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Everything posted by DSBass

  1. I’ve had a couple of each. Love both J and P. I would love to have a Jazz, a P with rounds and a P with flats. But for the moment I have 2 Yamaha basses. One older BB5GS and a BB1024X. The BB1024X is a P/J pickup configuration and sounds absolutely great. It’s like a P on steroids with the ability to add some Jazz bass growl.
  2. Here's my little rig
  3. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1505948123' post='3375498'] I have a CMD 121P and it is fine with a 5 string, so a 151P should be even better! [/quote] Thanks:) Best regards/Daniel
  4. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1505882096' post='3374901'] Hi, I have the CMD151P and have to say it's the best combo by far that I've ever owned. Powerful and focused. Depends where you gig as to whether you'd need a cab. I cannot speak for the JB though but I'd imagine they are quite similar apart from it not having a tweeter and the amp facing forward. Hope that helps from 1 amp point of view.. Tom. [/quote] Thanks a lot. This one is the one I'm most interested in du to its light weight and the fact that it's smaller. Have you played a 5-string with it? If so, How does it handle the low B? I play mostly small to medium venues. One of my main gigs have a really good powerful PA and we have in ears monitors. I was basically thinking of going ampless but I like having a little air coming from behind Best regards/Daniel
  5. I'm thinking of getting a Markbass 15" combo. Has anyone tried both the CMD 151P Jeff Berlin amp and the Mini CMD 151P? What's the difference between the two sound wise? Would both of them be enough for gigging with a 5-string without an extra cab? On bigger gigs I have PA support. Thanks in advance
  6. I'm thinking of getting a Markbass 15" combo. Has anyone tried both the CMD 151P Jeff Berlin amp and the Mini CMD 151P? What's the difference between the two sound wise? Would both of them be enough for gigging with a 5-string without an extra cab? On bigger gigs I have PA support. Thanks in advance
  7. Here's my two yammies. BB1024X and BBG5S
  8. Hello. I owned it a short period of time and only played it at home. I thought it sounded really great. Cant say anything about gigging with itnor about the reliability though. Best regards/Daniel
  9. I was at 3 musicstores today but none of them had the bass so I couldn't try it out. Seems I have to order it online without the ability to test it first. I also have the opportunity to buy a BB1600 from 1986. Japan made. I know these are good basses. Hard to decide.
  10. Thanks for the answers. I have to try to find a 505 and try it out. Best regards/Daniel
  11. Hello! I am curious about Yamaha TRBX 304/305 and 504/505 series basses. I have owned a Yamaha BB 414 which I liked exept the look of it. I have also owned a TRB5P and a TRB1005j and I didn´t like the sound of those two at all. Are the TRBX sounding more like the BB series or the TRB series? Also, if you own and have gigged a lot with one of the TRBX basses, how do like it? How does it seem to hold up? Thanks for answers. Best regards/Daniel
  12. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1389899938' post='2339381'] It's a real shame you're having the truss rod issues, it's a lovely looking bass. [/quote] Ahh. Sorry. I was writing it wrong. Truss rod is fixed so theres no problem with the neck. Its me who have trouble with the neck. Its to wide. My english grammar aren't the best.
  13. [quote name='MikanHannille' timestamp='1389901350' post='2339415'] I meant my 1005 and 1005j. Just made in different countries. My 1005 was from Korea and 1005j is... well, Japan I suppose. [/quote] Ahaa. Okey. Well the 1005j is indonesian I think. Did you think the 1005j was noicy?
  14. [quote name='Jellyfish' timestamp='1389900326' post='2339389'] You can do almost anything with a 4 string, but it's a fact that a 5 string will give you extra notes which is the reason I mainly play 5 string; so I can be as versatile as possible. [/quote] Yeah, its so good to have when you need it. Especially I think for aor music type Toto and such.
  15. [quote name='MikanHannille' timestamp='1389900586' post='2339392'] They are pretty good and can do any genre if you ask me. I owned 1005 and 5pii both at the same time. Strangely I prefer the 1005. Although not a J but they are pretty much identical. I only sold both of them for a much lighter 5 stringer which my shoulder can't thank me enough. EDIT: I'm not saying that 1005 is heavy but 5pii definitely is. It's because a have a shoulder problem for a long time now. [/quote] Thanks. Do you mean the 1005j and Jazz are identical? In which way is that? Sound or feel?
  16. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1389899938' post='2339381'] It's a real shame you're having the truss rod issues, it's a lovely looking bass. [/quote] Yeah, its beautiful. Just dont for me.
  17. Thanks. I dont mimd narrow stringspacing. I dont slap neither:-) So that wont be a problem.
  18. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1389898591' post='2339351'] Stumbled across a YamahaTRB6PII bass in my local Cash Generator, these are discontinued aren't they? Thing looked flawless, £1400 seemed a decent price. Just don't know what I'd do with the extra two strings. [/quote] Yeah, they are discontinued.
  19. I just wonder if the TRB 1005j would do as the only bass or if I would be better of with a jazz type 4 string. My options are very limited.
  20. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1389897969' post='2339340'] A 5 string is far more versatile...... but why limit yourself to 1 bass? [/quote] I will have at least 2 basses in the future but right now I cant afford to have more than one.
  21. If I am going to have one bass only, and want as much versatility as possible, to play pop, rock, aor, hardrock, rnb, soul etc. Would I be able to do it with a 4-string or would I be better of with a 5-string? Thanks//Daniel
  22. To make a long story short. I just got a Yamaha TRB 5P. The neck got issues and Im not going to keep it. I also think its way to clanky sounding. Maybe I just got a bad ex. Haven't tried one before.Also I dont think its balanced to my liking when it hangs to the strap. So I have the opportunity to get a TRB 1005j instead. I know TRB 5P was a much more expensive bass but that doesn't matter to me. I want a bass that is allround. Hangs good on the strap. And sounds good without being to clanky. What do you think of the TRB 1005j? Especially you who have one. Do you think it would fullfill my needs? Cant find to many good videos or soundclips with it so if you have any you're more than welcome to post them here. Thanks//Daniel
  23. Not have it anymore
  24. Not have it anymore
  25. Not have it anymore
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