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Everything posted by natjag

  1. Does this have a rosewood or ebony board?
  2. I know this bass is on hold, I'm interested in the scratch plate. From what you said I may try to get one done for my P bass (which is just plastic and not great looking) from sims. How much was is and any chance of a closer picture of it.
  3. natjag


    [quote name='benbastin' timestamp='1485633104' post='3225515'] Sorry I missed your post. Need to change my email settings I guess. The neck is just oiled on the back. I will check the fingerboard radius I guess about 10". Thanks [/quote] Thanks for that, I'm really after a varnished neck with a vintage radius board.
  4. natjag


    what's the neck radius. Is it varnished or satin on the back?
  5. Is the sunburst what you have (or will) replace it with?
  6. take it this has gone then. Worth it for the scratch plate alone
  7. You don't fancy a trade for a fretless Jazz do you?
  8. [quote name='thebuckets' timestamp='1474220582' post='3136336'] Lot of japanese fenders seem to be basswood are you sure its an Alder body? Looks a beauty Cheers Bri [/quote] I think those earlier ones were alder.
  9. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1474144396' post='3135950'] See first post, yes a hard case is included. [/quote] Doh! I looked and missed it. I'll check back for the pictures. Thanks
  10. Do you have the original non hip shot D tuner? What's the weight like? Any chance of more pictures, particularly (for me) back of head stock where the end of the neck joins. and just overall condition of neck (reverse). Does it have a case of any sort
  11. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1473189602' post='3127890'] Have you tried using a multi-meter to check for electrical connection from the windings to the magnets? My guess is that the insulation on the windings has broken down and the magnets are connected to the coils. [/quote] I don't have any such equipment to test for those sort of things. From your description, that sounds like I'm best to replace the pickup.
  12. [color=#000000][font=Helvetica][size=3]I've noticed an issue with my P pass pickup. If I touch the E string on the lowest pole of the pickup (happens quite a lot) the bottom part (E and A) of the pickup dies. top is fine. What is likely to cause this. Is the pickup on its way out and new one needed. I've had the bass new since 2001. Any suggestions welcome.[/size][/font][/color]
  13. Damn, I've been away gigging for the weekend, come back see this, check out how far to drive, scroll down it's gone. Oh well. Sorry to read you've had to sell this.
  14. Is this a US or Jap model
  15. where in UK are you, which town?
  16. Nice bass, I like the fender shim.
  17. Any chance of a few more pics. Back headstock etc. Don't suppose you know the radius of the board. I'm guessing its 9.5. Is there a case with it?
  18. Is this a varnished neck or satin?
  19. Sorry to re hash an old thread, I stumbled on it while looking for something else Jerry Scheff related. I have read the book and found it thoroughly enjoyable and funny. Particularly some of his early Jazz gigs he mentions. And getting his lips stuck to a frozen mouthpiece. I would have liked more info on his bass guitars for sure, it didn't disappoint. It's possibly like Guys Pratt's book (which I'm yet to read properly) a collection of funny and amusing stories that have happened on his musical journey. In the mean time, I'm transcribing some of Jerry's Live Elvis bass lines.
  20. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1458940335' post='3012354'] I read that she's claiming to have played some of the Motown baselines that everyone previously assumed were, or were credited to, Jameson. [/quote] yes, she does claim to play on some motown tracks. I think I may start a separate thread to discuss this. I'm sure it's been discussed here somewhere, but a search doesn't show an obvious thread. I think it's possible and probably she did play on many tracks. Because of the Jameson book we assume it is him on the tracks mentioned. I'm open to the suggestion that it's not fully researched. There are still many questionable tracks and claims of hers. I always thought it was her on The Beach Boys track here until I saw the clip. There are enough comments under mine which suggest she was on the clip and either out of shot, or the musicians were there miming for the cameras.
  21. I wish there was someone that know Stevie Wonder or Berry Gordy to ask about a few of her claims. She has still done a great deal though.
  22. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1458930613' post='3012256'] Is it this? [media]http://youtu.be/d8rd53WuojE[/media] The Fender bass player looks very much like Carl Wilson. Carol Kaye may well have been on a Bass VI but couldn't see her in the clip. [/quote] that is the clip.
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452297360' post='2948769'] Great, thanks for posting. He was a very underrated bass player in my opinion. An inspiration to McCartney y'know, along with Jamerson. Wilson used session players later in the BBs career, notably Carol Kaye on Good Vibrations. I think so anyway. I may have dreamt it and can't be bothered to Google it. [/quote] [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1452337282' post='2948958'] [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_%26_Mercy_(film"]https://en.wikipedia...%26_Mercy_(film[/url]) This was Mark Kermode's video of the week on this week's review. And it was Carole Kaye on some of the later Beach Boys tracks - IIRC Good Vibrations had three bass tracks layered on it. [/quote] Interesting comments re CK. I've just seen a clip of the Beach Boys doing Good Vibrations. There are 2 bass players you see one an upright player, with a possible third. The main 2 definitely aren't Carol kaye. While Carol Never dressed girly, the third doesn't really look like her either. You only get a view from side slightly behind. It's a clip posted directly to Facebook, so I can't work out how to post a link to it here.
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