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Everything posted by Mattmit

  1. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1424944949' post='2702124'] Blocks without binding..?? no. [/quote] All sandbergs have blocks without binding. If they have blocks that is.
  2. Got pics.
  3. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1424805158' post='2700678'] It's difficult. I just took my time and guessed, with the result that a couple of them are a tiny bit off but it's not glaringly obvious. Unfortunately if you're a total perfectionist, that ain't gonna cut it. But like I say, it doesn't look great without neck binding, and I can buy binding cheap but there is no way in Hull I can fit that myself. I may ask a shop how much they would take, but I imagine it'd be silly money. Let us know how you get on attaching your new inlays mate. [/quote] I stuck mine on, eyeballed it and got them all on straight as far as I can tell. One up on the 15th is closer to one fret than the other but perfectly parallel. It's on my sandberg, which I think quite often come with blocks without binding so it looks pretty sick. I've ordered blocks for my jazz as well, which might be a different story..
  4. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1424798953' post='2700598'] My blocks arrived today, they look the part and really easy to apply but tricky to position properly. Buuuut......blocks really don't look as good without neck binding. [/quote] mine arrived, I dont know how the hell i will get them on straight.
  5. I don't think it matters what anyone thinks about it! If you want a beat up double bass go for it.
  6. Trump?
  7. Ah that's less stressful sounding, thanks mate. I ordered some for my sandberg cos it's got no markers at all.
  8. How does applying these block inlays evenly and symmetrically work? is there any way they come prepared that makes it easier to not have them all a bit skewiffy ?
  9. Got one of these recently, they feel so well built the slab didn't bother me either, I thought it would but I don't notice.
  10. Bump?
  11. I just bought one if these!! Amazing. Very easy to play too.
  12. Was yours the white one on a bench with the sound samples? That's what gave me the itch for my limelight jazz. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422609025' post='2674485'] For the record I'm hugely regretting selling my Limelight Jazz. It would have been perfect for my new project. Just goes to show you need several different instruments to cover all bases. Pun intended. [/quote]
  13. I think because a lot more are being bought these days. It's probably the same ratio as any other brand being bought then put up for sale a short while later. I think it's probably in our nature. I didn't do any statistics or anything, it's just a theory. I love my limelights I got a jazz and a P. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1421874755' post='2666158'] A lot of these being ordered, but a lot coming back up for sale? I love the look of them. Perfect attention to detail. [/quote]
  14. These are ace! I've got one with a nordstrand and stock preamp and it's fantastic.
  15. Oh, ha. Just read your last post. I'm not interested in most yamahas visually either but I love specifically the vintage white 425x/1025x/2025x
  16. This??? http://basschat.co.uk/topic/251599-yamaha-bb425x-l250/page__pid__2659905#entry2659905
  17. [quote name='Sara SG' timestamp='1420827044' post='2654009'] Sorry for posting in wrong section. I'm finding it hard to get to grips with how the forum works, but getting there eventually. It was a quick fix at a gig but it has been very useful ever since. Great for swinging the bass about on stage. Just thought I'd share the tip - really worth a try even if you don't have a static problem [/quote] And even if I don't wear leather skirts?
  18. I have never seen this before... Hope that helps!
  19. this is the nicest video i found on this bass, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tofARKW6HMo and some here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b18TIJpYXSY
  20. Those Classic Vibes are the bomb. great necks. A classic vibe P and an ebmm sterling are the most comfortable necks I've played.
  21. sh*t me! thats quite the business isnt it!!!!
  22. man, I bought a Limelight Jazz based off these sound samples when they first came up!
  23. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1417255806' post='2618559'] I must admit, I have had almost zero GAS since getting my Limelight. I've even been quite active in trying to find a bass to obsess over and just can't find anything. Grrrr! [/quote] Haha, yeah! I know what you mean. I always default to browsing basses for sale when I'm bored and none of it's doing anything for me, I feel dead inside :|
  24. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1417172443' post='2617713'] Lovely! Really like that last P bass too.... I missed out on FuNKshUi's Fiesta Red P, and am gutted GAS is unbelievably low at the moment - I love the basses I have (and I have too many lol) But I keep coming back to look at this thread.... .... and drooling Keep the pics coming Limelight owners....... [/quote] Yea.. My gas had been surprisingly low since getting my limelights too.... Haha, sorry. That's blatant baiting! But I have been pretty settled since having the precision, jazz, and a 5 string sandberg precision type. I'm wanting to get rid of my other basses so those guys get my full attention. The precision is really good but I got it early on and his relicing wasn't as good as it is now, each one he does looks better than the last, a blessing and a curse.
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