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Everything posted by Mattmit

  1. Yea I had a 94 Mij 57 reissue. Really felt fantastic to play. If I was going to get another I think I would go for a 60s or 70s because The 57 Was just on the wrong side of what I'm used to in terms of string spacing. If you only play precision and stingrays it's probably fine but if you switch between wide and narrow spacing, the 57 was a smidge too wide.
  2. Why is it all stingray copies and sterling subs have the odd Bridge. Are the smaller bridges super hard to aquire? The retrovibe basses have it and some Chinese aliexpress basses, although the one I saw was on a chickenbacker, not a ray copy. So confused.
  3. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1429619127' post='2753247'] In a good or bad way?! [/quote] Oh crap! That was a vague statement wasn't it.. I meant In a good way. Haven't tried to sell it, it's got some magic in there. I have been on the verge of selling it a few times because it threatens my more expensive limelight P bass.
  4. I got a 1981 hard puncher and I just can't get rid of it.
  5. [quote name='SPHDS' timestamp='1429351651' post='2750651'] Stig Pederson of Danish band D-A-D has been playing (and making) his own 2-stringers for years......as he found 'he only ever used two, so why have more.....' Two of his more interesting creations - [url="http://www.metal-archives.com/images/8/5/1/0/85102_artist.jpg?2031"]http://www.metal-arc...artist.jpg?2031[/url] and [url="http://nebula.gigahost.dk/v1/AUTH_fc62c141-0a58-488f-9d22-e42a03cd8505/images_c6b/500033218_8fa575210106823d6aed73b9f15e2891789870f8.jpg"]http://nebula.gigaho...891789870f8.jpg[/url] [/quote] wow, first time I saw that reverse guitar one i thought it was photoshopped.
  6. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1429261405' post='2749708'] Cool novelty but not much else I imagine. I'll stick to 5 strings. [/quote] Pretty great way to learn shifting up and down the neck, but you could just chose to do exercises over 2 strings for much less money.
  7. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1429091989' post='2747823'] I like them a lot. Hopefully the weight will come down too. [/quote] My California VS is really light, I didn't know they were known to be heavy.
  8. The goldtone is sturdy enough and comes with a great case but the J&D can just be chucked in the boot with no problems.
  9. I have the goldtone, it's pretty nice! I still need to explore more strings, I'd like to see if the pyramid nylon core steel or whatever strings work. To be completely honest though since I got a J&D mini jazz bass, I don't play the goldtone so much. You can get the J&D mini jazz or precision and some kind of headphone amp or mini amp for less than half of the goldtone, plus it's much more sturdy for travel.
  10. Hmm have you tried a 2015 American Vintage 63 precision?
  11. theres a ray 34 for sale here right now, crazy cheap, you really should just buy it if youre at all interested in them. It's got 3 band eq so side entry jack socket.
  12. i got an sb14, love it.
  13. sh*t me, nice!
  14. Mattmit


    Great bass! great guy to deal with, super easy transaction
  15. I got the 5 string version. Felt bad committing to buy it at the time but once it arrived I was SO glad i went for it.
  16. Haha 'andberg' I hope that's not put anyone off because that's wicked. Great price. I was lucky enough to pick up a P type for a similar price and it's a masterpiece.
  17. I played a bog standard schecter baron in Denmark st the other day and it was beautiful. I remember the neck was very comfortable and easy to move around.
  18. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1426673835' post='2720497'] Job interveiw day bump..wish me luck [/quote] Good luck!
  19. Awesome little bass! Was playing mine at my desk today. Slow day at work. PS I sanded my tortoiseshell plate back to white. Looks ace!
  20. Man I had no plans or money to buy this but I'm super sad it's on hold. I was in a position to buy it about a year ago. Ah well. sh*t.
  21. You get a chance to return it if you completely hate it right? I had a P bass from 1996,back when it was 1 ply scratchplates, plastic strat style knobs and solid black logos, really cutting all the corners. It was OK! I don't know what my point is...
  22. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1427281498' post='2728165'] Me too That's lovely [/quote] Ooh me too that's nice! I wasn't sure if the colors would look good unless it was clean and shiny. Was a toss up between a limelight and a Peterbuilt but I'm glad I went with the limelight.
  23. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1424962439' post='2702384'] OK... to help me decide... Would those of you with maple-board Limelight P's mind posting pics that clearly show the board, preferably in daylight? One of my dilemmas is the old maple / rosewood thing. I think I prefer the look of Limelight's rosewood, but I'm not sure... [/quote] You can ask him to leave the maple board more standard if you like. On my jazz I asked him to leave it brighter because I thought the darker neck wouldn't look great with the colours I chose. It came out just right for what I wanted.
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