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Everything posted by Mattmit

  1. That's a nice one! I play my limelight J a LOT
  2. [quote name='maldy' timestamp='1469019953' post='3095126'] So last night I had decided the bass was to go back - I even packed it up ready. Then this morning the house was empty so I thought I'd have one more try of it. Out it came from the box and it immediately felt good in hand. After a little slap and then some finger style I realised what a great sounding instrument this is. I think I finally got what a great passive tone was. The more I played it the more I realised there was something special about the bass. I was pretty much sure I was now going to keep the bass. I then went to pull out my lead and the below happened :-o [attachment=223903:image1.JPG][attachment=223904:image2.JPG][attachment=223905:image3.JPG] [/quote] If you love the feel and the sound of the bass don't worry about the plate coming off, just get it fixed. Play it with no plate and the jack lead duck taped to the circuit board of if plays and sounds great!
  3. The jack and Danny mini jazz is wicked. Really cheap too. The mini pass looks great too but I haven't tried it.
  4. Wow that's cool as hell. And cheap. I'm sorted for jazzes and Tokais but this really stands out in the forum.
  5. Wunjos had one to try last time I was there about a week ago
  6. Hanks guitars on denmark St!! That shop takes pleasure in collecting rare and unplayable instruments, as well as plenty of very nice ones.... I work very nearby and on my lunch breaks I often head in there to have a go at wrestling with some of those.
  7. Yea I got a 5 string version. Wicked!!!
  8. Freaking killer bass! Worth mentioning how great the neck is on these as well.
  9. Looks like the one Michael leagues playing these days!
  10. I don't know about this guy but I got one of the mini jazz basses and it's perfect. Looks exactly like the ones on the site and great quality for 80 quid too.
  11. I don't know. Hope that helps!
  12. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1439677079' post='2844986'] so why sell it? im sorry but this is the bit i dont get [/quote] I'm not sure either. I've been close to selling a few of my basses that I like a lot. It's always been a close call between one bass and another and for various reasons. Sometimes I think about selling either my 81 tokai P or the limelight p because I feel like maybe I don't need 2 precision, but I haven't gone through with it yet. But anyway, I guess im saying the reasons could be anything.and it doesn't have to be about the quality of the bass. I think for some people there might be an element of liking the look of a relic but feeling like a fraud holding one, and people going 'oh wow how old is that' and you're like '2014'. I've experienced that, I just say I'm a pretentious c***, sorry.
  13. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1439663976' post='2844842'] Every bass/amp/pedal ad on here says that... [/quote] Yea I don't know.. I think it's proportionate to the amount of people now buying them compared to a year or so ago. Also yea, gas and human nature. I got 2 and I like them. I can't say for sure if I will favour a different one of my basses at some point and sell a limelight on, but I love playing them and they are great instruments.
  14. A lot of what you guys hate comes down to simple design concepts. I feel like a lot of modern basses, especially ones trying to not look like other basses or look elaborate have zero visual appeal theory applied in their design. By that I mean they break just about all the golden rules that you learn about what's naturally appealing to the eye in any other field. It's hard because there are a lot of things you need to fit onto a bass for it to be functional, but a lot of brands don't make any effort to simplify and unclutter their basses. Would be great for more Companies to hire professional level concept artists or similarly trained artists to come up with new designs.
  15. I don't know man. Like you said they look great from a distance but I think they do look relic'd rather than old if you put them under too much close up scrutiny. Having said that mine are relatively early versions and each new one I see coming through here seems to get better and better. The second one I bought was Def a level up from the first in terms of the relic job. Anyway I wasnt interested in a worn bass when I bought my first one, I just wanted a great bass for a decent price in colours I could choose, I would have had it worn or not but I love it now. And I did go on to buy another.
  16. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1436776893' post='2820540'] Just got a 2004 USA Musicman SUB 5 string for £200. A Bargain by any stretch of the imagination.[attachment=196192:SUB5.jpg] [/quote] Wow, I thought was getting a bargain at three fiddy!
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1436788874' post='2820706'] IME that's someone I'd steer clear of. For me the best results have always come from finding someone who is already building something very close to what I want and getting them to make me an instrument. That way they will most likely already know any potential pitfalls to any modifications I want to their basic design and end up building something that is actually right for me. [/quote] I just mean when you have a Luther that has a specific shape to the instrument, they don't want to go too far off model. I don't want to go too far off model, I like classic shapes, but I don't want to be bound to what the companys style is.
  18. [quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1431043452' post='2767346'] I honestly don't care that it's a signature bass. I do like the Sherwood Green Metallic color, CS60's pups, stringing through the body, and the custom C neck. But no, I didn't get it for the signature. [/quote] Yea exactly, I'm not into Clayton but that's just an awesome looking bass.
  19. not in here but I won a japanese strat for 250 on ebay because the guy listed it to end at 3am. I just put a silly bid in and went to sleep. I've had a bunch of very reasonable deals on here. Sandberg california 5 string for 600, USA sub 5 for 350. etc.
  20. I think Joe White, since there are no presets and he'd make me up anything I could imagine.
  21. Awww man, looks great. I just got my hard puncher back from a setup, I missed it while it was gone.
  22. ill take it for £1! or trade you 2/5 of a cup of coffee.
  23. [quote name='Christian Houmann' timestamp='1430845389' post='2765146'] Here is what I got from Mark.[color=#444444][font=Calibri, sans-serif][size=4] [size=3][i]We had to wait for some reverse tuners to come back into stock a while back and production was held up, so we made this one to fill in the time, as we had most of the parts in stock, including the neck.[/i][/size][/size][/font][/color] [color=#444444][font=Calibri, sans-serif][size=4] [size=3][i]We can get Blocks & Binding necks OK (usually this adds about £125 to the cost) but not the dots and binding - this neck was a lucky find.[/i][/size][/size][/font][/color] I ask Mark about a 66 jazz with dots and binding many times the last year but his supplier don't makes those. [/quote] Marc told me he can do the blocks and binding but preferred to keep the cost under a grand. If you ask though and let him know that's what you want, then he's cool with it.
  24. Peterbuilt makes those still.
  25. Jesus, this thing is giving me anxiety.
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