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Posts posted by Dood

  1. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='195531' date='May 9 2008, 04:31 PM']Don't be fooled by the size, ...... it did the job with perfection.[/quote]

    I am a new subscriber to the 'small box' format. I have to agree, on more than one occasion people have turned their noses up at my li'l amp. They do tend to change their mind when it keeps up with very little effort in a full rock band ;o)

  2. [quote name='Steve Lawson' post='196006' date='May 10 2008, 03:06 PM']I remember them - funny looking things, but really well made.

    I think it was the year I was demoing the Yamaha MIDI system - 98? 99?


    Sounds about right Steve. First time I saw ya. Seem to remember you were wearing a fetching sarong type thang? ;o)

  3. However, you can split the signal using the 3630, if you have a means to blend the signals back together.

    Using the side chain, the 'send' output (which I can't remember if it is 'ring' or 'tip' on the socket pins) will allow you to send an UNCOMPRESSED direct signal out of that channel of the compressor. I used to use this, so I could blend a dry signal with a compressed signal at the mixed inputs of my effects unit.

    you *could* take the send into channel 2 of the compressor, allowing you to have 2 compressors in parallel. One could then feed your effects, whilst the other could simply be used as a gain or balancing stage.. or even a limiter.

    You would just need to be able to mix those signals back up later. A simple passive resistor network *could* suffice, if you were returning the signal to a high impedence 'return'.

    If you are using this method, don't return an effected signal to the side chain, unless you specifically want the compressor to be controled by this signal. (you wont hear your effects by doing this, as it is a control signal only)

  4. For those who are interested, the BB3000 model is the same model as Billy Sheehan's Pink bass with the wide maple neck. I think he got an 'S' instead of an 'MA' on his though!

    I wonder how alike it is to Billy Sheehan's new BB series basses that are hitting the market soon.

  5. Melanie C's ole bass player, Kim Khahn.. Awesome 'in the pocket' player and sings awesome harmonies at the same time.. GUH! Makes you sick ha ha!!

    Err, Julz Ruzicka too.. just for playin' with style.. I think she is playing with ex-SikTh Mikey's 'new project'. Used to play with Million Dead, I understand.

    • Like 2
  6. I'm just running out the door.. but a thought I would post quickly.. Do try it, however check for 'phasing' issues when the two are combined without effects. Sometimes you can be left with a hollow, muffled, bass less or bass heavy sound in comaprison to the straight A/B'd signals. this is due to the signals being 'out of phase' with each other when you mix them back together. I have found that the worst effect is usually encountered mixing valve preamps with solidstate ones. Or even worse mixing a digital processor in parallel, as most have a good 2-4ms signal delay through the D/A convertors, which also forces the signal out of phase with a direct signal.

    Errrmmm.. all a bit confusing as I haven't explained it a s clearly as I could.. the advice would be to 'suck it and see'.. if it sounds good, then it shouldnt be a problem. It will be down to how you mix the signals and how easily it can be done.

  7. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='190530' date='May 2 2008, 02:01 PM']J all the way. Can't get along with wide necks...anyone want to buy a Stingray? :)[/quote]

    The neck on my 70's P is almost identical in size to my Fender Jazz neck.

    Neither basses have enough strings tho'! heee heee heeee.

    [edit] unable to vote, as my fave Fender bass would be my '89 Fender power jazz bass special. It's a bit of P and J.

  8. [quote name='paul, the' post='190166' date='May 1 2008, 11:46 PM']I hate my bass. It sounds so dull.[/quote]

    I hate every bass with dead strings... eugghhoo!!! just not my cup of tea!

    - oh speaking of which.. anyone fancy a brew?

  9. Hmmm.. well, I think I am a bit snobby to an extent. Maybe more because I am VERY fussy about my basses. Very few (if any) off the shelf cater to my needs, so I found that my best option in that case was to go custom.

    Don't get me wrong, I appreciate instruments for a nice feel and great tone... oh and a nice lump of wood generally. It's just rare for me to find all the 'magic' on a stock instrument.

  10. My chain is simplicty and flexibility..
    The whole thing is racked and cabling is very short indeed.

    Active bass > TC Electronic C300 > TC Gforce > MarkBass F1 > Epifani UL610
    (Multi band/parallel compression > AMAZING limitless effects > clean musical preamp > uber light power amp > stonking air movement and great sounding cab!)

    The Gforce has more effects and routing options than I am ever likely to use and probably why it is the only piece of gear I have never changed in many years of recording and playing. I beleive it is one of the best studio processors out there, still.

    Oh.. and I have a Sansamp on the way!

  11. My Band 'Within The Void' were originally named 'Antecedent', which in itself was quite cool. The meaning of the word suggested a slightly tongue in cheek approach to our music. However, we all got sick and fed up with telling people how to pronounce the word, let alone what it meant!

    A cautionary tale!

  12. I'm looking for a very particular drive style, so I guess I will be looking over this thread for sound clips HINT HINT!!!

    I'm even thinking about revisiting some plans I had a while back to build a preamp.. only this time it's gonna be a dirt box tone machine lol!

  13. [quote name='Wren and Cuff' post='184248' date='Apr 24 2008, 02:07 AM']Just FYI,

    The pickle pie "B" is much different than my own pickle pie or the BYOC kit.

    The pickle pie "B" is not a clone of anything. It simply uses the skeleton of the muff/pickle.

    It has a fet-hybrid clip section (I'd tell you the "hybrid" and FET part but I cant give away all my secrets).
    An active clean blend.
    Tonestack made to accommodate bass and retain its usability as the fuzz is turned down.
    A few major changes to how the pedal handles low-end signals.
    also other small tweaks here and there that only slightly affect the overall tone.

    And it makes you play as good as Jaco when you flip the magic "Jaco" switch.

    As far as my original pickle pie and the BYOC "pickle" kit. I would imagine they would sound pretty similar. I've heard good things about all their kits (not that anyone asked me).

    FYI, my favorite vintage muff is the PNP wired Ram's Head (uses 2n5087's).


    Hi Matt! Thanks for coming along to BassChat and sharing some information about your pedals. Welcome! - I'm off to check out your site now!

  14. [quote name='RaNoFuNkY' post='186708' date='Apr 27 2008, 08:02 PM']BUMP!

    Somebody snatch this up - I can't stand having this itch that I just can't scratch!!

    Top bass, top guy[/quote]

    Thanks chap!

    [quote name='steve-soar' post='186821' date='Apr 27 2008, 10:19 PM']Larks tongues, Ocelote's livers, get 'em while they're hot.[/quote]

    heh heh!!! Very good! "He's not the messiah..."

  15. I was just about to type a long list... but then remembered one of my favourite websites.

    Here's a good list of bass preamps to look at!


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