These pedals are for sale, located in Spain. They are all in excellent condition with velcro on the back, unless stated otherwise. Some of them will also include the user manual.
Prices include international postage. PayPal or bank transfer payments are accepted. I might be interested in some very specific trades. Any questions via PM are welcomed.
- Moog MF Drive v2. Includes user manual. 330 euros.
- Wounded Paw Blender v4, revision j1. Includes user manual. SOLD. 260 euros.
- Mu-FX Microtron III. SOLD. 130 euros.
- EBS BassIQ. Includes user manual. SOLD. 90 euros.
- EHX Bass MicroSynth XO. Includes user manual. 180 euros.
- VFE Bumblebee. Includes box and user manual. 160 euros.
- TC Electronic Sustain + Parametric EQ (Vintage). This one is in
“road worn” condition really, and it seems like someone tried to
paint it red (!) a long time ago. Fully working order in any case. 150 euros.