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Everything posted by rainbowreality

  1. Good to know that's a normal function! And thanks for the tip on emailing Orange, I'd read on another forum their customer service was iffy but maybe they were just unlucky!
  2. It is yes. Sorry I got the name slightly wrong, it's BAD Mofo (and it is). It comes in mini or large variations, there's no difference in functions except the mini fits nicely in a 1590B enclosure (a bit tight but not nothing too much to worry about). https://shop.pedalparts.co.uk/product/badmofomini https://shop.pedalparts.co.uk/product/badmofo
  3. It's a really useful pedal, you can dial in a really wide range of sounds, I'd also recommend the little Mofo preamp - 4 different amp modes with some really nice overdrive/fuzz if you push it
  4. I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to compressors but I'm a bit puzzled with the behaviour of my Kongpressor. When I increase the squash (turning it clockwise) it also increases the volume. Is this normal behaviour for the Kongpressor as you'd think more compression would lower the volume? Also on many youtube videos you see the orange light triggering while they play but on mine it takes a crazy amount of boost - I have to put my passive bass through a pre-amp ramped up to get it to light up, is that normal behaviour for the Kongpressor or should I return it? Many thanks if anyone can help!
  5. Yeah, I think it probably is a modding for modding's sake if I'm being completely honest. Having set it up I've not had any problems with intonation or sustain. You can fall into a trap of thinking more expensive will mean better rather than if it's not broke....
  6. You know I never thought about it much, I kinda assumed it would improve the instrument and maybe I was just getting carried away after changing the tuning heads (which have definitely made a difference). Having looked into more maybe it's not such a great idea after all!
  7. Hello my bass playing friends, Just wondering if anyone can suggest a bridge such as Gotoh to upgrade my Sire U5? Possibly with little or no modification (i.e extra drilling) would be really nice! Many thanks!
  8. Hello fellow Basschatters, I love my short scale U5 but it is a bit top heavy. I was wondering if anybody out there in Basschat land would happen to know of a suitable lightweight replacement for it? And if possible is there a drop tuner that would fit too? Thanks and appreciation in advance. Paul
  9. Message incoming!
  10. Oooo I like it! Sticking with this from now on!
  11. Do CTS do a 10M reverse audio taper do you know?
  12. Found it! These guys sell pots for Tribute, it was a couple of years ago when I contacted and they were selling them for £10.20 a go - https://www.togs.eu/
  13. Great! The simplified wiring is especially tempting, I've never seen such a bird's nest as in the L2000
  14. I'd found a place a while back that sold G&L spares in the UK but I've lost the email and contact details. I found them originally through this http://www.dist-x.com/ They weren't cheap and each pot was over a tenner, I'll try find their contact info.
  15. Just wondered if anyone has a wiring diagram for the L2000 and also the values of the pots used? My Tribute has developed a really bad scratchy pot and I want to upgrade them! Any advice appreciated
  16. Thank you for both replying. Reason I thought they aren't a standard is the G&L site says the American L2000 pots wouldn't fit the Tribute - 'Will not fit Tribute Series models without enlarging the mounting holes for the pots and using knurled knobs for solid-shaft pots available elsewhere in this store. Enlarging the holes for the pots may be done by a highly experienced technician using a reamer tool, as there is risk of damaging the body finish.' In answer to your question Gary I think the USA models use CTS pots so that would be the obvious upgrade but it's a pity it's not a straight swap. Out of interest did you order direct from G&L? BassBunny, thank you giving me the values of the pots, they should make life a lot easier for sourcing replacements! I'll have a look at the Bourns range as they have a really good rep. Frustrating thing is I've hardly used the Tribute for this to happen and I've never abused her in any way. Suppose just bad luck but I've heard of others having problems with the standard Tribute pots too. Thanks for your replies, much appreciated!
  17. Hi there, I'm looking for spare parts for the electronics in my Tribute L2000. The tone pot is starting to go and I need to to replace it, maybe a switch too. Problem is the Tribute series use non standard pots and I'm struggling to find spares here in the UK. Anyone here have any ideas? Paul
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