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Everything posted by Dood

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='489612' date='May 16 2009, 10:29 AM']I use the ER15s with the matching Sennheiser phones. BLOODY expensive but very, very good. Never had a problem with them coming out, I have to say.[/quote] Ok, cool! Thats good news What Sennheiser 'phones do you use? I'm interested! I thought I'd just clarify that I meant the earphone falling out the mould, not the mould out of the ear lol! Oh.. your signature pic.. can't help thinking it's a bit innappropriate for a forum. Fancy changing it mate?
  2. I'm sure you have tried out both rigs together.. how about a mini review describing how the Aggies compare to the Ampegs? ;o)
  3. I LOVED the 7400 head and the matching cabinets.. and the tone of a JCM 800 bass is pretty spesh too. I used to own a 200W IBS head running in to a 2x15. I loved the sound of it.. Simple, clean and loud enough for our little 3 piece I was playing in at the time. Although full of bottom, the 200W didn't cause any bowel movements that the unfortunate model name accronym may have suggested! However, the features of the head were very much an 'integrated bass system'. Would love to see Marshall revist the 7400 heads.
  4. Nice one Andy!
  5. Replied!
  6. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='489520' date='May 16 2009, 08:01 AM']I spoke to them last week about it and BK have discontinued that amp because the power modules they use are no longer available. I bought one of these, a Technical Pro DA-B3000, last week and its turned out to be an excellent purchase! Great sound, very clean, super flat response and hi-fidelity, bringing out a nice firm midrange in my basses. If you paired it up with a decent preamp that wasn't too scoopy (like a Demeter or Alembic F-1X), you'll have an outstanding value for money system. Looked too good to be true but it wasn't. [url="http://www.audiosavings.com/index.aspx"]The company[/url] also shipped it very efficiently and someone monitored progress of the shipment every day. Ped's got one that is the same design but a different brand name...so these amps get the Basschat Mods Choice seal of approval![/quote] Blue and Red LEDs!!! what a refreshing change! Wow! I want one ha ha ha ha!!!! Thanks Steve, I'll take a look!
  7. Just out of interest, what did you manage to bag it for, as I know 'stag' is most certainly after one!
  8. PM the mods/admins we details and we can look into it....
  9. Jason, I have edited your for sale title as you'd missed out saying you had an amp for sale. this should help things along for you.
  10. [quote name='Bassmurf' post='488799' date='May 15 2009, 12:50 PM']QUOTE (Toddy @ May 14 2009, 10:50 PM) "Nice call,,, Er didnt get it from me ,,,, But drinks in my old singists pub,,, the [i]{edit: removed by Dood as per previous posts}[/i] ....SSSSSSSSShhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Erm..didn't know if anyone else had spotted this is till showing on the thread![/quote] Thanks, missed that one.. now removed.
  11. [quote name='Stag' post='488742' date='May 15 2009, 12:06 PM']Correct - at the current Guinness Exchange Rate (GER) in my local boozer that makes 46.56 pints. Result[/quote] HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! "GER"!!!! Thats fantastic mate! lol
  12. [quote name='Stag' post='488707' date='May 15 2009, 11:46 AM']and dood - I apologise for my incessant dribbling about this subject for the past week. lol[/quote] No worries mate! It's cool! [quote name='Stag' post='488735' date='May 15 2009, 12:01 PM']So thats +2 for Barefaced so far.... interesting...[/quote] I'd posted on another thread about G.A.S - and have to say that on paper at least, Alex's cabs do tick a great deal of boxes. Quite like the idea of a monster 2x15 Big One ;o) As per our li'l discussion.. I have to agree with you that sometimes online shops don't do themselves any favours by putting one price online.. but when you order they are 'out of stock and you wont get another at the same price'. Just smacks of laziness or not being clear about a 'deal' price. Come one guys! - A website isnt difficult to keep updated! oh and there's another rant! lol - Webshops with gawd awwwwful websites. If I cant find what I am looking for in under 5 clicks.. I tend to go elsewhere! lol
  13. [quote name='mcgraham' post='488613' date='May 15 2009, 10:34 AM']That Hevos gear looks good. Why is it that irrespective of what you have, eventually you start thinking about changing for no particularly good reason? There is nothing I can think of that is wrong with my Berg, and it's size and convenience is more or less unrivalled. Yet I still find myself looking at large cabs with separate power section, despite my dislike of carrying more than is necessary. Ugh... I hate gear, such a pain! Mark[/quote] Yeah, the G.A.S phenomena! - I love my gear! Infact every 'configuration' I have owned I have loved in one way or another, yet I still pain myself looking at and trying to improve on what I have already! Grrrr!! My favourite rig, admittedly I sold on for 'health' reasons, but my latest incarnation of backline is pretty damn cool. i don't know! Is it that us bass players just cant be satisfied?
  14. [quote name='JanSpeeltBas' post='488565' date='May 15 2009, 09:55 AM']Do you really want a seperate poweramp? Why not use a head like the Hevos 400D (http://www.hevos.nl/engels.html) - tube preamp with digital poweramp in one rackspace and VERY GOOD sounding. As for the preamps you mentioned: I consider the SWR Grand Prix not a [i]real[/i] tube preamp, though it's marketed as "all tube" it has only a single preamp tube. And IMO it just doesn't sound as good as other (SWR)stuff. Had one for years but prefered the sound of the Groove Tubes preamp of my SWR Studio 220 (also single tube stage!). But then again, I'm really not into that tube sound...[/quote] Ahhh Hevos! I'd forgotten about them! I seem to remember them getting lots of interest on TalkBass.. I'm off to surf their site to see what updates they have. Cheers.
  15. [quote name='OldGit' post='488555' date='May 15 2009, 09:46 AM']and the plectrum in the pick guard ... [/quote] Err... I think it's a Dunlop one... damn! my attention to detail is floundering! [quote name='OldGit' post='488562' date='May 15 2009, 09:50 AM']oh wow That's great .. Cheers, Dood Phil Collins, what a drummer.. I really don't know why people slag him off .. and white horns with black gloves? That's tricky - playing sax whilst wearing gloves is like .. er well let's say like playing bass with oven gloves on ....[/quote] I love the bass walking under the horns, very cool... in fact many a-time have I thieved that Octave-5th-Root run in a nod to that great performance.
  16. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='488501' date='May 15 2009, 08:57 AM']I'm sure there's a topic out there somewhere, but I couldnt find it when I searched. At some point I would like a set of ER custom mould earplugs. I would then (at another point a bit further down the line) like to be able to remove the filters and replace them with a set of monitors. Which brand of monitor/earphone do I need to use? It would be nice if these had a straight plug as well, so I could use them with my iPod and the ridiculously naff cable management system in two of my coats which won't accomodate a right angled plug.[/quote] Hullloo! You'll be happy to hear that if you get in touch with Etymotic Research directly, you can buy a set of adaptors for their standard moulded plugs that allows their very own 'off the peg' in ear monitors to fit in your moulds. However, in my experience, you may be better off getting a set that are properly attatched (encased) to the moulds, so they dont pop out whilst you are in mid performance. There are also companies (like adcom services if they still exist) that can create moulds for your ears to fit monitors of your choice. (I have also seen they do ones that fit standard ear bud ear phones too.) In the meantime.. try these.. the sound improvement on a set of standard Sony EarBuds was just brilliant! [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Slic-Sound-Earphone-Enhancements/dp/B000ELL2MU"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Slic-Sound-Earphon...s/dp/B000ELL2MU[/url]
  17. [quote name='bluesparky' post='488429' date='May 15 2009, 01:06 AM']Aaaah, late night drunken posting, nothing like it![/quote] Late night yup, drunken.. noope! Though I think the neighbours may have been kept awake with some funky choons!
  18. Ahhh, love this song! Deacon on a Wal! [edit] ok.. so that should have embedded this video! I suck!! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8CefyvKcFY&fmt=18"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8CefyvKcFY&fmt=18[/url]
  19. My afore mentioned Deacy tribute bass ;o) - Just needs the complete gold hardware and it will be there!
  20. I was looking at the 'isolated bass tracks' thread earlier.. - Anyone know if there are any Deacon bass lines floating around out there? I once heard large sections of Boh' Rap' in a studio broken down, that was pretty amazing, but I never had the chance to crank up the bass on its own.
  21. Do I admit that I have a 'Deacy-alike' black P bass hanging on my wall now?
  22. Seriously? - I was having a long ole chat with 'Stag' today about our John... this is spooky! The guy is practically god!
  23. Good to 'hear' a great result!! Nice one! Now, can you turn it down, I have cracks in my walls from all that bass thunder!!!
  24. Have a look at the thread about the Ibanez Promethean in this very forum.. It's a 500W combo in a small box, that you can remove the amp out of and use seperately should you so wish. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=48607"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=48607[/url] 12Kg!! Combo @ Thomann [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_p5110_promethean.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_p5110_promethean.htm[/url]
  25. Ahhh... smart.. someone has done the typing for me:- [url="http://www.audioholics.com/education/amplifier-technology/the-truth-about-digital-class-d-amplifiers"]http://www.audioholics.com/education/ampli...ss-d-amplifiers[/url]
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