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Everything posted by SaxyBassist

  1. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1450909656' post='2937038'] I've got the basses all round the house and the bike bits all round the house too (though I haven't had to replace a valve guide for years so no heads in the oven and valve guides in the freezer). Mrs Zero is a very tolerant woman, fortunately. [/quote] Good stuff glad to hear it! I do miss all that ..... still - our son carries on the tradition of leaving a trail of greasy handprints!
  2. Just get all your missus' to take up bass!
  3. My late hubby put up with me commandeering a whole room for my music and a whole room for my art! .... but then I had put up with 30 years of bike bits all around the house and cylinder heads in the oven on many occasions I never complained, that was just part of who he was
  4. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1450718870' post='2935198'] That will be for turbo sound. 4 is waaaaaayyyy too high on the amp.... I doubt it will sound that good but it wont be doing the cabs much good either at a jam night with randoms all over it. [/quote] Lol it's not making me play any faster Ive had it set like that doing gigs and jams for about 6 months! - every time I ask if it sounds okay all the band and random audience say it sounds fine, the couple of times I've stepped away from it with the bass to listen I've thought I don't like the sound of it but didn't know what to do about it..... Anyway I've just been and set it all to 12 oclock and stood away as far as I could get (into the hall!) and I actually really like the tone - best so far!
  5. [quote name='bassmachine2112' timestamp='1450715867' post='2935150'] Turn the tweeters down or off. I use cabs with no tweeters and don,t miss them. +1 on turning everything back,it might sound weird standing in front of them but let the sound swell out front and you will be surprised. [/quote] Okay will do - I don't like a lot of treble anyway
  6. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1450714689' post='2935131'] Haha OK then I guess that's the tweeter / HF level in which case halfway / 12 o'clock shouldn't cause you any problems like you describe... [/quote] Ah right! (I should be blonde really! )
  7. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1450714492' post='2935127'] Yeah as above really Bass at four o'clock is quite a large boost. I just run my EQ flat unless I have a problem with boominess in a certain venue then I'll tweak acordingly but only a fraction of a turn. I would think that if you have to use a huge amount of EQ there is perhaps something wrong with the source sound? [/quote] Yes I think I've been adjusting them to what sounds good to me not realising how it can be quite different to the audience!
  8. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1450714362' post='2935123'] Not sure what you mean? Don't see a dial on the back..unless you mean the cover for the digital out socket, that looks a bit like a volume knob I suppose.. [attachment=207711:rh450 rear.JPG] [/quote] The dial on the back of the speakers :-)
  9. Thanks for your help, I'll try that. Also I was wondering what the dial at the back is for? I have that set about half way.
  10. Hi all, I have a tc electronic RH450 head and 2 2x10 speaker cabs. I've not had any problems until I was house bassist at a jam yesterday and when a jammer played through my rig and it was too over powering, loud and raw, (he had jazz bass - I have an Ibanez SR300) we fiddled with the settings and got it a bit better but still the sound "felt uncomfortable" to me in the audience. I'm not very good at working all the settings, I have the gain set at about 10 oclock and the volume at about 12 oclock, I did have the bass at about 4 oclock, the lo and mid around 2 oclock, and the tubetone at about 9 oclock. The compression is at around 9 oclock. I was reasonably happy with this until yesterday. Is there anyway I can get a more "velvety bassy" tone without the uncomfortable vibes? strange because I've been house bassist before and not noticed it with anyone else but now I'm obsessed with it! thanks in advance for any advice
  11. Well I've started on my weight training regime supervised by my Son and I can tell you I now ache!!
  12. I think I may have come up with a solution for the jam situation, my little Promethean PS3110, and an RS112, 11kgs and 14 kgs respectively! The little promethean has nowhere near enough guts, but driving the RS112 could be just right! Whatd'yareckon all?
  13. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1450120669' post='2929829'] If you like your sound, maybe look at shifting one 212 and getting two rs112 - Thomann have them for £180, half the price they are here in the UK! You might even get away with one, if your gigs aren't outrageously loud. [/quote] I wouldn't be able to stack a 210 on top of 2 112s though would I ?
  14. I really like the idea of the TC RS112, but would it be enough on it's own for a pub, reasonably loud rock jam? For gigs I would continue with my current set up
  15. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1450120669' post='2929829'] If you like your sound, maybe look at shifting one 212 and getting two rs112 - Thomann have them for £180, half the price they are here in the UK! You might even get away with one, if your gigs aren't outrageously loud. [/quote] That's an idea that might work thanks - 14kgs lighter
  16. My head is spinning now ..... actually I reckon I could solve the problem if I took up weight training!
  17. I wrote a great long reply with each post quoted and it wouldn't let me post it for some reason!! Anyway thanks for all the advice - I am now coming to the conclusion reading everyone's responses that the real problem (which I have been denying to myself) is actually is my cabs are too heavy for me, I dread coming home from a gig if my son is not home to unload them as I won't leave them in the car, that's when I use the sack barrow but lifting them is an effort for me I think if I was to spend money I would look at the barefaced range, I haven't got a clue which one/s would give a similar power and sound to what I have now though!
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1450092977' post='2929443'] You won't know without trying it but why wouldn't it match up? [/quote] Because it's one 15" speaker instead of 2x10 and it's 250 watts instead of 400 and it's in lighter casing I'm just trying to find out how it compares in oomph to one of my 2x10s
  19. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1450093336' post='2929446'] There's a decent review of the TC combos here, including a comparison of the different speaker sizes available (best listened to through headphones). [media]http://youtu.be/Uc4rj6EhB7M[/media] The 115 sounds different to the 210 version of the combos and Gregor points out the difference you'll notice in tone between the combos and the RH heads with the RS cabs... something to consider if you love what you're hearing with your current setup. [/quote] Thanks this is very useful
  20. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1450091167' post='2929419'] You don't want to faff around with 1 speaker lead and 1 amp? IMO you already have the perfect modular rig. [/quote] I know it's perfect, but having to dismantle it all and then reassemble it all at again at home I don't mind for decently paid gigs, but if I had this combo it would make my life easier for the jam (not well paid) - bear in mind I'm an older lady (much older than I look in my pic which was taken earlier this year - you wouldn't believe me if I told you!!.... and not in the best of health :-( ) All I want to know is - would the BG 115 match one of my 210s? if not then I won't get it :-)
  21. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1450083301' post='2929308'] Genz Benz Contour going cheap in the F/S section. Would fit the bill. [/quote] Thanks Japhet, that looks good but the seller is in Manchester and I'm in Essex and they won't post. Just really trying to find out if the TC 115 combo will be as powerful/loud as one of my 210s, as there is one locally on offer :-)
  22. Hi all, I wonder if I could ask some advice? For gigs I use 2 TC electronic RS210s with an RH450 amp head, I love the sound and power the rig has and great for all size venues. I am occasionally in a houseband for a weekly jam in a pub so I just take one of the cabs and it's just right in terms of power. I'm wondering to make things even easier to save faffing about packing up the head and the cables, (cos I'm lazy! ) about getting a TC BG250 115 combo - would this give me similar power to one of my 210s? thanks in advance for any advice
  23. Fabulous - loved it! I love Jamrioquai and do try to attempt to play some with pretty dismal results but I'm working on it!
  24. I know the feeling (from bands I played Sax in) but hope to get good enough on bass to be able to Dep, now I'm widowed I need to get out playing at the weekends - it's driving me nuts when everyone else is out enjoying themselves - all my social life is during the week at jams!! I've been offered a rock and roll dep gig in the summer so it's a start.
  25. .
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