode you can control the volume and the sustain of the drone\feedback. You can find an old HOG for cheap now.
  10. Thank you! The next step is finding a cool avatar.
  11. Hi there, I'm new here. My name is Claudio, I'm a bass player from Italy, I'm 25. I lived in Ireland for two years and I'm considering to going to live in UK and find a job like a cook or something similar. Actually my only bass is a Fender Precision. I love prog rock and shoegaze, I also play guitar and keyboards, but my first love is bass! It will be nice if I find some bassplayer friends in this forum!
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