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Posts posted by Dood

  1. Good reading! - Hmmm... well, I'm not so fussed about a bass player being called 'over-rated'. There are some that get hyped, for example when being called 'the next big thing', or 'the greatest since...'. That can be a little tiresome sometimes. I have more of an issue with narrow-minded people who are so busy standing their ground about their views, that they fail to see the bigger picture. "Mr XYZ is the best bassist on the planet, no one is as good as them".. ahhh, yeh.. ok.. Smell the coffee!

  2. Yeah, actually the tone on some of my early recordings wasn't actually that bad.. but there is defintely a marked improvement in the upgrade, whatever quality pickup goes in. Michael Tobias preferred Bartolini pups. I have even seen Seymours in Tobias basses. I think the EMG extended range active soapbars are really good loud, powerful pickups. What I do like (and other manufacturers are following suit) is that you can get a whole different range of configurations in the same package sizes. The pups in this bass are both P styles, for a fat round tone with a quality bottom end and a clear top.
    My Shuker 7 string has EMG 'DC' style pups that sound a lot more like the musicman 'tone' in comparison. Raspy and biting with a very tight bottom end. Yet, DC's will drop straight into the Tobias without any soldering, thanks to the quick release connectors. I guess you have the option of J style, CS (similar to DC but softer) and TW configurable pups.

    so to sum up, yeah Wood, hardware and construction plays a big part in the tone of any bass but a larger percentage of your bass tone is the pickups (and electronics). Any bass with 'mighty mite' pickups should have an upgrade, you owe it to your tone ;o)

  3. [quote name='ped' post='184765' date='Apr 24 2008, 07:29 PM']I really can't remember how I started Bassworld version 1. I met Gerard, who at the time was the other administrator, possibly on Talkbass. We chatted over AOL messenger (good times) during 1998 and we set it all up. I used check the new posts on the forum on my WAP nokia phone![/quote]

    I came in quite early on Bassworld V1. I think I was a lurker first, before signing on. I remember there being very few members! I knew everyone by their real names!! he he.. kinda impossible now!

    I have no idea how I found the forum. It may have gotten a mention on TalkBass, or come up in a search engine listings. I spend very little time on TalkBass these days, if at all.

    T'is the BEST forum on the web! The biggest UK based bass forum too!

  4. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='183314' date='Apr 22 2008, 11:02 PM']What a load of tarts. He wants advice, and all you can do is try sell him your own 6-strings.

    Tut tut.

    Best thing to do is try em. And if that fails, I might be persuaded to part with my old Washburnn XB60 :)[/quote]

    Yeah we were a bit naughty eh!!

    Apologies! - I can understand how difficult it must be not being able to try any 6ers. How frustrating!!! I'm not really sure what to suggest, I guess what ever you do, it will be a case of having to purchase online to try out and hope the return policy isn't too heavy on the walllet.

  5. [quote name='Smash' post='180538' date='Apr 19 2008, 03:36 PM']Ha thats one of my old cabs, it was new when I sold it, one went to Dood the other here. He is good guy and on here too as same name.[/quote]

    Should have bought both yours when I had the opportunity Ash! Would have made a lovely pair ;o)

  6. [quote name='kingforaday' post='182970' date='Apr 22 2008, 04:54 PM']ha! ed you've seen me play 4 string... 6?! really?!? seriously don't reckon i could handle it, i'm too easily confused.[/quote]

    A common misconception! It takes a little time to get used to, for sure, but if you just go with the flow, your brain soon gets used to it!

    My trades list still stands above or a cold hard cash offer may secure a deal for you! Remeber I have a set of Active EMGs on board and a hard case in the bargain.

  7. [quote name='peteb' post='180234' date='Apr 18 2008, 11:57 PM']I want one of those!
    dood - what do they sound like? Power, etc?[/quote]

    Ahhh there's a few posts I have made about the F!, including on a thread about the LMII Vs the F1. It is big and deep sounding, very clear and surprisingly flexible. Light as a feather and has really changed my mind about MB gear. I am very impressed, as the head has proved itself in a band situation. Still not 100% sure about the cabs though. Havent found one I lik ethe sound of yet.

    On the subject of the Berg cabs.... here's how to make ANY cab powered / active. These are BRILLIANT. I owned one myself. Just slot it in the back of your cab, connect the leads and you have a active box that needs no preamp!


  8. [quote name='dood' post='179136' date='Apr 17 2008, 06:35 PM']I might like a Sansamp or similar as part of a deal. I used to have an M80, but I think I am swaying more to the BDDI. Anyone?[/quote]

    Maybe interested in something trade wise too. ^^^^ I did think about getting a second Aguilar GS-112, or a nice flat screen 19"+ PC TFT.

    Would also consider a good laptop.

    Anyone interested? tell me what ya got!

  9. Ahhhhh maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn there's nothing worse than hearing someone playing the 'tuning song' halfway through a set, when their ears have already been assaulted by an hour of the drummer's cymbal slices. Even worse when they attempt to do it at full volume! Grrrr... so unprofessional!

    Silent tuning all the way!

  10. Nathan, I deleted your duplicate post, then realised you had some other information on it. My apologies.. Here it is:-

    [quote]Firstly I apologize as I have already started a similar post in the wrong area......doh!.....I hope the moderators pick it up.

    I'm hoping that with all the knowledge on this site that I can get some good advide on good power-amps. I have an Epifani Quest pre-amp which I have been powering with an ok but HUGE power-amp.

    I have just found myself a new band and need something transportable so looking for advice on good quality power-amps. I have no idea where to start so makes, models, and general opinions. What does everyone else use?

    I cant spend a fortune and I suppose I only really need 400-800 watt and hopefully, light-ish and quiet-ish. Is there anything 1U available?

    Any info or advice would be gratefully received.

    Many thanks


  11. Those who know me will know what I will say next... I have much love for the 'nothing short of stunning' Powersoft 1u power amplifiers.


    Unfortunately the retail prices for these amps can be prohibitive, but if you can pick up a Digam D series amp on ebay for example, you can bag a bargain.
    I own a Digam D 2004 model shown here [url="http://pro-audio.powersoft.it/product_list.php?id_menu=271&obj=62"]http://pro-audio.powersoft.it/product_list...=271&obj=62[/url] - the power ouput is probably more than what is necessary for small gigs and pubs, but for touring on the big stage, with a couple of 8x10's for example, you'd never need more ;o)

    at 8.5Kg it's also a very lightweight and powerful solution.

    However, I am still in love with the 2.1Kg MarkBass F1 ! [url="http://www.markbass.it/products.php?lingua=en&cat=1&vedi=82"]http://www.markbass.it/products.php?lingua...t=1&vedi=82[/url]

  12. Without sounding boring.. ok.. it's boring, the Behringer MIDI controller FCB1010 or whatever it's called, is actually rather good! My mates have toured theirs round the world and they still work fine for sub £100.

    I use the Roland FC200 and it is brilliant! Also recommend the ART Ultrafoot and the Rocktron errrr.. board.. I can't remember what it is called!

    A home made unit would be very cool though, for sure!

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